Inside a hate group's leaked chats

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Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by GhostofCeline » Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:28 pm

There's a lot to say about this article but unfortunately I don't have enough time ( I've been working very long hours).

First thing, the magazine Unicorn Riot is one of the media that antifa uses. So obviously antifa infiltrated their group and gave the info to Unicorn Riot.

Next this is the group that had the video leaked of members doing Roman Salutes recently (I will try to find a link and post it in a reply in case anyone hasn't seen it).

I have seen many people question, or accuse, Patriot Front of being feds. I dont know and I don't care. If they're not, their OPSEC is garbage. I have zero interest in any group without a sound plan for the survival and advancement of the White race. Defacing negro murals is silly and criminal and help NOONE. You will only end up on a list. If you're a conflicted young man reading this and not sure how to help secure the existence of our people, join the National Alliance today or become a donor. ... 03987.html

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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by GhostofCeline » Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:40 pm

This is their leaked video. This version is a bit cropped, probably so youtube won't ban it. Notice though, at the very end the guy on the left who gives the Roman salute also appears to say "Pierce" as he does so.

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Levi Savage
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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Levi Savage » Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:35 pm

Here's the deal: Patriot Front is a pro-White organization.

I hope by posting this reply I can shed some light on the mainstream news coverage that has been given to Patriot Front and how that compares to how the organization works and operates in reality based on interviews with Thomas Rousseau and conversations I have had with current and previous members of Patriot Front.

Firstly, Unicorn Riot is unequivocally an Antifa outfit. Unicorn Riot takes a staunchly pro-Antifa line in all of their coverage and Antifa operatives use media outlets like Unicorn Riot to claim some form of legitimacy. In reality most if not all of the Unicorn Riot staff are Antifa or at least are sympathetic to them.

However, Unicorn Riot is well connected. Here's an article about how Unicorn Riot was given the personal information of a member of the National Guard by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in an obvious attempt to threaten the man's career: ... efs-he-now

Antfia is just a catchall term for a bunch of liberal lowlifes that don't have anything better to do with their time than to threaten, harass, and assault anyone they perceive as right-wing. Antifa is dangerous if you encounter them on the street and I would encourage anyone who's in the street activism scene to steer clear of them. The best case scenario is you piss off some scum of the earth pedophile who'll call you a racist Nazi, however the other case is much worse: ... tion-trump

Anytime any right-wing group organizes a public demonstration there are bound to be counter protesters present. What groups like Patriot Front have been trying to avoid since the lessons learned at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville is organized mobs of Antifa who will instigate violence in an attempt to get the demonstration shut down by the police. It goes without saying, the police and the FBI are on the side of Antifa, the police won't stop Antfia and other counter protesters from attacking right-wing demonstrators. Even pro-life demonstrators aren't immune to attack: ... rtland.htm

Patriot Front has two strategies they have successfully used to avoid having their demonstrations shut down by Antifa thus far.

First, Patriot Front meticulously plans their demonstrations and doesn't announce them to anyone in advance except their activists. So, their demonstrations are functionally like flash dance mobs. They arrive, demonstrate, and as quickly as they arrived, they extract themselves. This avoids much of the planned counterattacks by Antifa because Antifa is entirely comprised of couch potatoes who need notifications well ahead of time and a lot of poking and prodding by their fellow cronies to get out on the street in any meaningful numbers.

Second, Patriot Front operates in their own defense like Roman legionnaires. In videos of Patriot Front's demonstrations you will notice that the activists on the edges are shield bearers equipped with either steel or plexiglass shields. Here's a video from their most recent public action:

These shield bearers are trained activists who are there to repel any attacks by Antifa. The most common tactics employed by counter demonstrators in response to groups like Patriot Front is to injure the right-wing demonstrators by throwing projectiles at them like frozen water bottles, concrete milkshakes, rocks, etc. The shields are effective at blocking the majority of these improvised projectiles. Additionally, Antifa knows that if they can initiate an altercation with a demonstrator the police will come to break up the fight and arrest the right-wing activist while the Antifa thugs get to go free. The shield bearers discourage these cowardly tactics by repelling anyone crazy enough to charge the column. It's difficult to sucker punch or grapple with strong white guys who are pushing you away with metal or plastic shields.

