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Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:48 am
by Benjamin Bice
Ken Owsy wrote:they simply afraid that there'll be no such benefits as it was under liberals. And fewer possibilities to intimidate Americans on their land
Howdy, sir. May I ask what specifically you are responding to?

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:33 pm
by Benjamin Bice
Brits man (61) beaten to death during armed robbery

A 61-year-old man was beaten to death with a monkey wrench by a gang of armed robbers on his smallholding outside Brits on Sunday night.

December 5, 2016

Gelome Enslin (61) was beaten to death by a group of armed men.

Daleen van Manen Journalist

Gelome Enslin, his wife Marie (59), a tenant and a worker were beaten, tied up and held at gunpoint by a group of between seven to ten armed men for hours before the robbers fled with the couple’s vehicle, a motorbike and household goods.

“It seems my father heard something outside the house around 20:00 and went to investigate. He was overpowered by the men and hit over the head with presumably a monkey wrench,” Enslin’s son, Jacques (25) told Kormorant on Monday.

“He was still alive and they carried him back inside where they tied him up. They hit my mother and threw her to the ground before tying her and the tenant up.” A worker on the smallholding, who was severely beaten, was also brought into the house.

Enslin died on the scene a while later.

The men ransacked the house and fled hours later with the family’s white Nissan Navara with registration number JJV157NW, a Honda Fireblade superbike, television sets and other household goods.

Marie sustained bruises and cuts and the worker was seriously assaulted. They were taken to hospital for treatment.

The police have launched a manhunt for the robbers and are investigating a case of murder and armed house robbery. ... d-robbery/

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:38 pm
by Benjamin Bice
‘I want to rape you,’ says evil-eyed farm attacker
They killed her husband with a large black gun. ... E.facebook

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:15 pm
by Wade Hampton III
White Slavery In The New South Africa (Video)

Equality has finally happened in South Africa, where Whites
suffer under brutal Negro occupation:
White Gurl Bleed Alot
White Gurl Bleed Alot
newblackelite.jpg (108.75 KiB) Viewed 10520 times ...

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:20 pm
by Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:52 pm
by Benjamin Bice
South African 'genocide' called 'microcosm' of what's coming to America


It’s a grim reality unfolding in the supposed Rainbow Nation each and every day. And it’s largely ignored or even excused by the establishment media.

“There is a genocide going on in South Africa right now, and it is the genocide of white farmers,” said Carl Gallups.

On a recent edition of his radio show “Freedom Friday,” the pastor hosted Alex Newman, a former resident of South Africa and an international journalist who has been sounding on alarm on the disturbing developments in the country.

“What’s happening there now is just monstrous beyond words,” said Newman. “I think genocide is a very appropriate term to use there.

“You have the organization Genocide Watch, and they put the Afrikaner minority which is descended from the Dutch, the German and the French immigrants that went down there in the 1600s and kind of became a nation of their own, at Stage Six on their genocide scale. Actually, just a few years ago, they had them just on stage before the actual extermination process because you had the president going on television singing genocide songs, openly, in front of his military at the ruling party’s anniversary celebration. It’s a dire situation.

“Can you imagine the president of a country singing ‘Bring Me My Machine Gun’ because my cabinet and I are going to exterminate a particular minority group? Any sensible person would recoil in horror, as this is absolute craziness.”

South Africa was settled by both Dutch and British settlers. Since apartheid was overturned, the country has been run by a black majority and the white minority – probably less than 10 percent of the nation’s population – is part Dutch-derived (Afrikaner) and part British-derived.

Newman, an international reporter and author of “Crimes of the Educators,” said the skyrocketing crime rate against whites in South Africa and the continued government incitement against whites has ominous implications.

He criticized South African President Jacob Zuma, a former Communist Party member, as someone who “openly incites genocide.”

“He’s said before Christians are the cause of all the problems in South Africa,” said Newman. “It’s incredible. He really is inciting genocide against whites and against Christians, and people really are going out and doing unspeakable things on a massive scale against completely innocent people.”

