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Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:43 pm
by Will Williams
Mr. Stoner resides in Russia and has been commenting under articles at the National Alliance's online magazine for a few months now. He is not just another excellent commentator, his observations are closely aligned with the Alliance's Cosmotheist world view, and his criticism of Christianity should be read and digested by all White people. Also, his first hand observations about Russia and the Russian people are convincing and compelling.

So, rather than have Wolf's commentaries scroll off and eventually be buried at, many of them will be archived in this section of, beginning with this one below from 4 November, 2020:

Note! I hope Mr. Stoner does not mind that I have very slightly edited his words for clarity and for standardization (like capitalizing the word White when referring to the our race).

Source: ... -the-lord/

There are many good people who continue to live with Christian delusions. It is a big problem which can’t be ignored. We can’t simply proclaim all those millions of honest White Christians as being worthless crowds. But at the same time, we should not fall into the trap of accepting Christianity as something worthy only because there are many good people who continue to be Christians. I want to make some parallels with this situation.

Here in Russia there are millions of good people who continue to believe that the USSR was a paradise and that comrades Lenin and Stalin were saints. The situation is almost laughable if it wasn’t a tragic one. The very people who were decimated and humiliated beyond all limits were at the same time successfully persuaded by their persecutors to accept the system as the most benevolent and holy one. The trick was very successful. I know good old people who suffered much (who spent a decade in prison and were deprived of civil rights for transgressions that would not entail any prison term in a normal society) but continue to believe in the sanctity and infallibility of Lenin. This seemingly incongruous phenomenon is easy to understand if we look into the technique of indoctrination employed by Soviet system. From earliest age (from kindergarten) children in the USSR were inculcated with the whole set of Marxist trash, which was intended to replace the traditional set of values. The experiment was mostly successful; the majority of Russian population was reprogrammed and turned into mindless cattle worshipping its own executioners. And it was achieved in a short period of time. But we should remember that communism isn’t something new. Communism is a mutated version of Christianity. The same authors, the same underlying message, the same logical incoherency, ravings and obsession with seeking the devil behind each corner (in Marxist version the place of the devil was prescribed to “bourgeoisie”).

The alien nature and intellectual shallowness of Christian ideology is obvious for anyone who is able to look into this question without bias and preconceptions. But here lies the main problem. The whole European society was inculcated with Christian dogmas for centuries. The Christian ideology has become a second nature of the absolute majority of European people. And the human mind has a quality of adopting and adjusting almost to anything that is around. Only few can see the true inner nature of things. The mainstream majority accept everything as it is without questioning what it means and from where it comes. Yes, there are millions of good White Christians who sincerely believe into an alien tribal deity as being the God of the whole Universe. But should this fact be accepted as a confirmation of validity of Christian ideology? To the same extent as the almost universal obeisance to Marxism in the USSR should be accepted as a confirmation of its intrinsic philosophical value.

We can have some pity for the hapless White people who continue to delude themselves with Christian trash but this pity should not impel us to accept this poison as something harmless and almost “traditional.” To accept Christianity only because it is believed by many is the same as to drink alcohol only because it is drunk by everyone around (the social mechanism of alcoholism in Russia). It is the path for weak individuals; for those who are afraid to fall out of the flock. The strong ones seek their own ways; they look for logical answers and have the vision of their own instead of accepting prefabricated fodder of mass media.

We should tear down the “holy” veil from Christianity and to look at it in all its ugliness and alienness. There is not any shortcut for this process. It is painful but there are not any alternatives. Those who are too weak to go through this intellectual purification should be left where they are. We should not try to save those who prefer to die out. Christianity is the death sentence of our White race. It is so obvious for those who can see clearly; but it is incomprehensible for people with warped minds, whose thought process was permanently damaged by the forced indoctrination in their childhood.

In regard to Christianity we should be neutral in political sense; it will die out of its own accord. But we should be unbendingly anti-christian inside our own community. There should be any place for Christian poison among truly White people. There is no way around this hard fact.     

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:07 pm
by Will Williams
Mr. Stoner's commentaries at NationalVanguard stood out almost immediately to me from most who like to comment there, but who do not join our Alliance. I published one of his comments in the Correspondence section of our October National Alliance BULLETIN. He put it up on 7 October under Kevin Strom's ADV "Staying the Path": ... -the-path/

Excellent presentation. Amazingly, how Mr Strom’s ideas resonate with my vision of the matter. It is as if we read from the same invisible book. Yes, we should purge out all attempts to subvert our ideas. Christians have too many channels to express their views. We do not have any obligation to provide them with another one.

