Latest Bulletin

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:02 am

Will Williams wrote:
PhuBai68 wrote:Did the July "Bulletin" go out?

To be honest we were on vacation starting 6/26 until 7/5 and I didn't get the "Bulletin" in the big box of mail from the post office.
Side note: if you're going to travel Independence Day is fantastic for being on the interstates - very little truck traffic, seemed like no campers/motor homes and not that many cars as opposed to other days.

Excellent reply above Will.
The latest "Firearm News" has a whole string of stories about firearms used in RVN from the M14 to the M16 to the XM177 (CAR) and foreign made select fire for SF's to NVA weapons - if you can find the time, great reading!
Due to unavoidable delays the June BULLETIN wasn't mailed until yesterday, 7/11. But it covers our attendance at the Nationalist Solutions Conference june 28-30 and another Cosmotheist wedding that was performed here in early July.

Advancements in military small arms technology (electronics, GPS, drones, etc.) have advanced so much since we were in RVN I can't keep up with them.

We're firmly entrenched in the educational phase of revolution, raising awareness and racial consciousness among our people, for now, so we'll make the best of it in the face of increasing repression of our urgent message by Jewish watchdog groups, government, law enforcement and controlled media.

We're reaching more of our people today than ever before, but opposition has been ratcheted up. Any White is a "racist" now. That can't be all bad. :lol:
Education and other forms of information dissemination are indeed the highest of priorities at this time! The millions of firearms and trillions of rounds of ammunition in the U.S. shows that Whites are well armed and presumably intimately familiar with their use---but their knowledge of the Alliance's program and ideology are lagging far behind weapons knowledge. Thanks for bringing the Alliance back on track with our message, Chairman Williams.
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Will Williams
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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:35 pm

The June, 2019 BULLETIN mentioned Rick Tyler, the organizer of the Nationalist Solutions Conference held near Nashville June 28-30. His 2020 presidential bid is worth following.

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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by PhuBai68 » Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:25 pm

Enjoyed reading the latest Bulletin.
It had me thinking when I went to my first leadership conference at the Mill Point land, when there were actually members occupying some of the trailers on the property and one of our North Jersey Unit members actually purchased a house nearby and was going to work on/for the national office.
Then the Gliebe meltdown happened.
Here's hoping that the Laurel Bloomery Alliance supersedes the Mill Point greatness.

As far as "third party" ( or forth, fifth, whatever) candidates, IDK -
that's "how" ( Ross Perot) we ended up with Slick Willie and military base closures (thinking El Toro & MCAF Santa Ana - later called MCAS Tustin) and the NAFTA deal not to mention Black Hawk Down
- to me I still believe in voting for "who is going to hurt my way of life least and be best for the country" of the two major parties who so far has always be Republican.
Yeah, had to hold my nose on Bush, McCain and Romney for sure.
There never will be a candidate who any of us will agree with even 75% on things but so far (other than his Israel support) I think Trump has been doing an outstanding job considering that not only the Democrats doing everything to sabotage him, MSM trashing him and too many Republican rats backstabbing him every chance they get.

Another thing that I've heard tossed around for at least two decades is, "things have to get worse before they get better" which having lived too many years in New Jersey is a totally bull crap statement, when things get worse they stay that way and only get more worse.
Looking at NJ - taxes, laws, firearm restrictions, traffic - things never got better, only worse and "No!" the people haven't risen up and changed anything.
I was BS'ing yesterday with a friend who still lives there, who wants to sell and move and he was railing about the "exit tax" they just passed.
That's today's rant.

In actuality, the New Jersey “Exit Tax”, as it's referred to, has been likened more to urban legend than fact by CPAs. The law requires sellers of New Jersey homes to pay the state tax in advance of moving, of either 8.97% of the profit on the sale of their home or 2% of the total selling price – whichever is higher.Jan 8, 2019
It's not diversity, it's displacement.


Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by Colin » Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:59 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:Enjoyed reading the latest Bulletin.
It had me thinking when I went to my first leadership conference at the Mill Point land, when there were actually members occupying some of the trailers on the property and one of our North Jersey Unit members actually purchased a house nearby and was going to work on/for the national office.
Then the Gliebe meltdown happened.
Here's hoping that the Laurel Bloomery Alliance supersedes the Mill Point greatness.