This doesn't mean that Patriot Front's tactics have been 100% effective at preventing their public actions from being impeded. Patriot Front's march in Philadelphia, PA on July 4, 2021 was hounded by criminals and street walkers who happened to be out that night all along their parade route and on the way back to their trucks, but Patriot Front extracted all of their members without any casualties. However, their trucks were halted by the local police who had been watching Patriot Front get attacked and detained the demonstrators. Once the police determined they were unable to find a reason to arrest Patriot Front they released them. Footage from that event:

This conflict isn't new to anyone who has studied the history of George Lincoln Rockwell's organization the American Nazi Party or the German American Bund. Both organizations were heckled and relentlessly attacked by Jewish communists and counter protestors which bare a striking resemblance to the Antifa characters that attack groups like Patriot Front today. Just because George Lincoln Rockwell experienced attacks at his college speeches or public demonstrations didn't make his organization illegitimate or ineffective at achieving its mission just as Patriot Front being attacked and harassed at their public actions doesn't make them illegitimate or ineffective. In reality, it proves that they're more legitimate and effective.

The ridiculous claim that the members of Patriot Front are federal agents is false on its face. Alphabet agencies like the FBI spend the majority of their annual budgets on surveiling and infiltrating organizations like Patriot Front and feed Antifa information about pro-White activists like in the case of Unicorn Riot. Antifa, under direct orders from the ruling class attack Patriot Front, because they are in direct opposition to the international Zionist Jews who control this country. Secondly, Patriot Front is achieving its mission of making the general public aware of their struggle which is why the mainstream media and GOP shills are working overtime to put out misinformation about the organization.

The most recent drama involving Patriot Front was the hacking of their RocketChat servers. Yes, the chat servers for Patriot Front did have a vulnerability that gave malicious actors a backdoor around their security measures and allowed them to scrape the servers for the chat logs. However, while this attack was done by self-declared "hackivists" it certainly wasn't Patriot Front's fault that the hackers found a way in. The vulnerability that these attackers exploited was not already known and took extensive knowledge and experience to utilize, so these were not armatures. We already know that the FBI works with Antifa and other criminal elements so it's not a stretch to say that Unicorn Riot received these chat logs from a state-sponsored actor.

Thankfully, the chat servers were quickly secured as a recent interview with Thomas Rousseau confirmed. No user information was leaked in the hack other than the pseudonyms and usernames that Patriot Front members use for their RocketChat accounts. So, in short, Patriot Front takes extensive measures to ensure that their members are anonymous on the street and on the Internet. To say that Patriot Front has bad OPSEC is just untrue, they are being as careful in their actions as one could reasonably be. Here's the link to the Thomas Rousseau interview:

To give you a brief history of Patriot Front and their actions, Patriot Front was formed in 2017 out of the now defunct Vanguard America in the fallout of the Unite the Right rally by Thomas Rousseau. In an interview, Rousseau explained that PF began with just himself and 20 other men in his home state of Texas. According to the RocketChat leaks, Patriot Front's membership in 2022 is over 200. That's significant growth for the organization over the last 5 years especially with Rousseau being only 24 years old. Since Patriot Front's founding their messaging has been straightforward and as clear as day. With slogans like, "reclaim America" and "better dead than red" Patriot Front has set itself out there as a distinctly anticommunist and pro-White organization. To get a more comprehensive history of Patriot Front you can listen to another interview with Thomas Rousseau here: ... iotFront:b

Now, Patriot Front's activism and messaging seems shortsighted to me because there are systemic problems that have been plaguing our race not just since the founding of America but for 100s of years. However, this doesn't mean that what Patriot Front is doing is wrong or is dangerous to its members anymore than identifying as a proud White person is dangerous. Patriot Front is exhausting every possible means to get a pro-White message out to the masses and attracts young white men to their cause and gives them lessons in self improvement. Even the degenerate Left complains about how much new members cut weight and clean up their lives: ... orn-habits

If you're worried about getting on one of the alphabet agencies "lists" then I can only say one thing, you already are. Just by accessing websites like your Internet browser, your ISP, the wire taps that the NSA has on all broadband Internet traffic, or specific Israeli spyware programs like Pegasus is reporting your Internet traffic back to NSA databases all over the US and internationally. Whether it's the MAINCORE database for American dissidents or any other database the FBI, NSA, the National Resources Division of the CIA, etc have, one thing is clear: We are all on some kind of list. So, I've said it before and I'll say it again. We should stand with other pro-White organizations like Patriot Front because, "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." -Benjamin Franklin.

