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The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:27 am
by Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer

Here come the Mestizos, and may God help us all.

I don’t mean White symphony-orchestra-conducting and electrical engineer Latin Americans, who are rare to the point of non-existence in the Brown Tide. I mean the border-jumper Mestizo hordes that no one wants, not even Mexico, but that we get.

It wasn’t all that long ago that California was a right-thinking state. In the early part of the 20th century it had far-seeing eugenics laws that were respected and emulated in many parts of the world. Before the Second World War, southern California was a veritable White paradise. The state, however, has one major flaw: It has Mexico as its neighbor. That is a handicap that in the end it could never overcome.

As late as 1994, the state still had some common sense, voting decisively for Proposition 187 which would have barred illegal immigrants from using public services. If you’re thinking, They have to make a law for that? — yes, they did. But of course when this law, which might just have saved California and possibly even America, got into the meat grinder of our Marxist and anti-White legal system, it didn’t stand a chance. White-hating courts struck it down right away and then it wound its way through the Jewish legal system. When it came time for the people of California to finally have their day in court, Gray Davis was governor of the state. In the end he quietly chose not to defend it in court, so the lower court’s ruling stood. So much for “referenda” devolving power to the people. Davis had been duly elected and thus committed a fiduciary breach, but our elites are always scamming, cheating, or killing us one way or another and magically avoiding legal consequences.

And that, as they say, was that. Without any ability to stop illegal Mestizos from feeding off our wallets they came in droves; the Reconquest is in full swing now. With the state being a sanctuary for illegal aliens, they could lay waste to entire cities and not be turned in. And turned in to whom? The Federal government? Don’t make me laugh. And, of course, in this mind-bendingly cucked state, illegals also get free health care to the tune of three billion dollars annually. Quite a deal, unless of course you love your country.

And now in the great month (or is it year?) of the Blacks, it’s the Mestizos’ turn too.

Here come the Mestizos, and may God help us all.

When it came time for White race-criminal and governor Gavin Newsom to pick the Senatorial replacement for White-hating mercenary mystery meat “vice president” Kamala Harris, no White men needed to apply. A few Blacks were on the list, but “it was time” to acknowledge the browning of the state. Heck, even total non-entity and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia was on the short list. He’s young, he’s gay, and he’s Mestizo. What could go wrong, other than everything? This wasn’t “his time,” but with a list of “qualifications” that could make any billionaire Jew salivate, you can bet his dance card will be full in the taco stand of the future.

The nod went to a Mexican with the the suspicious name of Alex Padilla. Every description of him says he is the “son of immigrants.” My hunch is that in the Padilla household all those years ago not all of their papers were completely in order.

Padilla, of course, is a La Raza politician, all for the race is what they believe — their own race. Not surprisingly, he credits the aforementioned Proposition 187 with motivating him to enter politics.

He said he felt that the law which never took effect “demonized all immigrants” and was a resurgence of something called “nativism.” Not being a native meant he didn’t like this latter thing.

This past summer Padilla joined some fellow secretaries of state to categorize any and all attempts at “voter suppression” under the currently catch-all term of “White supremacy.” Of course in a society run by White separatists he would be nowhere to be found, certainly not about to enter the United States Senate. Not being White, he doesn’t like “White supremacy,” even though it doesn’t exist. In this regard, as the “chair” of this not-so-august body he said in an advertisement that “White supremacist voter suppression was inspired by the movements that came in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.”

The attempt to limit the vote to citizens is actually inspired by foreigners voting in the millions; and the only “movements” detectable in the wake of Floyd’s drug overdose and subsequent heart attack were movements to perpetrate rampant arson and theft. The sights of buildings, cities, and a country up in flames does tend to make us want to get traitors the Hell out of the country and certainly our of the voting booth.

Not to be outflanked in the catering to wretched refuse, senile old coot Joe Biden named a hybridized Mestizo, this one a Puerto Rican, to be his Secretary of Education. Given that education in this former country is centered around teaching impressionable White children that they and their ancestors are evil incarnate, this pick makes some ghastly sense. The being in question is named Miguel Cardona. This alien hates White people with a passion, no great shock there. In the formerly White state of Connecticut, Cardona helped to create a mandated statewide “studies course” that “analyzes how race, power, and privilege influence group access to citizenship, civil rights, and economic power.” I’m not sure how much “analysis” was going on there, but, bottom line, they are inculcating self-loathing among our innocent, trusting children. The class Cardona was instrumental in concocting is said to “help students consider the scope of African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino contributions to US history, society, economy, and culture.” As far as I can tell the scope of these “contributions” is strictly limited to depressing property values, draining the welfare system, depressing wages, shooting rent through the roof, littering, murder, and trying to knock Whitey off his perch. The class is rooted in Jew-created “critical race theory,” a pernicious ideology that serves the purpose of increasing the power of The Tribe, already the world’s wealthiest and most powerful ethnic group. And, remember, this is mandated, so sit in your seat, White kid, while we ram it in harder.

The class further teaches that competition, politeness, the scientific method, planning for the future, and the nuclear family are “aspects and assumptions of white culture.” That is actually true. White people and White culture constitute the backbone of the greatest civilization ever created. Without us, that civilization stops existing. We are guilty as charged of being the bearers of a noble tradition.

What all of this shows of course is that as far as our own country goes we should have kept it White. Now the that the aliens are not only at the gates, now that they are ruling us from high places, it’s time to separate.

Since we didn’t listen to William Pierce and the National Alliance back when we were still 90 per cent. of the population and 90 per cent. in charge, that’s going to be a Hell of a struggle. May God help us all.

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:27 am
by Douglas Mercer

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:25 am
by Will Williams
Wow! Seven dynamite articles in one day by you.

You must have been saving them up to submit on the Leader's 135th birthday. :D I'll try to read them all today. You are amazing! Thanks for reminding us how far California has fallen is just 30 years.

As late as 1994, the state still had some common sense, voting decisively for Proposition 187 which would have barred illegal immigrants from using public services. If you’re thinking, They have to make a law for that? — yes, they did. But of course when this law, which might just have saved California and possibly even America, got into the meat grinder of our Marxist and anti-White legal system, it didn’t stand a chance. White-hating courts struck it down right away and then it wound its way through the Jewish legal system. When it came time for the people of California to finally have their day in court, Gray Davis was governor of the state. In the end he quietly chose not to defend it in court, so the lower court’s ruling stood. So much for “referenda” devolving power to the people. Davis had been duly elected and thus committed a fiduciary breach, but our elites are always scamming, cheating, or killing us one way or another and magically avoiding legal consequences.

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:18 pm
by Douglas Mercer
Hello Will, these articles are ones that I published on the NV site a long time ago under different pseudonyms (Kenneth Roberts, Karl Gunther, John Randolph, Robart Stuart, Saxon Day and George Mosley). I wanted to collect them all under my name.

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:58 pm
by Douglas Mercer

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:27 am
by Douglas Mercer

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:27 am
by Douglas Mercer

Re: The Mestizos Are Coming

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:28 am
by Douglas Mercer