Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the Old


Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the Old?

Yes, and initially around those cadre and trusted members prior to Dr. Pierce's death; the White Biocentric solution.
Yes, along the lines suggested by those who supported Erich Gliebe for ten years, as suggested here:
No votes
No, support Gliebe's "new & improved" non-membership National Alliance
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No, the time for organizing Whites as envisioned by Dr. Pierce has passed.
No votes
Total votes: 25

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Will Williams
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Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the Old

Post by Will Williams » Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:52 pm

This poll should help with achieving consensus among those who respond.

Those who vote no are free to leave, go fishing or become a Gliebe supporter.

Those who vote for number two, the NARRG approach (National Alliance Reform & Reconciliation) should join with Jim Ring and his crew and work with them to take the National Alliance back from Erich Gliebe by the methods proposed by them at We at WB wish you success.

However, those who vote for number one, to work with me and Kevin Strom to build our National Alliance based on how Dr. Pierce envisioned it before he died, are welcome to join this new National Alliance and take advantage of this WB forum to discuss our plans, our goals, our progress. That will be our consensus; no arguing about it with those who prefer another options

Our first tier of new Alliance members will, for the time being, give precedence to members who were in good standing in our Alliance before Dr. Pierce died, with special waivers to those friends and associates who worked closely with Dr. Pierce but never joined NA for one reason or another. This is not to discriminate against those who joined NA during Erich Gliebe's reign as Alliance Chairman, or against those who were not aware of the National Alliance before Dr. Pierce's death, but is a simple way for us to revert back to what our Alliance was during the years Dr. Pierce was alive. New Alliance members who weren't members prior to Dr. Pierce's death can earn their way into the top tier easily enough by meritorious participation.
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Benjamin Bice

Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by Benjamin Bice » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:31 am

I voted the first option because all I know about Jim Ring is that I read a poor letter by him last year promoting why he should be the National Alliance leader, and I believe he said some nasty things about Mr. Strom. I also know that Erich Gliebe hijacked, then ruined, the old National Alliance, so he is no one to follow. I thought the last option was a little over-the-top, as there is always strength in those with a common cause organizing. I wish the new National Alliance much success.

joseph pryce

Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by joseph pryce » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:44 pm

WesternVoices wrote:A new National Alliance is needed now more than ever.
dr.pierce formulated the American version of the Aryan esoteric doctrine that has been the motive-power of our people since the time of the pre-socratics, down to Nietzsche and klages. there can be little debate about this.

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Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by Chris Rossetti » Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:01 pm

The new National Alliance is already showing maturity in the way it has moved forward with its important work instead of getting involved in the hysterical mud-slinging of the NARRG faction of former Gliebe supporters.
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Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by Patricia » Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:08 pm

The best way as I see it is to stay as far away as possible from the heavily infiltrated and dysfunctional "movement" and recruit from the best quality Whites who have proven themselves in business, the military, art, science, or some other field, who have as yet not become involved politically. We want the kind of people who can actually do useful things for our future White community, and who can influence others.

This is what Dr. Pierce tried to do with good success, though his purchase of Resistance Records was a step in the wrong direction I think. This is where I want the new National Alliance to go.


Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by Cosmotheist » Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:27 pm

As a true Cosmotheist, I am pleased to vote for number 1, and as the "spiritual essence" of the "Old NA"
was the late Dr.'s Cosmotheism. As long as this "essence" survives "within" us and within this new "NA",
then the true "Fame" of a Dead Man's Deeds, was not in vain. I am willing to do my part to help this new
NA continue the works of "The Path", of "On Living Things", and "On Society" and "Towards a New People,
and a New Consciousness" towards our own unique racial destiny and up ever higher towards a Godhood.

Let us begin.....

Best regards,


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Will Williams
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Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by Will Williams » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:43 pm

It's good that we got 100% approval in this rather non-scientific poll.

I'm locking this topic since the goal set in #1 has been met.

Thanks everybody for participating and for your help reaching that goal, as stated.
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Will Williams
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Re: Do We Form a New National Alliance From the Ashes of the

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:51 pm

The answer to the question is yes. We do form a New National Alliance from the ashes of the old! The poll result was accurate.

Thanks, Kevin, for the nice update. I was reminiscing with Roy Bryant the other night about when it was only he and me and you when we decided to crank up this WhiteBiocentrism forum. If we couldn't conceive it, it couldn't happen,

I just unlocked this thread to put up here what was just posted to Stormfront thread The Future of the National Alliance ... st12577027 We'll see if it stays up.

The future of the National Alliance is bright again thanks to my funds, my two strong arms and a few, true faithful. :o UPDATE: listen here: Biological Reality, part 2 « National Vanguard

[L]et me take a moment and reflect on the past year — and the New Year which is just beginning. Last week’s program coincided with the 23rd anniversary of American Dissident Voices (ADV), and with this show we begin our 24th year. It also was one year ago that Will Williams asked me to restart this program after it had been abandoned by the unworthy nominal successors of William Pierce. We’re now on our 53rd program since that day.

