Let's talk courage

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Will Williams
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Let's talk courage

Post by Will Williams » Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:04 am

Dr. William Pierce taught:
...We should never think: Well, I’m only one person. What I do or don’t do isn’t important. I can’t make a difference by myself.

That kind of thinking is wrong. We can make a difference, because courage is contagious. It spreads from person to person.

And it’s powerful. One courageous truth-teller can back down a thousand cowards and liars and hypocrites. He can send a whole regiment of Jewish media bosses scurrying for cover, like vampires fleeing the light of the rising sun.

There has never been a time in the long history of our race when we were more in need of a few honest men and women, a few people of courage and integrity. There has never been another time when a few good men and women had the opportunity to make such a big difference as they can make now.

Let’s do it!
Source: Free Speech magazine, April 1995
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