Ready For Secession Yet?

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Douglas Mercer
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Ready For Secession Yet?

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:04 pm

When I wrote this, six full days after the 2022 midterm election, the situation was still undecided. The Senate is apparently in Democrat hands again, and the House was “leaning” Republican , although some 19 (!) races are still undetermined. [Editor’s note: The Democrats have indeed held the Senate, and the Republicans now have been assured of a very slim majority in the House.] But in any case, what we have witnessed here are multiple systemic failures at multiple levels. The simple fact that so many races have no results even now, over a week after the fact, is itself an indictment of “American democracy.” But the problems go much deeper than that. If it wasn’t already obvious, the system is broken beyond repair. The house is rotten. New siding or new paint won’t do it. Down it must come.

But before I get to that, let’s look at a few details of the results. Even a basic analysis at this point is helpful. Obviously the anticipated Red Wave never materialized, but there were still a few bright points. At the moment, according to the Cook Report, Republicans have earned 5 million more votes than Dems in House races (out of about 100 million cast). This gives them a 51.7% to 46.8% edge in terms of total votes—a significant margin. If this margin is reflected in the final tally, Reps will hold 225 House seats and Dems 210. We will see what comes.

Strangely enough, in the 2010 “Obama backlash” midterm, Republicans won by a very similar margin in terms of total votes (51.7% to 45.0%), and yet held 242 seats—a full 17 more than expected this time. This is an astonishing difference; clearly, new district maps have favored Democrats. They clearly have profited from the many redistricting initiatives out there.

Also, the current split in the House races is almost the exact mirror image of the last presidential election, where (officially, at least) Biden took 51.3% and Trump 46.9%. To me, that indeed counts as a ‘Red wave,’ even if it is something less than expected.

In terms of racial categories, as Kevin MacDonald emphasizes, Whites voted 58% Republican, whereas non-Whites went 68% Democrat. (Among non-Whites, Asians voted 58% Dem, Latinos 60% Dem, and Blacks a whopping 86% Dem). This is highly revealing. By significant majorities, Whites see Republicans as their party, and non-Whites see Democrats as theirs. Bottom line: When Democrats win, non-Whites win. And when Republicans win, Whites…well, they don’t win (we never really win these days), but at least White grievances can be heard.

And then a few other interesting statistics: Voters who had a least one gun in their household voted 66% for Republicans—unsurprising, and potentially good news down the road. And this was some 53 million voters! Second, a surprising (to me) 27% of voters said abortion was their #1 issue. (Really? With all the problems in the country and the world, with your economy a mess, a doddering senile president, and a planet facing potential nuclear war, abortion is #1?) These were largely incensed liberal women, and they voted 76% Dem. Third, 53% of voters said immigrants “help the nation” and just 39% said they “hurt the nation.” (Obviously, the relevant issue at the moment is illegal immigration, but cleverly, the question did not specify.)

What about election fraud? Was this election, too, “stolen”? I must admit that I have yet to see compelling evidence for fraud in 2020, but I remain open to the possibility. And there are already hints of problems now in 2022, but it remains to be seen if these amount to enough to account for the difference in outcomes. Also, as Tucker Carlson has pointed out, it is highly suspicious that, of the longest-delayed results, Democrats seem to win most of the time—the figure he cited was 77%. It’s almost like, “Keep counting until the Dem is ahead, and then stop.” Again, we’ll see where the longest-delayed and closest races shake out this time. But the example of the Senate is not encouraging. Of eight tight races there, Dems won four, Reps won three, and Georgia is in a runoff, almost certainly to go Democrat. That will give Dems five of eight (63%) close races in a national environment that was supposedly pro-Republican.

