Baltimore Jews on their way to synagogue mugged by gang

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Baltimore Jews on their way to synagogue mugged by gang

Post by JohnUbele » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:48 pm

"...A gang attempted to mug two Baltimore Jews on their way to synagogue to morning prayers on Tuesday, the Baltimore Shomrim said.

Three to four cars reportedly pulled up alongside one of the victims, and muggers emerged to chase him. A victim identified by the Jewish neighborhood watch organization as Eli Neuberger managed to warn his companion.

"I was able to call 911, but I wasn't able to speak," Neuberger told the Shomrim. "These fellows ran across the street, tried taking my phone, and they just hit me on the head".

Neuberger reportedly did not suffer any major injuries and was given shelter by a neighbor, where he was able to contact the police. The Baltimore Jewish Federation said that the incident did not appear to be an antisemitic crime but a robbery..."


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Baltimore Jews on their way to synagogue mugged by gang

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:57 am

Hopefully those Jews will continue to follow their rule of "love thy neighbor" regarding these thugs. Who knows, it may happen again but with better results than just a lump on the old noggin.
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