As far as "third party" ( or forth, fifth, whatever) candidates, IDK -
that's "how" ( Ross Perot) we ended up with Slick Willie and military base closures (thinking El Toro & MCAF Santa Ana - later called MCAS Tustin) and the NAFTA deal not to mention Black Hawk Down
- to me I still believe in voting for "who is going to hurt my way of life least and be best for the country" of the two major parties who so far has always be Republican.
Yeah, had to hold my nose on Bush, McCain and Romney for sure.
There never will be a candidate who any of us will agree with even 75% on things but so far (other than his Israel support) I think Trump has been doing an outstanding job considering that not only the Democrats doing everything to sabotage him, MSM trashing him and too many Republican rats backstabbing him every chance they get.

Another thing that I've heard tossed around for at least two decades is, "things have to get worse before they get better" which having lived too many years in New Jersey is a totally bull crap statement, when things get worse they stay that way and only get more worse.
Looking at NJ - taxes, laws, firearm restrictions, traffic - things never got better, only worse and "No!" the people haven't risen up and changed anything.
I was BS'ing yesterday with a friend who still lives there, who wants to sell and move and he was railing about the "exit tax" they just passed.
That's today's rant.

In actuality, the New Jersey “Exit Tax”, as it's referred to, has been likened more to urban legend than fact by CPAs. The law requires sellers of New Jersey homes to pay the state tax in advance of moving, of either 8.97% of the profit on the sale of their home or 2% of the total selling price – whichever is higher.Jan 8, 2019

Yes, things keep getting worse and will continue to do so. Like Dr. Peirce said in the Turner Diaries, the masses will accept any tyranny as long as the sports and beer hold out. It is the old "bread and circuses" syndrome. That is why there are so few that are receiptive to our message.

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Will Williams
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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jul 18, 2019 5:04 pm

Colin wrote:
PhuBai68 wrote:Enjoyed reading the latest Bulletin.
It had me thinking when I went to my first leadership conference at the Mill Point land, when there were actually members occupying some of the trailers on the property and one of our North Jersey Unit members actually purchased a house nearby and was going to work on/for the national office.
Then the Gliebe meltdown happened.
Here's hoping that the Laurel Bloomery Alliance supersedes the Mill Point greatness.

As far as "third party" ( or forth, fifth, whatever) candidates, IDK -
that's "how" ( Ross Perot) we ended up with Slick Willie and military base closures (thinking El Toro & MCAF Santa Ana - later called MCAS Tustin) and the NAFTA deal not to mention Black Hawk Down
- to me I still believe in voting for "who is going to hurt my way of life least and be best for the country" of the two major parties who so far has always be Republican.
Yeah, had to hold my nose on Bush, McCain and Romney for sure.
There never will be a candidate who any of us will agree with even 75% on things but so far (other than his Israel support) I think Trump has been doing an outstanding job considering that not only the Democrats doing everything to sabotage him, MSM trashing him and too many Republican rats backstabbing him every chance they get.

Another thing that I've heard tossed around for at least two decades is, "things have to get worse before they get better" which having lived too many years in New Jersey is a totally bull crap statement, when things get worse they stay that way and only get more worse.
Looking at NJ - taxes, laws, firearm restrictions, traffic - things never got better, only worse and "No!" the people haven't risen up and changed anything.
I was BS'ing yesterday with a friend who still lives there, who wants to sell and move and he was railing about the "exit tax" they just passed.
That's today's rant.

In actuality, the New Jersey “Exit Tax”, as it's referred to, has been likened more to urban legend than fact by CPAs. The law requires sellers of New Jersey homes to pay the state tax in advance of moving, of either 8.97% of the profit on the sale of their home or 2% of the total selling price – whichever is higher.Jan 8, 2019

Yes, things keep getting worse and will continue to do so. Like Dr. Peirce said in the Turner Diaries, the masses will accept any tyranny as long as the sports and beer hold out. It is the old "bread and circuses" syndrome. That is why there are so few that are receiptive to our message.
It's like PhuBai pointed out: the Millennials who grew up with MTV, rap music, and government-enforced racial integration, etc., have never known the relatively White World that many in our generation grew up in, so they can't conceive it. I heard a statistic the other day that 70% of Americans today were not alive when Aryan man landed on the moon. Some of the other 30% have an idea of how things were 50 years ago, and that they've been going downhill fast for White America since 1965, and really since 1945.