Newman described the atrocities being inflicted against Afrikaner farmers, including torture with electric drills and blowtorches, the slaughter of women and children, the pouring of gasoline and bleach down victims’ throats and even rapes of babies.

“And no one is paying attention; that is the most incredible part,” exclaimed Newman in outrage.

Since the 1990s, there have been between 2,000 and 4,000 farm murders, and about 15,000 farm attacks. White South African farmers are several times more likely to be killed than South African police officers or even American soldiers serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. Some suggested white South Africans should even qualify as refugees and should be welcomed by the Netherlands or the United States.

“There is no other group in the world that faces this kind of slaughter,” Newman claimed. “The government not only ignores this, it encourages this.”

Newman said that when a small party that historically defends white South Africans attempted to debate the issue in Parliament, a member of the ruling African National Congress openly defended the murders, screaming: “Good! Bury them alive!”

Gallups asked the obvious question of what the country’s leaders think will happen once they successfully murder all the people who produce the food.

“It’s a very good question,” said Newman wryly. “We know what this produces. All we have to do is look north to Zimbabwe, where they are starving to death after the exact same thing. So you would think they’d get a clue, but unfortunately not.”

Newman suggested the reason the media are ignoring the violence against white South Africans is because journalists played a large role in creating the political climate that led to the atrocities of today. He noted South Africa had many different options during the 1980s and 1990s about how to dismantle apartheid, but the “media and the Western establishment” demanded an immediate surrender of power to the communists and the terrorists.

“There were a lot of black groups and white groups who said, no, this is a terrible idea, let’s think about this a little bit before we hand all power to this Soviet-backed militant organization that has been murdering people, that has been putting tires around black people’s necks and setting them on fire for opposing their policies,” explained Newman. “But no, the media had to have it their way … and so now we see the fruits of it, and no one wants to look at it.”

Gallups said there are ominous signs of the same kind of slow-building demonization campaign in the United States. He noted former President Barack Obama’s attempts to incite people against police officers and Christians, a process Gallups outlined in his book, “Be Thou Prepared.”

Newman agreed the parallels are there.

“What’s happening to the Afrikaner minority in South Africa is a microcosm in my view of what’s coming, or at least what the globalists and the establishment hope is coming, to what remains of the Christian West,” he said.

“In South Africa, you have this Christian minority that brought Western Civilization to what was at the time an almost uninhabited land. I think people in America have a hard time understanding this because we have a different point of reference, but the chasm between the culture of the Afrikaners – Western Christian farmers – and some of these African people groups which exist to this day, which worship ancestors and things like that, is enormous. Imagine taking farmers from Kansas and dropping them into the middle of Rwanda and saying, ‘Now you guys are going to have a democracy.’ It’s a very hard thing to understand, but you could see where it would lead.”

Newman said the attempt to force all peoples and cultures under a single system will cost Western Christians dearly.

“I think people need to realize that we’re moving toward this global system,” he warned. “The U.N. is now constantly declaring itself to be the global government. The last secretary general said the U.N. is the ‘parliament of humanity.’ So what’s going to happen to what remains of the Christian West, under this system that they’re talking about imposing on us? Well, we’ll be a tiny, outnumbered minority with no ability to control our own destiny, no ability to control our own schools and our own education and our own institutions.

“I think what’s happening to the Afrikaner community in South Africa is essentially a sneak preview of what will come to the remnant of the Christian West if we allow this all to continue.”

