Fellow White Travellers

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4640
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Fellow White Travellers

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:56 am

Douglas Mercer
July 29 2023

The Jews is a sophist and he proceeds by misdirection. That is the Jew is a liar who poses and pretends; and his favorite costume is that of a White man; a Jew is White like tar is water; but that won’t stop the Jew from pulling the wool over the eyes of the naïve. A Jew will be White when it suits him, and not when it doesn’t. Jonas Salk and Einstein were Jews by their lights; Bernie Maddoff and Jeffrey Epstein were definitely White. The Jew’s favorite trick is to impersonate Whiteness in order to undermine Whiteness. This is the infamous (and obvious) trick of putting themselves out there as a “fellow White.” The fellow White trick is when a Jew steps forward and speaks to his fellow Whites, to upbraid and chastise them or, even better and more usually, gently admonish him. The Jew will then take upon himself all the sins of Whiteness. He will say he is a possessor of White privilege, and that like all Whites he is a bit of a racist; he will say that as a White man he has that invisible knapsack full of unearned advantages. He will bemoan and bewail White Supremacist culture, and admit that even he partakes in it. The White man according to the Jew as a fellow White man has committed some grave errors: slavery, the genocide of the Amerindian, segregation, not taking in enough migrants, and the mistreatment of the gays. The Jews as a fellow White’s main message to his fellow White men is we can do better; morality calls for it. As a fellow White the Jew is somber and reflective, he’s being responsible and has taken stock of himself and found himself wanting; and he wants you to do likewise. The Jew as fellow White means no one any harm, he doesn’t jump up and down, or wave his hands in a rage, he’s the calm voice of reason itself and he is asking his fellow Whites to live up to their ideals. Of course it’s all a scam and a scheme as everything the Jew does is; a Jews is a sophist and he proceeds by misdirection. For of course the Jew acts as fellow White man and as a White man for strictly Jewish interests; he does it as a Jew qua Jew as the Jew does everything. He wants to sow doubt and nagging guilt in the White man, to get him give up his racial pride (he’s doing it after all—as a fellow White that is), and to cater to the needs of the racial other. If the Jew got up as a Jew and did all this to his fellow Jews the game would be up; he can’t very well speak to his fellow Jews and say that they have been morally wanting; that would let the cat out of the bag; he has no interest in taking guilt upon himself in his proper person, that is as a Jew. And the Jews has no interest in other Jews doing that either; that’s not what the Jew is about. So the Jews slips on the White man’s clothing and leads the White man astray down the garden path but seems to be doing it while confessing his own sins. And thus the Jew’s subterfuge is complete. Of course when the Jew is done with this playacting, and he has left the infernal seed of shame in the White man the Jew no longer hitches his ride of the White wagon; and he gets off and is a Jew again, though that’s what he’s been all along, just in a different guise. Then the Jew (speaking now as a Jew) says the same thing to White people but this time in the voice of a Jew. He will tell the White man that he needs to bring in more migrants, pay more reparations, let the blacks off easy on their crimes, accept the gay and the trans, and certainly have less babies. In his natural role as a Jew the Jew is more loud and insistent than he was as a fellow White. As the latter his voice was that of sad pleading with compatriots; as the former he speaks with thunderous demands from a moral avatar. It’s all pretty transparent but nevertheless it’s surprising how effective this now you see him now you don’t strategy of the Jew is. People have been taught that the worse sin there is is to speak poorly of a Jew, or to even notice that the Jew is a Jew. So if a Jew (if they even know he is a Jew) is telling a White man that “we” need to be anti-racist he’ll take it to heart as if it came in good faith from a friend; and if as a Jew he insists he be anti-racist he will see the one lecturing him as a member of a put upon group and resolve to do better. The Jew’s main advantage is he has no shame, that he is cutthroat in all things and is willing to lie to advance; his other advantage was the good fortune to appear superficially White. Without this the fellow White shtick would never fly; but the Jew can seem White to the ignorant multitude and the Jew takes full advantage of this opportunity. Which is why naming the Jew, and pointing out the Jew, and identifying the Jew is so paramount; because if they could not pass for White the Jews would lose an inestimable boon. Indeed, had the Jew been any other color, green, blue, purple say; had he been one of these he never would have got away with his evil. Which is why those heroes made them wear the stars; so the unwary would be on notice; and the Jew’s game at an end. Because when the alien nature of the Jew is exposed, when the Jew is exposed as himself, that is as Jew, as a Jew with all his manifold evil, no White man in his White right mind would listen to him go on about being a fellow White man. No, they’d say: you’re a Jew. And as such you have to go.

Supremely White
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Re: Fellow White Travellers

Post by Supremely White » Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:19 am

Out of all your educational well researched and very well written articles, this might be one of the many that really resonate most, because I wasn’t warned about the poisonous mushrooms, probably like most of us, and that’s why I was ignorant and unaware of the J.Q. until a few years ago, well into my life. Never to late to learn, and I hope many more who had no idea find this article, as it explained so much and it becomes a bit easier to try to make sense of things.
Thank you so much for all the high quality articles!
Hitler was right.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4640
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fellow White Travellers

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:28 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4640
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fellow White Travellers

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:21 am

Not White

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