Filthy Migrants Stay Put

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4686
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Filthy Migrants Stay Put

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon May 06, 2024 10:39 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 6 2024

You think you own this country? You think it belongs to you? That’s a good joke. This country doesn’t belong to you, don’t get that wrong idea in your head just because your forebears were here from the moment of its creation, just because they did the hard work to build it up, just because they were and are its eternal heart and soul. No, some vagrants from Africa managed to wheedle their way in, they have no business here, but that won’t stop them from letting their newfound “home” from going to their head, that won’t stop them from getting high and mighty and mighty territorial about it. That won’t stop them from taking a proprietary interest in our land, from setting up metaphorical shop and assuming ownership. It’s a usurpation all right but these migrants are morons who wouldn’t know what the word usurpation means from their filthy backsides, they no speak a lot of the English and why should they? For sure they will not be required to work as they will be given one of those fully loaded pre-paid totally set up credit or debit cards and a nice shiny motel room they can trash. It’s a lot like hog heaven all the time for them and wherever they hang their hat is their home. Should they decide to camp out and muck up a soccer field with their dirty selves then, well, that soccer field belongs to them. Wherever they set their feet is nigger holy land and you best put your hat in your hand and bow and scrape in their eminent presence. Should you balk at such stark effrontery you best be prepared to get your comeuppance in the form of a tongue lashing from the new American gods. They will tell you straightway where you can go; they will tell you to get lost. Its’ their country after all, and at this point you are lucky even to be living in it, though for how much longer is an open question.

“A New York City high school soccer game, held on a public field in East Harlem, had to be cancelled this past week after a group of migrants reportedly refused to leave the pitch. Even after the police showed up, the group of migrants refused to leave the field, the report says. There were about 30 migrants, who appeared to be African and spoke little English.”

You want to have a little competitive match on a field that your tax dollars pay for? You want to have some sporting fun? Well, you are out of luck sir, that field is taken. Some Nigerians and some Somalis, some the gods know what really, well they have made that field their home, perhaps they have set up tents there to eke out their miserable lives, or maybe they just want to hang out and take a break from their time on easy street, it is after all just one long uninterrupted break to begin with. But no matter what the motive for their being there (if motive is not too strong a word for these lazy and shiftless vagabonds) it’s a finder’s keepers world from now on and they won’t leave just because they are interlopers. They won’t leave for any reason, they are self-styled kings in their great new homeland, they rule the roost, they have bragging rights, and this rag tag assortment of negro losers lionizes itself into thinking it’s been given the keys to the kingdom, and in actual point of fact they have been. So no soccer players are going to displace them from where they are standing, no one and nothing on earth could get them to rouse themselves to budge an inch. These Africans have not marinated in a stew of compassion and they know that turf is turf and that once you have it you don’t give it up short of being killed. And the police? What are the police going to do? They have their marching orders after all and they don’t march to your tune. They know first off that the squatters are black and second off that they are foreigners and, as such, they are untouchable. It was said that the loiterers “appeared” to be African and one supposes this is from their horrid smell, their coal black skin, and their slouching posture, and general air of menace; but once identified as coming from the dark continent, and not being to the manner born, so to speak, they were treated as the toast of the town. The ones who wanted to play their game in peace were down on their luck; got to adjust to a new reality, the reality that your home is not your home and shutter the windows and shudder in fear that the nigger don’t track you down for your presumptuousness that it was still your country. Don’t let it happen again, as is said more and more.

“Erik Johansson, the coach of the Manhattan Kickers 17-year-old boys travel team, said: I directly asked them to leave and some of them kind of took it into consideration, but then four or five of them said, You know what, fuck it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want. The police asked to see the teams’ city permits, prompting Johansson to say: When you show up with two teams in uniform, a ref and two coaches, usually nobody is asking to see your permit. The game was delayed 30 minutes as a result of waiting for permits to be forwarded and, by then the teams didn’t feel safe.”

They thought about leaving for a while (or maybe they didn’t, who knows) and then after the requisite two seconds of thinking made their fuzzy brains tired they reverted to the nigger position which is doing what a nigger wants regardless of how their behavior affects other people, and in their own home no less. Indeed “fuck it” could well be the nigger motto these days, and “fuck it” could be the nigger mantra as they have been so coddled and pampered and catered to and kowtowed to that their sense of entitlement is sky high; now the nigger even in the old days when he was basically in check was never a shrinking violet when it came to satisfying his base urges, even when danger loomed everywhere on the horizon for him he could never control his impulses, even when those impulses meant a whole lot of trouble for him his brain fogged up and he acted out of his rank and wild needs. But now that those civilization curbs have been altogether removed in the name of guilt the nigger’s already through the roof self-esteem coupled with his dark penchant for unquenchable lusts has been set free with the results you can check in the Federal Government’s crime statistics. So it’s no shock that some soccer players merely wanting to play a game posed no threat to these apes from Africa. They were there after all, they were niggers, and so stay put they would.

“Even when the game is over, you don’t know if they’re waiting for you, so even if the cops kicked them out, it may not be over. So we just all agreed, this is too dangerous, Johansson said. He said that in his home country of Sweden clashes with migrants on public pitches were all too common. I have seen this before, I know how bad it can get. Maud Maron, a mother to a boy that plays on the Kickers, said: It’s so frustrating that the guys who refused to follow the rules won. She said New York City is becoming lawless.”

Jew York City is not becoming lawless, it is lawless, it’s been lawless for some time. The whole damn country is sans law now, and it’s not the law of the Jungle, at least then enough of us would join the fray as it would be well known that the battle was on. No, it’s the law of the Jew, it’s the law of the nigger and the law of the migrant at the behest of the Jew. There is only one law now and it’s that the White man must die and sooner rather than later. It looks like some people wanting to play a harmless game of soccer in the United States of America got turned out of Dodge by some filthy stinking niggers who figured that they were king shit and no one better say nothing to them. It’s just another late tale of late Empire Decadence, or you could look at it that way, but it’s more than that. It’s complete and total civilizational collapse, and though some are vaguely aware of the rumblings only we select few have really done the hard work of putting our ears to the ground; only we have got the big picture message and more than sense that this is no tremor of mere fissure but the big one itself. Anyone who does not believe it should just see those niggers flash their toothy grins as they laugh as they got their way again.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4686
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Filthy Migrants Stay Put

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon May 06, 2024 10:40 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4686
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Filthy Migrants Stay Put

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue May 07, 2024 8:23 am


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