Write Supremacy

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4705
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Write Supremacy

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:27 pm

Douglas Mercer
February 18 2024

The written word is alive—of that at least I think all of us can agree on. Time is language’s junior partner and it worships its elder and all by whom it lives. Not the written word as in “in the beginning was the word” those words that appear in red letters in the New Testament. Because it occurs to me that whether those letters are in red, or green, or blue or yellow they are still cretin words, hogwash: has anyone ever said anything more stupid than we need to love our enemies? Or that the first shall be last? Or that you should tear out your eye if it offends you? Or that to gain the world means to lose your soul? No, the man who said that was a gooey eyed moron and should be treated accordingly. No that red letter word is a dead letter. But that does not mean the written word is not alive---it is.

“Students in a Seattle English class were told that their love of reading and writing is a characteristic of white supremacy, in the latest Seattle Public Schools high school controversy.”

Let us stipulate from the beginning that no person not White has ever said or written anything of value. That is you could search high and low among the “literature” of the non-White and not find anything that could withstand the only test that matters: the test of time, and generally it wears itself out the moment it is spoken or recorded. On the other hand the White race from the beginning has been ascendant in the realm of the word: sing Athena, sing the rage of Achilles; one must wait until the evening to see the beauty of the day; when April showers with their sweet breath; supernatural soliciting; the god is near but hard to grasp; until we get rid of grammar we will never be rid of God; beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror; no remembering either but only pure creation at every instant. One could go on and on of course in it neverendingness; it is a surfeit of speech, the next one more resplendent than the last. And you can see with their seething jealousy and burning resentment they recoil from the achievement. How could they not? They are low grade sub mental IQ deprived idiots and they could never hope to even understand such a language of the gods let alone speak or write it. For the most part they are lucky if they can process our order at the Value Mart; and with such weak credentials you can see why they want to make august high diction and supercilious language verboten so they can continue to crawl along in their mental stupor with just a modicum of self-regard.

“The Seattle high schoolers were told that Worship of the Written Word is white supremacy because it is “an erasure of the wide range of ways we communicate with each other. By this definition, the very subject of World Literature and Composition is racist. It also chides the idea that we hyper-value written communication because it’s a form of honoring only what is written and even then only what is written to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies.”

The way they communicate? Have you seen the vermin out there? You walk out into the community anymore and you see the degradation of the gene pool is at an advanced pace and fevered pitch. How these people hold jobs is any one’s guess though for the most part the most challenging part of is to say large or small but still to work the cash register does require a modicum of smarts I suppose. But to think that the future of our country rests on the back of dunces and simpletons like this is enough to make one shudder in horror. Nearly all of them are black or brown, or even more usual, a tan amalgam of unknown origin, there’s not a good looking one of them in the bunch, they have Lovecraftian faces and stunted physiques, the IQs congregate around about 95 or so as a mean and that is if you are in generous mood. And when they open their pie holes the language that comes out, well, not to speak out of school but it does not rise to the level of pristine eloquence, it is telegraphic in the sense that is just above the level of low visceral grunts, and me Tarzan you Jane back and forths; multi syllable words are unknown to them and as a general rule they talk about some stupid television show or movie or other item of total inconsequence which if listened to with enough attention will fry your brain to smithereens. If this is what they mean by alternate forms of communication we all have another thing coming and it’s going to be a post-apocalyptic world where the power grid no longer works and gang lords stalk and roam the land in search of food and prey; so for now as long as we still retain the thin veneer of civilization I’ll take the language of my gods any time at all. And if they want to call me a White Supremacist I’m good with that, as they are not far off.

“In the context of the worksheet on white supremacy, it seems clear that students must merely accept that they are upholding oppression. Using the worksheet, if a student defends independence or a love of reading and writing, that student is supposed to accept that it’s white supremacist thinking and stop acting independently or loving to read and write.”

From the beginning there were always words, so many words, words falling all over themselves like a waterfall, drowning in words. Torrents and streams of words tumbling out at increasing paces, unstoppable and never ending, loquacious and eloquent. If in the beginning was the word in the end there will be more, lapidary and concise, razor like and incisive, expansive florid purple prose, or hard-edged cutting. That human beings are fallible is obvious to anyone with their eyes open, and they are getting more fallible by the day, and fallible is the polite word, they are getting more stupid and half-witted and dull by the day, and you can see why the written word intimidates them, for human beings are fallible but language last forever. In its magisterial permanence, it’s eternal order and coherence the written word frightens them mightily; as far as alternative communication goes Hitler knew that even the spoken word was more powerful in its ability to move and inspire and motivate; but time’s scythe levels that in the end, and only what is on the page passes time’s test and possesses the power to be worshipped by it. So is writing and reading White Supremacist? Undoubtedly it is, and thank the gods for that; the next time you hear some meaningless babble on the street, or some gibbering in the supermarket think long and hard about retreating to the isolation of your room and drinking deep in the written lore of the White race, or creating some new lore for us yourself. And if the cacophony and caterwauling of the din of verbal iniquity gets even worse, as it likely will, think about packing it all in and trekking to the Himalayan High Lands to become a holy man. I hear the wages are not all that great but when you first feel that little bit of eternity you might just think it worth your while.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4705
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: White Supremacy

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:30 pm


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