Christianity is the core of all European problems; not any doubts about it. It is precisely Christian ideology that rotted the healthy tribal spirit of European nations by its universalist poison and vile ideas about united paradise without national and gender barriers. In essence, what is going on now in the USA is the logical fulfillment of biblical insane ideology. It is disgusting and awful, but in some sense it is for good, because it allows to see the actual implementation of the original Christian ideas. We should reject Christian ideology without reservations. But at the same time, we should preserve and uphold the natural European inclination to religiosity. We are religious people. We are more religious than any Christian or Muslim. Our faith is much deeper and wider and is based on natural foundations instead of empty whimsical revelations of some half-imagined weirdos of the distant past. We are actual and factual.

Our ideas are in full accord with our genetics. For tens of thousands of years we evolved into something very special. It is the deepest mystery of the world. No one can fully explain this matter, but we have a deeply ingrained understanding of what it is. This internal subconscious understanding of special mission and special set of responsibilities constitute the basis of our natural religion.

We are far apart from all other tribes of the world. It doesn’t mean that we are enemies, but only that we should be as far from them as possible. We should have a state of our own and we will have it. Nature is on our side and everything else is of no importance. All those seemingly mighty enemies with all their billions of money, police and militaries will disappear when the time comes. The ultimate winners will be those who have the highest spiritual stature. The true Natural aristocracy of the world will take over what is theirs by birthright. -Wolf Stoner via

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:29 am
by Will Williams
There has been talk that the National Alliance should ally with Mr. Mark Collett, a Brit who has a popular podcast on the Internet. I don't listen to Internet podcasts, thanks. There is too much else to do that require my time. However, I'm sure Mr. Collett is a fine patriot, and that our Alliance can find much to agree with in whatever it is he talks about -- but we will not be allying with him since we have serious ideological differences, as were noted in these words by Wolf Stoner from National Vanguard. That is why I am emphasizing those differences here again.

Wolf's observations about Christianity will offend some Christians. That is their problem. These things need to be said, over and over again until the truth of them sticks.


Wolf, under "Reject Controlled Opposition" on 3 and 8 November:

Mark Collett and his group are suggested [by David Sims] as an equivalent to National Alliance? But Mark Collett is a Christian! He said this on many occasions. I don’t think that any Christian should be promoted in this fashion. Collett is a good critic of the rotten political system and has a true conservative outlook. He has his audience but I don’t think that he should be put on one level with National Alliance.

Besides being Christian, Collett is too political (instead of spiritual). He plays politics instead of engaging into a long term spiritual struggle and upbringing of a new generation of real fighters. He aims at being a political leader of all right-wing forces in Britain. Let him try yet once this dead end endeavor. I have followed this man for 5 years (since his appearance on London Forum) and have listened to many of his speeches and read his book. Therefore, I have the moral right to express some of my observations. I think that he is a bit vainglorious and self-centered. I doubt that such a man should be promoted as a representative of the National Alliance.

For me National Alliance is an expressly non-Christian organization. Yes, we can have some friendly relations with people like David Duke and Patrick Slattery but we should always remember their fundamental flaw of being infected with the most pernicious mental viruses that ever existed. Christianity is the main problem of the White Race. Without curing it there is no long term solution.

Yes, Christians have the impudence to equate Christianity with European civilization, which is the deepest insult for us. For example, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church patriarch Kirill once said that all Slavs were barbarians, subhuman creatures without reason, before accepting Christianity. In Russian his remarks sounded particularly insulting. It brought an avalanche of enraged response from thousands of Russians (mainly on the internet, because we are not allowed to protest on the street). This “Russian” patriarch made many other anti-Russian remarks and called for more vigorous state measures against “neo-Nazis.” Kirill is a genuine Christian and expresses what he was taught. His views are consistent with Biblical teachings and his remarks opened eyes for many on what Christianity is. You are either nationalist or Christian; you cannot be both.

Mark Collett is Christian, how can he be a nationalist? The only true nationalism is the ethnic one. The laughable notion about “civic nationalism” is a cheap ploy concocted by our enemies for public consumption. It presupposes that having a passport of a particular state entity makes you a member of a given nation. I can’t imagine more stupid idea. You can name a rat a horse, but you will not be able to ride this “new horse.” Nation is a genetic entity, not a social construct or legal definition. Christianity is an idea that denies validity of ancestry; it is clearly expressed in the Bible on many occasions. Therefore, acceptance of Christian ideology means refusal of your own ancestry. Christianity led to what we have now. It is so obvious, but somehow isn’t understood by many.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:14 pm
by Will Williams
Wolf, under Solstice 2020: Honest Truth (about modern slavery and its roots)
22 December, 2020

Yes, the ability to reshape one's own views is an exceptional one; most people are unable to do it. Yet one quality of the majority is the lack of critical thinking process as such; they simply accept dominant attitudes and behavioral templates; they don’t even bother to reexamine their validity. This fact undeniably confirms the idea that most people are born to be serfs and only few have the qualities of masters. And even if those serves are given freedom, they would instantly find a new master. History teaches this lesson. When freed from serfdom, people rapidly transited into serfs for industrialists.
Now, when everyone thinks that he is free, in reality, almost everyone is a slave to the mass media, advertising tyranny and Hollywood. And this type of serfdom turned out to be the worst one. Peasants serving to landowners were in much better mental, spiritual and health conditions. Landowners cared about their people; on the contrary, the present tyrannical system doesn't care a bit about the wellbeing of those whom it milks; the system is built on the principle of instant replacement of used human material. 