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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Grimork » Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:13 pm

I am not a fan of Patriot Front. ... ttesville/

But yeah, you can't hide from the feds if you're on the internet at all, or if you use cell phone communications. Heck, if you don't there's chances even your landline can be tapped, they've done it before. I'm sure I am on a list somewhere. Good, it means I am on the right track and doing the right things, as far as I am concerned.

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Will Williams
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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:53 pm

Levi Savage wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:35 pm
Here's the deal: Patriot Front is a pro-White organization.

I hope by posting this reply I can shed some light on the mainstream news coverage that has been given to Patriot Front and how that compares to how the organization works and operates in reality based on interviews with Thomas Rousseau and conversations I have had with current and previous members of Patriot Front...

That's quite a defense of PF, Levi. We in the National Alliance don't care about them, or antifa, Yahoo news, Christian Daily, YouTube, the National Justice Party, or social media like Vice and odysee, etc. -- I don't anyway.

Some members try to promote our Alliance on Internet social media sites, but without much in the way of real results. Some sites are actually anti-NA. Do what you can out there to promote NA, but be aware of that.

It will not be so soon that you can learn all about the 50-year history of our Alliance, but you'll find it eventually by reading our own material about the folly of building elusive "unity" with other "movement" groups, etc. Please read this where I'm quoting our Founder's words on the subject from 20 years ago, before there were so many competing "social media" distractions, and just a few months before he died: ... ompromise/

Read our Wolf Stoner's recent comment under that article. Here's part of that:

Wolf Stoner
17 January, 2022 5:22 am

It is absolutely essential to hold hard line. Nothing can be achieved without adherence to the core truth. There can be no compromise on the foundational principles. I think that the basic principle of the priority of Race is shared by all pro-White groups (except those fools who try to ingratiate themselves with authorities and to gain access to the electoral process).

The main bone of contention for the wide nationalist/racial movement will be Christianity for many years to come. And it is precisely here where the hard line should be kept unflinchingly. Christians should not be allowed to privatize the whole question of identity and traditional values, as they actively try to do. This Universalist totalitarian cult always tries to replace any independent thinking; therefore, there is no doubt that its adepts would follow the same path now and in the future. But they should be denied free way in this field. They shouldn’t have such a monopoly. Yes, we can’t push out them at present, but eventually they should go away. Christianity should have no place among White Race. Christianity is the best religion for interracial trash; the religion of slaves and mentally deficient creatures...
I will be featuring Wolf's reinforcing NA position of no compromise in the January NA BULLETIN. We may lose a couple of our members over this, but so be it. There are many, but another article about "movement" compromise is here: ... mpromised/
Grimork wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:13 pm
I am not a fan of Patriot Front. ... ttesville/

But yeah, you can't hide from the feds if you're on the internet at all, or if you use cell phone communications. Heck, if you don't there's chances even your landline can be tapped, they've done it before. I'm sure I am on a list somewhere. Good, it means I am on the right track and doing the right things, as far as I am concerned.

Thanks, G. I had received that Renegade Tribune expose of PF a while back, but decided not to share it here for the reason above. Although RT shares NA's position on Christianity, and has produced some good work over the past few years, the fact that they have attacked our Alliance is reason enough not to promote them or their apparent valid expose of Patriot Front.

An Alliance member you know had joined PF prior to joining our Alliance and had even participated in some of their demonstrations, so I had him stay on with PF "on the inside," so to speak, for a while to let me know all about them and their positions on certain issues. I was not impressed by what I learned. They are very active with fliering and such, and getting media attention, but not much more than that.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Grimork » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:27 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:53 pm

Thanks, G. I had received that Renegade Tribune expose of PF a while back, but decided not to share it here for the reason above. Although RT shares NA's position on Christianity, and has produced some good work over the past few years, the fact that they have attacked our Alliance is reason enough not to promote them or their apparent valid expose of Patriot Front.
Nobody's perfect. I'm not trying to promote them, nor do I agree with everything they write. But, I think they do a good job of exposing a lot of people in the movement. They're probably subject to the same folly that no group can be "good enough" or "right." I've seen negative things from RT about National Alliance or at least one article that was disrespectful to Pierce it was an opinion piece (It seemed ungrounded in fact, and attacked mostly Turner Diaries (which of course is fiction, not an actual plan of action)). I have also seen where they have republished some of Pierce's articles and talked favorably about Cosmotheism as well. So, to me it's a wash. Maybe I am wrong though, I don't know the history between RT and NA.