But my main takeaway from the current situation is this: Whether there was fraud or not, either way, the outcome is very bad. If there was sufficient fraud to tip the outcomes, then the system obviously has zero credibility and something approaching a revolution is immediately required. On the other hand, if all reported votes are legitimate, then that tells us that far too many people were willing to reward the current administration; that they are not terribly upset about record inflation caused, in part, by record federal spending; that they don’t mind funding wars in Europe; that they were not all that concerned with the Covid fiasco that allegedly killed over 1 million Americans and destroyed thousands of small businesses. (Republican candidates should have repeated over and over: “vaccine mandates,” “mask mandates,” “shutdowns,” “school closures,” “Anthony Fauci,” “Rochelle Walensky,” etc., etc. Remember those?) In short, either we have (1) a fraudulent democracy that is literally worthless, or (2) an electorate so bamboozled by the Jewish media machine—and Jewish porn, and Jewish legalized pot—that they can hardly think straight. Both alternatives are bad news indeed.

The bit of good news, again, is that a strong majority of Whites (58%) could see through the nonsense and propaganda. This is certainly cause for hope. But even at that, a Republican vote was really nothing more than “sending a message.” Even with a true Red Wave, even with a Republican House and Senate, virtually nothing was going to change anyway—partly because of Biden, but mostly because the same corrupting forces hold sway in both parties.

As we know, Jewish donors are dominant funders of both parties. One recent Jewish study admits that “Jews donate as much as 50 percent of the funds raised by Democrats and 25 percent of the funds raised by Republicans.” Other sources give higher estimates.[1] But even these figures are appalling. Think of it: Of the hundreds of lobbies and special interests out there, a quarter to a half or more of all campaign funds come from a single lobby: the Jewish Lobby. Guess who calls the shots. Politicians just don’t pass on that kind of money because, quite obviously, they understand that they can’t be elected by alienating Jewish money. The Democrats are totally and completely sold to the Jews, and the Republicans are only slightly less sold-out. No matter who won, the Jews win—and Whites lose.

That is the definition of a rigged system: a small, wealthy, corrupt minority wins out over a large majority of the people. Until that changes, nothing of substance will change. Even if Trump or DeSantis miraculously wins in 2024, nothing of substance will change. In fact, the Jews love nothing more than masses of people getting all worked up about “Democrats versus Republicans” or “Trump versus Biden” or “pro-life versus pro-choice” or “pro and con LGBT rights.” Such issues are wonderful distractions. They take everyone’s eyes off the ball—the Jewish ball—and put them on relatively trivial side issues. The main issue, and the only issue that really matters at this point, is: How will a given candidate address the Jewish dominance and Jewish corruption of our nation? At every town hall, at every candidate panel and forum, people should be hammering away at their candidates: What will you do to stop the Jewish Lobby? Virtually nothing else matters at this point. And how often did that question come up in the 2022 cycle? Case closed.

As it is, the situation is hopelessly corrupt. The system has completely failed. ‘Representative democracy’ is utterly discredited and worthless. ‘America’ as a functional nation is dead. The lowest and most pernicious criminals hold sway at the top, and the nation drowns in Democrat-voting Third-World immigrants at the bottom. Which party holds the Senate or House is irrelevant. With anything short of revolutionary action, the nation will sink ever further into the abyss: economic decline, rising crime, moral degradation at every turn—a wonderful future for your children and grandchildren.

The Only Option

Fortunately, we do have a revolutionary option: secession. As MacDonald and others are openly stating, secession is now perhaps our only viable alternative. For myself, I have been advocating such a thing for literally 30 years now; it was clear to me, long ago, that no nation as large and diverse as the USA could be rationally governed. And worse, that the size and complexity of modern America ensured that malevolent actors would inevitably gain the upper hand—as indeed they have. I argued this position long ago, and nothing since has made me alter my view. A breakup of the USA is the only option if we want accountable, responsible, and reasonably non-corrupt government.

In theory, almost any subgroup of people, of almost any size, has the right to secede from their existing forms of government. If there is any truly inherent human right, it is the right to self-government. Just as no one is born a slave, no one is born enslaved to their local nation-state. All people have the right to re-form and re-create their own government—even if it involves violent action.