Will Williams’ leadership went further than just ADV, however: He re-started the National Alliance as soon as it became known to him that the — what shall I call them? — the misleadership had openly abandoned Dr. Pierce’s vision and were even disbanding the Alliance as a membership organization. With his own funds and his two strong arms — and with a few faithful and true men and women behind him –he built a new media center and office complex for the reborn Alliance. He rescued two large National Alliance libraries, including Dr. Pierce’s invaluable research library, which contained a large amount of his correspondence and notes — from the auctioneer’s block.

And a few weeks ago, a spirit of negotiation prevailed over the spirit of confrontation, and former Green Beret Williams managed to rescue the corporate assets of the National Alliance itself and was named Chairman — and he rescued not just the Alliance, but National Vanguard Books, the Cosmotheist Community Church, all the land and buildings of our West Virginia community, all the valuable Internet domains and copyrights and inventory too.

I have known Will Williams for over two decades. He is as honest in his life and in his dealings as he is uncompromising in his philosophy and his dedication and loyalty. A Vietnam combat veteran, no one knows conflict better than he. But he is a level-headed man and knows how to gain his objectives without it when he can. And this he has accomplished.

There is much for us to do. The Alliance was looted and the misleadership drove away many of our best people. A core group has formed again, and the quality of that core is already starting to attract and unite others. Staff members are beginning to repair our community’s infrastructure, which has been neglected for years. Others are working to rebuild and modernize our media: one result this week is the re-opening of National Alliance | Toward a New Consciousness; a New Order; a New People as the main National Alliance organizational presence on the Web. As M.P. Shiel wrote a few days ago on National Vanguard, “It will serve as an initial ‘first impression’ and explanation of the Alliance for prospective members, featuring updated editions of our summary doctrinal statement What We Believe; and the comprehensive, in-depth introduction to our program (and history of the Alliance), our booklet What is the National Alliance?” We’ve already gotten some very positive reactions to the site — and it’s only been open for a few hours as I write.

In some ways we are starting from scratch; but the question we should ask ourselves is not “Is it difficult?” but rather “Is it necessary?” 2015 will be a year of hard work. I ask those of you not afraid of sacrifice and getting your hands dirty to give us all the help you can.

The time for squabbling has ended. The time for using self-interested lawyers and the System’s courts against fellow strivers in our cause has ended. It is time for us to close ranks and work for our people’s liberation. Those who prefer our path, William Pierce’s path, will join us. Those who prefer another path should take it. All of us should ask ourselves these questions: Where is your outreach? Where can the seeking White man or woman find your values, your moral system, your answers to the great issues of our age? We aim to answer all those questions proudly. I hope you can too, and soon. The dark time that precedes the Great Noontide is upon us.


That's somewhat more positive account of things than was that SPLC piece a couple of weeks ago, "Triumph of the Will." Nice title anyway.

[quote=Will Williams;11566813]I saw that letter, dated 6 September, 2013. Tsk, tsk! Mr. Gliebe also says in that letter that he has jettisoned the National Alliance Membership Handbook, too, though he had pretty much gutted it already when he came out with the "revised" second edition soon after Dr. Pierce died.

There's no one person who had the skill set, the focus, the determination, and other qualities that Dr. Pierce possessed. It's no wonder that the Alliance soon splintered and fell apart after his death, especially since the ambitious stumblebum Gliebe tried to fill his shoes.

Jim Ring, a long time California Alliance member, and some of his associates have offered for nearly a year now to take over the mess Gliebe has made of things, but that doesn't seem to be taking shape since Gliebe and his two other hand picked, rubber stamp NA directors aren't cooperating with Jim. Read about that here: Natallnews.

Kevin Strom and I recently set up a forum which may some day help fill the void left by Dr. Pierce's death and the loss of our National Alliance: White Biocentrism ? Index page Read our statement of purpose there and see if that appeals to you. Kevin and I helped Dr. Pierce write the original NA Membership Handbook when we were working on the mountain with him back in 1992-93, so we know how it was done when done right. Kevin was Alliance Media Director then and I was Membership Coordinator.

What's needed to get Dr. Pierce's vision back on track in my estimation is to return to the fundamentals of our mentor's teachings, hold to his world view, which he called Cosmotheism. Compromising on this ideology for the sake of expediency -- supposed short term gains by appealing to the herd -- was THE major, most stupid blunder by Gliebe & Co, among all the other blunders made over the past 11 years.

Those with whom Dr. Pierce's Cosmotheist message resonated with most are the ones I'd like see attracted to White Biocentrism forum. It's new and not very sophisticated yet -- we're still getting the bugs out -- but it's a start! There will be a Supporters Only subforum which will be more private, and with several tiers for varying levels of dedication. Precedence will be given to those who can establish that they were Alliance members in good standing before Dr. Pierce died.

Those who find this recent article appealing might like the WB forum: White Biocentrism ? View topic - Tomorrow?s Religion Those who don't, won' you, "Jack Acid." :p Dr. Pierce's strategy all along was to carefully build with the minority of our people who agree with us, and not try to appeal to the masses who disagreed...just like he's quoted in my sig file.[/quote]

Be it known that since I wrote that in September of 2013 I have apologized to Mr. Gliebe for calling him an ambitious stumblebum and all of those other awful names.
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