We live in a slave society of the worst type; it is perfect slavery, because slaves think that they are free, therefore, can’t even conceive an idea about resistance. This slavery is based on manipulating people’s minds; it shapes pseudo reality and inputs false ideas into slaves’ heads; slaves are persuaded that they are the most free people on earth and they are happy. Only few can see through this awful scheme. But the key to understanding this evil scheme is to know that its roots are in Christianity. The modern informational slave system is the latest modification of the same middle eastern virus. Only this understanding can lead to the right way out. The majority are doomed; they are too shortsighted and too self-centered to be able to accept this hard truth. 

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:15 pm
by Will Williams
I can barely keep up with Wolf's unique perspective on things. This yesterday at NV, here: ... lutionist/ Though the Third Reich was vanquished by the Allies 75 years ago, its indomitable spirituality lives on and will prevail in the long run. It must.

Wolf Stoner
19 January, 2021, responding to "Truthweed":
It is the best reply to the raised question. Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark were all invaded because of necessity, not of any kind of enmity against them. Even Yugoslavia and Greece were taken exclusively because Britain wanted to invade Greece and to turn Yugoslavia against Germany. Therefore, there was no other option except of invading first. These facts are well known and described correctly even in the official histories of WW2; even Soviet 12-volume history presents the overall factual framework of events correctly, but puts them into false vests of Marxist analysis. And as you know, Marxist dialectics allows to prove that white is black and vice versa.

When Britain and France declared war on Germany on the 3rd of September 1939, the chain of events was started, which could not be stopped or even changed; the logic of global war put aside all other questions far behind. In such situations you can’t choose your allies; you should be satisfied with what you have, instead of what you would like. Italians were not the desired allies but the only available ones, the same with Romanians and even Hungarians to some extent.

Hitler always said that he would prefer to have Englishmen as allies. But it was impossible in those circumstances. Englishmen were under such thorough stranglehold of international jewry that they had lost the track of their own interests and tied their national fate to the nefarious agenda of the wicked tribe. I understand the underlying sentiments of Prinz Edelhart in expressing his critical thoughts, but I suppose that this is the result of rather insufficient knowledge of this question, than a product of deep analysis. I can agree with his pointing out on unrealistic internal German propaganda, depicting only victories and eschewing or diminishing losses and defeats. But propaganda always does so, even now.

Common people can’t bear truth; it breaks them; therefore, they are fed a careful diet of soothing lies.

Yes, German high command and Hitler personally did some mistakes but it can be said about all other rulers throughout history; the very fact of life presupposes making mistakes and by method of trial and error coming to truth. Therefore, pointing out on some German mistakes doesn’t change much. There were no fatal mistakes on the Hitler’s part. Third Reich was doomed from the very outset because there was no place in the world for such a state yet. It was some kind of advertisement of the Nature’s intentions; the sermon in action of the Nature intended for the future generations rather than for contemporaries.

The Third Reich that was started as a usual state, gradually by circumstances was transformed into some kind of spiritual phenomenon far surpassing any material aims of the state or people. It has become the symbol of the whole White Race, the symbol of the best qualities of the White Man and the beacon for all honest and courageous people throughout the world. The Third Reich’s material fall was in the same time its spiritual victory. For the first time in history the state and its people fought literally to the last meter of their land. No one of the allies would endure even tenth part of such tribulation. The whole purpose of existence of the Third Reich was to send this spiritual message, to invigorate the weakened European spirit and to set the highest standard of behavior for all those to come later.

All incessant prosecutions of all followers of NS ideas is the undeniable confirmation of the spiritual nature of the Third Reich. If it was simply the state as any other, the whole affair would be deemed now a distant history. Instead, it is treated as if happened yesterday. The enemies too subconsciously understand the spiritual nature of this phenomenon and do everything possible to stifle it by all available means. But even their evil efforts are part of the natural process of distillation of the best from among White Race. All weaklings and cowards are scared so much by the system that they distance themselves as far as possible from us. In this crucible of persecution the new race is created.