Here, states are the obvious candidates for secession. Not only do they have well-defined boundaries, they (some of them, at least) have a long history of independence—in some cases, older than the US itself. In fact, secessionist movements exist now, and have existed, for a long time; if we can believe Wikipedia, there are at least 14 active organizations: 7 regional groups, 6 states, and Puerto Rico.

This is a good start, but it’s not enough. There is no reason why all 25 Red States (per the 2020 election) shouldn’t immediately create active secessionist parties. Red-Staters: you have no good alternatives. You will continue to lose. Trump won’t save you. “MAGA” won’t save you. You deserve better, and you can have better, but not within the current “America.” You need to go it alone—or with a few other like-minded states.

For practical reasons, the most viable movements will be in border states; it would be tough for landlocked Kansas, for example, to become an independent, self-governing country. There is a reason that, for centuries, nations have fought for access to oceans and waterways. Free access to trade routes is vital.

Of the 2020 Red States, 12 are border states (I am including Indiana and Ohio, which have access to the Great Lakes). Here’s a list of them, along with percent voting for Trump:

North Dakota (65.5% Trump in 2020)
Idaho (63.9%)
Alabama (62.2%)
Louisiana (58.5%)
Mississippi (57.6%)
Indiana (57.1%)
Montana (56.9%)
South Carolina (55.1%)
Ohio (53.5%)
Texas (52.1%)
Florida (51.2%)
North Carolina (50.1%)
Of these, only Texas has an active secessionist movement. We need all the others to get on board, immediately. (Unfortunately I do not reside in any of these states, but I would be happy to move, once a serious movement gets going.) And again, it need not be individual states. Consortia of states would be more powerful, obviously. One can envision the power of a unified block cutting right down the middle of the US, if the two Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas all got together to form a single union. It would be a dagger to the heart of the American Judeocracy.

This last point bears emphasis: Secession of one or a group of states has a huge, double benefit. It would bring true freedom and autonomy to the secessionists, and second, it would dramatically weaken the power of the Jewish Lobby to wreak havoc here and abroad. American Jews rely on the wealth, tax revenue, and labor of a nation of 330 million. This is where they draw their power. Secession directly impacts their power in a way that nothing else can. It would be like chopping off a finger or two from a professional athlete—devastating.

But could it really work? Would secessionists have a reasonable chance of success? We can already hear the scare-mongering reply: “Oh, that will never work! The army will come down on you in a flash. They’ll nuke your ass!” So wait—which army was that? Oh, right, our LGBTQ+, pregnant-women, trans-Army. Seriously—our military is so degraded, and our Congress sufficiently conflicted, that they would hardly be able to conduct a significant counterattack. There would be a lot of bluff and bluster, and nothing to show for it, especially if the secessionist states had their own “well-regulated militia” (remember that silly Constitution?). Recall those 53 million voters with at least one gun. That’s a lot of guns. All the militaries in the world, combined, can’t match that.

“But now you’re talking violence. No one will go for that.” Okay—except, every national struggle in history has involved some level of violence. You don’t get something for nothing in this world. If you’re happy to be a slave to the Judeocracy, then stay home. If you want to “live free or die,” then take action. So far, all action has taken place in the voting booth, and Republicans, and Whites, have been losing badly. That will only get worse in the future. The problem is that we are playing on the enemy’s turf. It’s “home field advantage” for the Jews and the leftist liberals when we rely on elections to solve our problems. That’s a losing strategy every time. Now is the time to turn the tables and play on our field: the battlefield. That’s where we win.

Never forget: This nation was born in ‘revolution’ and secession. It’s in our DNA. Now is the time to reawaken those inborn feelings, and act.

Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books and articles on politics, history, and religion, with a special focus on National Socialism in Germany. His latest work is the anthology Classic Essays on the Jewish Question: 1850 to 1945. He has also recently published the definitive critique Unmasking Anne Frank, and a new edition of political cartoons, Pan-Judah! Volume Two. All these books are available at See also his personal website

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