I'd much rather post an expose' from National Vanguard in regards to Patriot Front instead, but unfortunately there isn't one.

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Levi Savage
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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Levi Savage » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:14 am

I totally agree with Wolf Stoner's quote about what we should focus our messaging on, however I acknowledge that there are a plurality of pro-White organizations out there and none of them are perfect. But, to reject them wholesale as being "ineffective" when their intentions are in the right place I believe to be a strategic error. I recognize that I grew up fast in the pro-White space online. I jumped into pro-White politics with both feet and immediately began organizing with several groups that either don't care to associate with me or I don't care to associate with them anymore. That being said, I wouldn't have heard about Dr. William Luther Pierce or the National Alliance without the cartoon Murdock Murdock which I was introduced to while I was still talking with other pro-White organizations. Just last night for example, I was talking with a White guy online who is frustrated that a lot of pro-White groups hold onto Christianity as something they want to preserve or reinvent. He identified that Christianity is anti European and is the source of much of our spiritual problems. I'm working to introduce him to the National Alliance, the only organization I know of, which addresses the Christianity problem. The National Alliance is the best pro-White organization so far organized and I work everyday to see that the membership grows and we progress in our mission. One of the best ways I've found to attract interested parties is to talk to other pro-White individuals which may already agree with the majority of our tenants rather than start from scratch with a lay person.

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Will Williams
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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:51 pm

GhostofCeline wrote:
Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:28 pm
I have seen many people question, or accuse, Patriot Front of being feds. I dont know and I don't care. If they're not, their OPSEC is garbage. I have zero interest in any group without a sound plan for the survival and advancement of the White race...
You will only end up on a list. If you're a conflicted young man reading this and not sure how to help secure the existence of our people, join the National Alliance today or become a donor.
Patriot Front Member Arrested in Idaho
Carrying Megaphone Marked With 'FBI' on it

12 June 2022

On Saturday, 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest. They were traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a U-Haul. Following the arrests, a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement. It appears that one of the men arrested was carrying a megaphone marked "FBI."

All the more reason to not show up at queer parades with shields, expecting trouble, to shake your weenies or whatever at the queers. To do so is to expect infiltration of your group by law enforcement.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by RCavallius » Tue Jun 14, 2022 2:21 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:51 pm
GhostofCeline wrote:
Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:28 pm
I have seen many people question, or accuse, Patriot Front of being feds. I dont know and I don't care. If they're not, their OPSEC is garbage. I have zero interest in any group without a sound plan for the survival and advancement of the White race...
You will only end up on a list. If you're a conflicted young man reading this and not sure how to help secure the existence of our people, join the National Alliance today or become a donor.
Patriot Front Member Arrested in Idaho
Carrying Megaphone Marked With 'FBI' on it

12 June 2022

On Saturday, 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest. They were traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a U-Haul. Following the arrests, a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement. It appears that one of the men arrested was carrying a megaphone marked "FBI."

All the more reason to not show up at queer parades with shields, expecting trouble, to shake your weenies or whatever at the queers. To do so is to expect infiltration of your group by law enforcement.
Which kinds of public activities should Alliance members and/or Units engage in? Which should we avoid?

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Inside a hate group's leaked chats

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Jun 14, 2022 3:39 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Tue Jun 14, 2022 2:21 pm
Which kinds of public activities should Alliance members and/or Units engage in? Which should we avoid?
If by "public activities" you mean demonstrations, marches, political rallies or anything else not sanctioned by the NA, the answer is none. If you go to one to talk to people about joining us, you're taking a huge risk of implicating us if the deal goes south and you're arrested.

You can pass out literature, organize private gatherings, publicly display our banners, write letters to the editor of the local paper, comment on radio talk shows, broadcast radio on unregulated low power radio waves ADV or POT programs and so on.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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