The coming wars and collapse of organized society would finalize this process. But in the meantime we are destined to endure much. The way upward is difficult; the way down is easy and entertaining; let the mainstream crowd have a last fun before paying the ultimate price for thoughtless life. Our ways had parted long ago and nothing can change it. The few had chosen the harsh and steep path of truth; the many had gone along the sleek downhill road of pleasure and unconcern. There is no common ground.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:20 pm
by Wolf Stoner
Here I would like to write briefly about my learning experience of the English/American political scene. We have a unique opportunity to connect with likeminded people. Before internet it was impossible. I started my political activity in 1990es when everything was still on paper. We wrote letters, mailed nationalist literature and gathered in some apartments, country houses or garages to discuss current affairs and history. Since then much has changed. High-speed Internet wasn’t widely available in Russia before 2010. I was able to install it in my house only in 2011. Since then started my acquaintance with foreign sources. Youtube was still free. First, I found American Renaissance videos – speeches of Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Richard Spencer and other notables among nationally oriented people. Afterward, I had found David Duke’s channel and watched all his videos. I liked everything he spoke about, except his recurring Christian interludes. I have heard about David Duke much earlier, yet in 2003, from other Russian nationalists, but didn’t pay much attention; back then I was focused mostly on the domestic scene.
Around 2014 I have encountered London Forum; it was the best of all other materials. Jez Turner’s speeches were absolutely amazing; he is able to inspire everyone who have even tiny amount of honor and courage. It is precisely why he has become the main target for anti-national forces in Britain. Through London Forum I was able to become acquainted with work and ideas of many other European nationalists.
The following milestone is the discovery of Mark Weber and IHR. I don’t remember when I have found him first. Maybe it was in 2014 when he gave speech at London Forum. It was excellent speech about Zionist danger. I liked Mark Weber’s reasoning so much that decided to translate into Russian his earlier speeches about Hitler and WW2. I did translate, voiced over and uploaded three of his speeches on my youtube channel. I had subscribed to IHR newsletters which regularly give a bunch of very useful links. It is difficult to overestimate the value of Mark Weber’s work; he is a hero of the modern time; the time when heroes are almost extinct.
At about 2015 I have encountered Red Ice with Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff. I liked them too and regularly listened and watched their materials. At present I rarely visit their site; they are good people, but their stuff is oriented mostly on mainstream public who only recently became awakened to the racial reality; they have their area but it isn’t deep enough for people with deeper interests.
Around the same time I started listening David Duke’s radio. I have learnt from him Patrick Slattery and his National Bugle radio. Since then I listen Patrick Slattery more than all others. I like his measured and factual approach, although not everything he speaks I can agree with (for example his unconditional support of Putin). But I understand that Russian affairs, particularly its internal troubles are so far away and irrelevant for Americans that such mistakes are forgivable. David Duke and Patrick Slattery judge Putin’s regime by its confrontation against western system. And on this point I agree too. Putin’s criticism of the West is sound and factual but everything else is wrong with current Russian power. It is nothing more than continuation of the Soviet system with the same state apparatus and the same internationalist ideology, only embellished by Orthodoxy and some monarchical symbols of Romanov’s dynasty. Yes, Russian economy is not a planned one, as it was before but it is not free either. It is some kind of hybrid of state capitalism, oligarchical monopolistic capitalism and feudalism. The economic system in Russia is thoroughly corrupt and ineffective. All private entrepreneurs with initiative and abilities are stifled here by unbearable taxation and insatiable demands for bribes from multiple supervising officials. In this regard, western mainstream media is more close to the truth in describing Russia than David Duke and Patrick Slattery. But I don’t blame them for it. They can’t know everything.
I admire Patrick Slattery for his logic, wide spectrum of knowledge and his ability to communicate with people; he is able to present any question clearly. He is better than any mainstream famous TV and radio presenters. From professor Slattery I learnt about Tucker Carlson whom he quotes frequently. And since the last year I follow Tucker’s videos on youtube too.
But despite of being such a good presenter and knowledgeable person, professor Slattery’s mentality continues to be this of an average middleclass citizen in regard to life’s philosophy. In essence, he is epitome of the awakened normi American. It has both good and bad connotations. It is good because due to this fact he can easily communicate with almost any other normal white American. But it is bad when it comes to religious or deep philosophical questions. I doubt that he would ever accept a cosmotheist value system. He is too mainstream for this. But in contrast to David Duke, Patrick Slattery is secular; he rarely makes a lip-service about “our Christian values” but in most cases he prefers to ignore this topic whatsoever.
His partner in making radio program, Jeremy from Kentucky, is too very bright person but he is even more mainstream in his life’s outlook. I like their discussions about current affairs but I doubt that they would ever be able to break from the given American political-philosophical paradigm. They are too deeply soaked with it. The same traits are attributable to John Stadtmiller (the founder of RBN radio network) to even greater degree. I listen his program from time to time. He is an honest white American but he is too strongly tied to the old American paradigm with “constitution”, “elections”, “bill of rights” and other holy catch-words that mesmerize American conservative public.