Read more at ... pfxy2C4.99

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:17 pm
by Benjamin Bice
Another White Farmer Murderd In Cold Blood And Set Alight! - See more at: http://whitegenocideandotherinsouthafri ... 6QOAR.dpuf

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:04 am
by Benjamin Bice
'F*** White People' Deemed Not Racist or Hate Speech by S. African Judge

Nick Kangadis, @TruthOfChicago
July. 6. 2017

Apparently, it’s now okay to be racist toward white people in South Africa, and you won’t be called a racist for it!
A judge in South Africa ruled on Tuesday that art or posters displaying the message “F*** White People” aren’t to be considered racist or hate speech.
According to the South African newspaper Mail & Guardian:
The posters, which were covered with the words Fuck White People in black-and-white all caps letters, has been on display since 2016 alongside a chair and “goldendeanboots” as part of an exhibition called The Art of Disruptions at the gallery. The work was created by Dean Hutton, a Masters student in fine art at the University of Cape Town who wore a suit with the same print publicly before Iziko approached them.
The Cape Party sought an order for the Cape Town magistrate’s court to declare that the posters are hate speech and racist because they violate the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act. But Magistrate [Daniel] Thulare dismissed their case.
The magistrate, however, declared the poster wasn't racist was because it was art that could actually unite the people of South Africa.
“If there is one thing that the work has achieved, through this complaint and others to which my attention has been drawn if this matter, is to draw South Africans to a moment of self-reflection, if we are serious about building one nation, one collective with the same values and agreed principles,” Thulare said in his judgment.

How in the blue hell does promoting racism to the masses possibly unite people in any way?
Hint: It doesn’t.
If there’s one thing that radical liberals and Socialists around the world need to get through their thick skulls, it’s that white people can be victims of racism and discrimination just like any other race out there.
If anyone said “F*** [insert race here] people” about any other denomination in the world, it would be an almost absolute certainty that the person would be labeled as racist or charged with hate speech.
How about instead of being ignorant imbeciles on daily basis, we just leave each other alone, and let people live their lives within the law, regardless of race? Just a thought.

H/T: Heat Street ... g.facebook

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:33 am
by Benjamin Bice
ANC leaders debate confiscating white assets without compensation

JULY 5, 2017
A heated six-day ANC Policy Conference ended today. The ANC appears fully committed to a program of “radical economic transformation” that will include the redistribution of white-owned assets to blacks. South African President Jacob Zuma railed against “white monopoly capital,” which he called “the primary adversary of the collective interests of our people.”

There was a huge controversy over how whites should be compensated for expropriated assets. The younger members tend to support zero compensation. Older members tend to support some compensation. A white ANC MP, former Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom, was shouted down by members of the ANC Youth League. Hanekom is a leading ANC opponent of confiscation without compensation. The Youth League packed the audience during his speech and screamed insults. The speech descended into a shouting match.

The Youth League issued a statement warning the ANC’s “old guard” that membership will be liquidated if they don’t return to the historical mission of the ANC. They characterized white monopoly capital as “the enemy of the revolution.” They also want Derek Hanekom to be disciplined.

Zuma told the crowd “We agree that using the fiscus for land redistribution must be accompanied by other measures if we are to achieve the goal at the required pace.” He followed with “where it is necessary and unavoidable this might include expropriation without compensation.” The current plan from the ANC’s economic transformation team calls for compelling all mining companies to be at least 30% black owned. The conference also discussed the possibility of nationalizing the South African Reserve Bank.

Zuma was also under attack for his relationship with the Gupta family. This is an Indian family, who’s members are among the wealthiest people in South Africa. Gupta-owned companies allegedly diverted $3.3 million of public funds to pay for a super lavish wedding. The Zuma administration is accused of covering it up.

The ANC fears losing more ground to the new Economic Freedom Fighters [EFF]. This is a party is run by Julius Malema, the former president of the ANC Youth League. It was founded in 2013 and its supporters are disproportionately young and male. The EFF’s subscribes to Sankarism, after the former Communist dictator of Burkina Faso Thomas Sankara. The EFF openly calls for the confiscation of white assets without compensation.

Critics of Malema say he is pushing the country towards civil war. ... pensation/

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:58 pm
by Wade Hampton III
'Whites-only' Town To Launch Digital Currency! ... index.html

Wade says, "If they can do this, why can't North
American Whites do the same thing?"