Young Whites, or at least the perceptive, racially responsible ones who see things are upsidedown today, will see that building a new White world is entirely possible if we have the will and determination to organize for our interests:
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by PhuBai68 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 2:42 pm

Got mine today.
Again, interesting reading.
I did a "duckduckgo•com" search on Dr. Robert McCorkill and there's some real trashing of the National Alliance in a couple/few of the articles by our good buddy Mark Potok.
Our Chairman mentions Tucker Carlson (who I do watch) and I do think he is one of us but has to play by the (((PC))) rules to keep the butter on his bread. How can anyone in the news not realize "who" is doing most of the crime in this country?
It certainly isn't "White Nationalists" shooting up Chicago, robbing Quickie Marts, assaulting people for being "disrespected" or forming packs of "teens" raiding stores - they're not stupid, they know who commits the crime, they see it daily.

I'm wondering with these shootings and the president's speech today how it might affect the Alliance, this site and also Stormfront which seems to have had a boatload of new members join since these shootings; I would imagine some are just curious, some awakened to White Nationalism, some of our enemies and certainly some in law enforcement.

My AMAC magazine came in the mail today, also.
anti-.jpg (2.67 MiB) Viewed 15900 times
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Jim Mathias
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Re: PhuBai's picture resized and rotated

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:01 pm

Another publication coopted by Jews?
Another publication coopted by Jews?
PhuBai's oversized pic.jpg (42.61 KiB) Viewed 15885 times
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by Will Williams » Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:50 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:Got mine today...Our Chairman mentions Tucker Carlson (who I do watch) and I do think he is one of us but has to play by the (((PC))) rules to keep the butter on his bread...
PB, allow me to explain something.

I like Tucker for the most part, mostly because he is singular among mainstream media talking heads for his exposure for more than two decades of the Southern Poverty Law Center as a criminal organization. He also points out the hypocrisy of constant controlled-media reports of "racism" aimed only at the White majority to demonize us.

When I say he can't go further than that with his "conservative" criticism, consider that James Murdoch, one of his ultra-Zionist, part-Jew bosses at FOX, donated $1 million to the Ant-Defamation League of B;nai B;rith for those anti-White Jews to use fighting "hate" (read: anyone advocating for interests of the White majority): ... 01ad163cd4

I try to get our National Alliance BULLETIN in the mail to our members and supporters by the end of each month. That is a self-imposed deadline that is difficult to meet every month, depending on what's going on at the end of each month, but we usually meet it. A few times it gets out a few days later, but rarely. Our supporters like the consistency of receiving the BULLETIN in their mailboxes the first week of each month.

As you know, I'm not very proficient with the computer and am disinclined to become proficient -- that's not what I do. I write the BULLETIN then send it to our Media Director, Kevin Strom, to do the desktop publishing, before we send to the printer. Kevin is a very good editor and puts it all into the "template," formatting font sizes, making the text fit within the margins, and with the images I pick. We go back and forth with the drafts, making slight changes, correcting errors as we find them. This system of teamwork between us has worked very well every month now for four and 1/2 years -- 55 monthly issues.

I sent what I prepared to Kevin at 10:15Pm Wednesday night, July 31st, expecting that we would be able to do our regular monthly routine of editing/desktop publishing and get it to the printer and back for processing and mailing on Friday, August 2. Not perfect, but close enough. Kevin did not get started on his end Thursday until that evening -- after the power here where I live in Tennessee went off because of downed power lines due to a big storm. No computer, no telephone. Kevin couldn't reach me and thought maybe I'd been arrested again, or had some other emergency because I was incommunicado.

By the time my power was restored 12 hours later, we were running out of time to do our back and forth final edits to get the BULLETIN to the printer. Kevin sent me what he had, without my being able to fine tune it and I sent the pdf to the printer as it was, with the promise from the printer that I could still pick it up Friday night, which I did. We managed to process it for postmarking by noon Saturday when our post office facility closes. Whew! What a rush.