I don’t remember how precisely I have encountered National Vanguard site, maybe through a link from some other site. It was more than a year ago. I have seen at once that it is much more than all other sources. The first trait that at once stands out is the much deeper scoop and much wider intellectual spectrum of materials presented here. In stark contrast to almost all other sources it is concerned mostly with eternal and long-term questions instead of current affairs. The more I had read materials on this site, the more I wondered how identical it is to my vision. Rejection of Christianity; need for new religion, which should be based on knowledge instead of murky revelations; making foundation for a coming of the new type of man. It is all starkly different than everything I had seen previously. Articles of Revilo Oliver have special place; he dealt with the root causes of all European troubles. I enjoyed reading them. And, certainly, the fiery broadcasts of doctor William Pierce. I have downloaded the whole archive of his radio programs of 1997-2002. I listen them on my smartphone whenever have free time. Everything he spoke about resonates deeply with me. He was right when almost all others were wrong. He is a true prophet of White Race. William Pierce is known among Russian nationalists. For the first time I have learnt about him yet back in 2003 from one of my political associates, but didn’t pay much attention to it. As I said, in earlier time I was mostly unconcerned with all foreign connections.
Beside nationalist media, I have used various other sources of information. Even before internet became available, I have listened short-wave radio broadcasts of BBC, Voice of America, Voice of Iran and some other English language radios. When internet became available, I started with mainstream sources – CNN, BBC, DW. Beside them, I have found Heritage Foundation, which sometimes presented very interesting speakers. I have watched with great interest presentations of Center for Strategic and International Studies and Atlantic Council. From the very first acquaintance it was understandable that they are our enemies and promote anti-white agenda; but in contrast with mainstream media, their discussions are more intellectual and oriented mostly on insiders than outsiders.
I have looked into leftists media too. In 2011-12 I regularly watched Democracy Now news-hours with Ami Goodman. It was the time of “occupy Wall-street” movement and “Arab spring”. There I have seen the leftist guru Noam Chomsky, who is like modern Moses among the left crowd. He is very cunning; the old fox that is able to skillfully cover his trail. He even criticize Israel but does it in such a way that Jews start to look more like victims than perpetrators. He masterfully turns the whole matter upside down and presents Israel as being “a colony of American imperialism” and that Jews suffer from Islamic terrorism because of aggressive American policy (as if it is not other way around); phenomenal juggler; Jew of all Jews. It is helpful to listen such men like Chomsky; Jewish psychology becomes more understandable.
Yet one notable among American media is Alex Jones. In 2011-12 I have watched all his documentaries. From the very start I understood that he tries to oversimplify everything and to divert attention into utterly unproductive channel of “aliens”, “reptiloids” and some undefined “leftists”, instead on focusing on the real enemies. He is a showman and mostly shallow person but with substantial abilities to hold viewer’s attention.
At some time or another I have listened Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, John Batchelor. They are Jews (except Limbaugh) posing to be conservatives. They are masters of psychological acrobatics. John Batchelor poses as a sage knowing everything; he creates an aura of deep understanding of events but everything that he says is tied to the underlying Jewish agenda. I listen him sometimes even now. It helps to better understand the deep state’s agenda. He speaks mostly for the “initiated”, therefore, discloses something that mainstream media would never speak about.
Having studied American media thoroughly enough, I can make some conclusions. In the last 5 years the quality of the mainstream mass channels has dropped exponentially. If even 15 years ago BBC and CNN were yet reliable sources of information regarding what happens in the world, nowadays they have transformed into primitive propagandist outlets under strict control of their shadow rulers. The quality of their presenters and correspondents dropped catastrophically. Why should I listen this awful African or Indian accent when looking BBC news? I like listening perfect British pronunciation, not Asian or African mumblings. Therefore, from 2015-16 I have stopped watching BBC and CNN altogether. Not only because of their “diverse” crowd of correspondents, but because the intellectual level of their programs has dropped sharply too. There is no independent thought anymore there; only stale clichés and propaganda. We have had it enough in USSR to endure the same from “democratic” western media. In some sense it is even worse than Soviet “Pravda”, because of their more diverse tool’s kit and much better ability to manipulate public mind. Back in Soviet times everyone knew that “papers are lying” but now many people believe to “independent news media”, because “we live in democracy” and “everyone can say what he wants”, except “hate-speech”…(and this “hate-speech” category includes everything that have even slightest deviation from party-line). So, the modern western liberal-totalitarian system is more able to dupe its citizens than Soviet Union was. But despite of this, the reality becomes so incompatible with TV-images that even mainstream dupes start to notice that something has gone wrong. But they have a too long way to go through. They start with understanding that their candidate was thrown under the bus by the deep state. But they don’t yet even question the underlying ideological foundations of the whole system. The mental progress of the masses will accelerate proportionally to the atrocities happening at ever greater rate everywhere. The more there riots, bombings, knife attacks, raping and other attributes of diversity, the more people would become sensitive and attentive to real truth. But so far, we need simply to wait and observe from afar.
National Vanguard is the main think-tank of White Race. Its purpose is to appeal to the few rather than to many. The task of elaboration of the long-term agenda and tasks is too important. People dealing with current affairs should do their work but their task is of lesser importance. There are enough people dealing with present day; but there are very few who deal with distant future and eternal questions. It is why I like National Vanguard more than any other sources.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:13 pm
by Will Williams
Wolf Stoner wrote:
Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:20 pm
Here I would like to write briefly about my learning experience of the English/American political scene...
National Vanguard is the main think-tank of White Race. Its purpose is to appeal to the few rather than to many. The task of elaboration of the long-term agenda and tasks is too important. People dealing with current affairs should do their work but their task is of lesser importance. There are enough people dealing with present day; but there are very few who deal with distant future and eternal questions. It is why I like National Vanguard more than any other sources.
Excellent personal journey and media analysis you tell here, Wolf. I'll be shortening this a bit, just for brevity, hitting the highlights for our February National Alliance BULLETIN. I have featured something from you in the past couple of issues because our members need to hear what you have had to say as an observer of America from Russia.

When many more of our people see our Alliance, National Vanguard, and especially Cosmotheism as you have come to see and understand us, our movement will finally flourish.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 11:25 am
by Will Williams
I have been remiss lately in repeating Wolf here in this section dedicated to his words of wisdom. The May National Alliance BULLETIN that has just gone to press, features more from Wolf plus the news that he has joined our Alliance as a member.

Here is a piece he wrote as a comment under writer H. Millard's excellent Cosmotheist "sermon" on Purity & Sin just two days ago:

Wolf Stoner

29 May, 2021 6:41 am

Perfect sermon. I like this style. We should deny Christians their monopoly on preaching. They like to occupy the high moral ground and to teach everyone of what is good and what is bad. But our nations have lived for centuries according to their tenets; and what is the result? – The total destruction of the European civilization. Christianity is bankrupt on all accounts. It is the ripe time to discard it and to throw it into the dustbin of history, together with communism and liberalism. The time has come to return to the religion of Nature – the only true and infallible religion.

The cult of the nailed vagabond leads nowhere, as well as the violent cult of the polygamous cutthroats; because both of these cults are rooted in the same tribe of vile usurers and deceivers. The fact that these cults have accrued billions of followers can’t serve as justification of their truthfulness.

The human cattle are too gullible and too susceptible for deception. The modern pop-culture shows this mechanism perfectly. The popularity of the nailed vagabond has the same nature as the popularity of any pop-star. It excludes logical reasoning and deep mental processes; it is a sheer conformity to the dominant trends, the herd instinct. “If all around me reckon this pop-star to be a genius, it means he is a genius and I too should worship him”. In essence, the last two thousand years is the period of the collective insanity among White People. The communist experiment and the pop-culture phenomenon show us that humans are too susceptible to the mass frenzies. It is a folly to count on “common sense” among bipedal crowd. They would follow anyone strong enough to impose his will, or wily enough to appear glamorous. The mainstream cattle have no capacity for logical analysis; they need leaders to do it for them. Otherwise, they fall victims of any passing by crook.

Look at the modern American society. First, they were persuaded that promiscuity and vulgarity are not bad and should be accepted as a new norm. Afterward, they were told that perversions are not something abnormal and that perverts should be allowed to live as they want. The gullible crowd, munching pop-corn and watching football games, obediently accepted these new narratives. But the crooks didn’t stop there. The crooks never stop by themselves; they want ever more. Being emboldened by their victories and by the passivity of the crowd, the crooks raised their voices to the higher pitch and changed appealing tone to the demanding one. Instead of only tolerating the perverts, the majority had been ordered to accept them as equals. And they accepted. And the crooks went further and said: “you are racists and bigots, and you must pay reparations for all your victims for the hundreds of years of oppression and exploitation”. The mainstream cattle suddenly found itself in the position of the conquered people.

Now, not only they were denied any political rights, but even the rights for their children. The sweet-mouthed crooks, that turned into threatening demons, now demanded that mainstream cattle allow their children to be castrated and mutilated in all possible ways, as the perverted imagination of the crooks deems it appropriate. But even this is not enough for the demons. They want more; they want to deny the right to possess one's own body; they order all to submit to the collective time-delayed euthanasia in order to clear the space for the chosen ones and their self-promised paradise.

And what about common sense of the mainstream majority? Yes, there are some feeble voices (or to be more accurate – pitiable sheepish bleating) of some of the mainstream “conservative” citizens who started to note (only now!) that something is wrong around them. But this reaction is a minor nuisance, it only confirms the above-mentioned fact that the mainstream crowd is unable to defend themselves without natural ethnic leaders. The cattle, being pushed into the gates of the slaughterhouse, started to notice, that, maybe, the promised happiness in the multicultural paradise, is not going to happen. But even now, on the threshold of the assured destruction, the cattle continue to worship their fake gods and follow fake leaders in the futile hope of being “saved.”