In the final version that we mailed I was surprised to see that Kevin had edited entire parts of the text, even my commentary. What is below shows (in red) some of what he left out and (in blue) some of what what he added. What he added is OK, but not my words, not my commentary. What he took out changed the essence of what I wrote about Tucker Carlson -- the part that perhaps led you to defend Tucker, writing that you consider him one of us.

The National Alliance has a White separatist ideology; our goal is to have a White living space, an Aryan society that is free of racial aliens and their influence on our society, as spelled out clearly here: A requirement for membership in our Alliance is that the applicant read "What is the National Alliance?," accept as his own the goals and program set forth therein, and support those goals. That requirement is for serious applicants for National Alliance membership, not for mere financial supporters who choose for one reason or another to not join the Alliance. We are appreciative of those who choose supporter status and pledge financial support so they can receive the BULLETIIN, but my commentary each month in our Members BULLETIN is really for our members, who are expected to be activie in Alliance-building. It was that way when Dr. Pierce was Chairman and wrote to his members each month in his commentary, and I carry on that tradition.

When I wrote "one of us" I'm referring to Alliance members, not those who support us without making the commitment to agree with and accept the National Alliance program and goals as clearly stated in "WINA?" -- and support them. Tucker Carlson may agree with some ideas we hold, but, believe me, he is not "one of us." He opposes "group-thinkers." As White racial loyalists, we are group-thinkers! That was the point of my commentary about Mr. Carlson. I'm sorry that was not made clear.

We'll leave the door cracked for him for when he is fired as a media pundit, blackballed by Jew-controlled media for not "playing by their PC rules," as you call them, and labelled a "White supremacist and "hater." That could happen as the situation for Whites worsens. The SPLC now features this six-month-old article about Tucker on its Website: ... r-carlson/

From my commentary in the July BULLETIN:
The popular primetime host on FOX TV News, Tucker Carlson, is not
really "one of us." He's more a conservative libertarian, but pushes
the pro-White envelope just enough -- criticizing the Southern
Poverty Law Center as a "hate organization" and pointing out the
hypocrisy of those who call Whites "racists," "supremacists"
"domestic terrorists," etc. -- to keep his high-profile, lucrative
job without associating himself or defending those of us who openly
fight for our race.
Carlson closes his show each night with the
catch phrase that he's "the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity,
smugness and groupthink." Nobody cares much for pomposity and
smugness; that's easy to claim. But he's not the sworn enemy of
lying or of liars or he'd be telling the same vital truths to his
viewers that the National Alliance tells. He can't. As for
groupthink, Carlson's Jewish media bosses certainly think and act as
a group, judging everything by the simple question, "Is it good for
the Jew?" This is an important reason for their effectiveness and

The White race is an identifiable group, and our group
needs to be thinking and acting as one -- "groupthink," if you will.
Is an issue good for our race and promotable, or is it detrimental,
to be opposed with everything our group has got?...

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:21 pm

An excellent BULLETIN this month (July). That's not Andromeda on the cover,
but I do recognize it.

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Re: Latest Bulletin

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:26 pm

Received mine today in the mail.
Not quite as interesting as in the past but still good reading.
I believe I might have met the Special Forces member up at the Mill Point land, nice guy but very quiet and reserved.
I guess he has to be beyond careful because of his career.
Being I was released from active duty over 49 years ago from the Corps (holy shamooly! That means over 53 years ago I enlisted) even way back then blacks weren't in any MOS where it took real thinking.
In my MOS I only ran across one - fairly light skinned, lifer with over 12 years in and an E6 - in the 3½ years or so I was doing what I did.

You're right about a tractor, a very much needed and appreciated piece of equipment especially with a bucket on the front.
With my little Johnny Deere 790 I had in WV I'd tell people I could get more done in an hour than 6 laborers in a day.
With the blade on the back cut the ruts down from a heavy rain then backblade it nice and smooth.
Roll heavy rounds of wood into the bucket, bring it to the wood splitter's height, roll it onto the splitter and have at it.

Other stuff - Will, that person I PM'ed you about on Stormfront, VH, he's now gonzo.
His butt buddy is on very thin ice.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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