But they still reject us, therefore, we can’t save them, and we shouldn’t even try to do it. We should concern ourselves only with our own people. And to this category belong only the conscious White People. The mainstream crowd, whose mind is beclouded with Hollywood poisonous fumes and whose very instincts of individual and collective survival are dumbed, showed its inability to function on its own. Thus, the very concept of “democracy” is exposed as a false idea. People can’t arrange their affairs on their own; they need ethnic leaders, the natural aristocracy, which would guide them and defend from the multitude of all possible dangers. The common people without leaders are like cattle without shepherd or children without parents; every crook can deceive and harm them.

The time has come for the real ethnic leaders to arise and to dethrone the false alien cult of the nailed vagabond and to install the true White Religion.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 6:55 am
by Wolf Stoner
Some of my thoughts after reading Thomas Dalton’s article “The Jewish Hand in World War Three” ... war-three/

Thomas Dalton is an honest scholar. I have read his book about Holocaust (very good book). But…he is too scholarly to be a reliable authority on questions concerning bloody fights on the edge of the Earth (for Americans). He impeccably presented all facts about Jewish infiltration of the modern Ukrainian state but he failed to see the forest behind the trees. The fact that fleas infest a dog doesn’t abolish the fact that this dog exists and has its own motives.

I am ready to concede some points to Thomas Dalton and to admit that we (pro-Ukrainian side) are somewhat biased in this question. Yes, we are biased. I have an uncompromised bias in this question and have no intention of changing it. Putin must be defeated by whatever means and with whatever sacrifices. There is no way around. RF must fail because it is a neo-Bolshevik entity. Putin’s Russia is the main embodiment of the most hostile political ideas to our Race.

Yes, there are many problems inside Ukraine itself but it is beside the main point. When major events happen, only the main factors should be considered and all minor ones should be relegated to the background. The failure to distinguish between what is really important and what is not inevitably leads to disastrous consequences. For example, the failure of Baltic nations and Poles in 1919 to understand who was their main enemy, eventually led to their national catastrophes in later decades. Instead of helping Denikin to crush the communist monster in the summer of 1919 when he advanced on Moscow, Balts and Poles preferred to remain passive, considering both sides of the conflict to be equally hostile to their national interests. We should always remember this historical lesson.

Failure to stop Putin in Ukraine, would inevitably lead to the invasion of Baltic states. And what we would do when neo-Bolshevik Russia is again occupies the territorial domain of the former USSR?

By the way, the Jewish infiltration of Russian power structure is not lesser than in Ukraine. Russian media are not less Jewish than American media. And all those Putin’s Jews cry for blood; they are happy to see tens of thousands of killed Slavs, be they Russians or Ukrainians. Therefore, I don’t think it is appropriate to consider Ukraine as being a “Jewish side” of the conflict and Putin’s Russia as “non-Jewish side”. There are Jews on both sides and they, as usual, are engaged in the most nefarious activities. But, I repeat, this fact doesn’t change the overall strategic picture. Putin has unleashed an all-out war to restore USSR; it is not my supposition but the obvious fact. What irritates me most is the gullibility of many western conservatives who fall for Kremlin’s dirty propaganda about “sufferings of ethnic Russians in Donbass” and “NATO expansion into Russian domain”. It is all BS. It is not more relevant than Saddam Hussein’s WMD. It is only pretext. For some reason the Kremlin rulers decided that they too are able to “play America” and to conquer a big country in a few days with two hundred thousand troops. But, Putin’s drunkard robber army happened to be no match to US army of 2003 (this remark doesn’t mean that I support American expansionism; American military is an embodiment of the White scientific achievements of the past, regardless of its present ideological deviations).

There is yet one point that needs to be addressed. Thomas Dalton writes:
“It was under such circumstances that Putin invaded and annexed Crimea, in February 2014. It was also at this time that Russian separatists in Donbass launched their counter-revolution, initiating a virtual civil war in Ukraine; to date, eight years later, around 15,000 people have died in total, many civilians.”

Here he repeats Kremlin’s propaganda version of the events. Everyone must understand the fact that war in Donbass wasn’t a natural social event originating inside local community itself but was crudely instigated and imposed by outside force. There were no internal causes at all. There were, maybe, 5-10 percent of pro-Soviet people and a few hundred freaks waving red flags and portraits of Stalin but these forces are definitely not enough to start a war. I have followed those events very closely day by day as they happened, therefore, have a right to claim better authority on this particular issue.

The separatist movement in Donbass was wholly artificial and orchestrated by Kremlin’s special services. The local political forces were used only as a thin veneer to crudely cover Moscow’s hand. Anyone who studied such kinds of wars can see it at once. Never in military history was it possible for a separatist movement to emerge from nothing and in a few months grow into a potent military force able to successfully combat against a major regular army. It never happened because it is simply impossible. Any real insurgency grows gradually and for a longer time. But the supposed “separatists” from Donbass were able not only to capture tanks, artillery and thousands of small weapons in a couple of months but somehow acquired Buk SAM systems and downed a dozen of Ukrainian aircraft in June-July 2014.

Beside these purely theoretical impossibilities that are obvious for any outside observer, there were multiple studies on these issues which have established the whole scheme and the whole sequence of events in Donbas. Those studies confirm beyond reasonable doubts the fact that Putin’s government had created, supplied and fully controlled all those supposedly independent separatist entities. Nothing new; we can find all of it in Soviet history; KGB was an expert agency in such kind of operations.

I must repeat yet once: there was never real separatist movement in Eastern Ukraine. It was and it is a crude sham designed to dupe foreign public. The “separatist” units are led in battle and trained by Russian officers. Kremlin’s special services officers pose as local politicians. Yes, they use some local buffoons to add credibility but it has no influence on the nature of the events. Local community has no say in what is going on in their land. They are, essentially, hostages of Kremlin’s thugs who compel them to be a part of this whole Stalinist theater. By the way, Putin has used LPR and DPR as a proving ground for his neo-Stalinist social projects. Everything that is now imposed on the whole Russian society was tried in LPR and DPR in 2014 to 2021 period.

Yet one Kremlin’s propaganda talking point is “15 thousand people killed”. This number is always used by Kremlin in such a way as if all those dead are victims of Kiev’s “fascist forces”. The reality is that at least half of those died were Ukrainian servicemen. The share of local civilians who died in the conflict is not more than a quarter; 3 to 4 thousand civilians and they died mainly in 2014-15 when two major incursions of Russian regular army happened (in August 2014 and in January-February 2015). Therefore, the culpability of Ukrainian military for these civilian deaths is minimal. The main cause of deaths among civilians were Russian long-range artillery strikes. The same as it is now. Therefore, this number of 15 thousand dead that is frequently invoked by Putin and his fellow-gangsters as a justification of his decision to unleash a major war in reality is not a justification but an additional prove of Kremlin’s initial crimes in Ukraine. It is Putin and his gang who were the main cause of those deaths, not Ukrainian military. It is so obvious that I shouldn’t even repeat it. But, regrettably, I must repeat it because even such knowledgeable men as Thomas Dalton sometimes fall to these crude Kremlin’s ruses.

I don’t want to be perceived as hostile to Thomas Dalton, whom I respect very much (especially, for his translation of AH’s book). This divergence of views on some issues is a normal part of a healthy discussion. We should not try to achieve absolute uniformity of views on all issues. But, if Thomas Dalton wants to be really unbiased on the issue, he should write a follow-up article about Jewish factor in Russian politics and the role of Jewish oligarchs in bringing Putin to power and sustaining this power. Only then his readers would be able to form a truly objective picture. Otherwise, people are left with a false impression of Putin’s Russia fighting against global Jewry.

Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:16 pm
by Will Williams
Wolf Stoner wrote:
Fri Jun 03, 2022 6:55 am
Some of my thoughts after reading Thomas Dalton’s article “The Jewish Hand in World War Three” ... war-three/

Thomas Dalton is an honest scholar. I have read his book about Holocaust (very good book). But…he is too scholarly to be a reliable authority on questions concerning bloody fights on the edge of the Earth (for Americans). He impeccably presented all facts about Jewish infiltration of the modern Ukrainian state but he failed to see the forest behind the trees. The fact that fleas infest a dog doesn’t abolish the fact that this dog exists and has its own motives.

I am ready to concede some points to Thomas Dalton and to admit that we (pro-Ukrainian side) are somewhat biased in this question. Yes, we are biased. I have an uncompromised bias in this question and have no intention of changing it. Putin must be defeated by whatever means and with whatever sacrifices. There is no way around. RF must fail because it is a neo-Bolshevik entity. Putin’s Russia is the main embodiment of the most hostile political ideas to our Race.
I don’t want to be perceived as hostile to Thomas Dalton, whom I respect very much (especially, for his translation of AH’s book). This divergence of views on some issues is a normal part of a healthy discussion. We should not try to achieve absolute uniformity of views on all issues. But, if Thomas Dalton wants to be really unbiased on the issue, he should write a follow-up article about Jewish factor in Russian politics and the role of Jewish oligarchs in bringing Putin to power and sustaining this power. Only then his readers would be able to form a truly objective picture. Otherwise, people are left with a false impression of Putin’s Russia fighting against global Jewry.
Very fair assessment, Wolf. Thank you. Perhaps Dalton will take you up on your suggestion to document the Jews influencing Putin's neo-Bolshevik Kremlin as he has done with Ukraine's leadership. Americans need not take sides in this far off dispute -- just let it play out.