Words of Wolf Stoner

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by fluxmaster » Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:02 am

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:06 am
They are rats whose main concern is their own wellbeing. They lack higher purpose; they were never guided by non-material ideals. Anything that doesn't promises material gain is automatically discarded by them as useless. They consider people exclusively on the basis of wealth.
While that may be true of Donald Trump, it is absurd to say that about Elon Musk. His entire life is guided by a higher purpose: The survival of humanity. Although he lacks a racial foundation, except for that, his purpose is exactly the same as ours, and he is better in one important respect--he is not just succeeding but succeeding spectacularly.

There are things that Elon Musk does that I disapprove of, such as his support for transhumanism, but, even in these cases, he is clearly not motivated by material gain but by his own personal ideals.

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:18 pm

fluxmaster wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:02 am
Although [Musk] lacks a racial foundation, except for that, his purpose is exactly the same as ours...
I wouldn't go so far as to say that.

Apparently, according to this report Elon has 11 children by several women. Keep an eye on who his sons and daughters marry: https://www.the-sun.com/news/784164/how ... elon-musk/ A correspondent reminded me a couple of days ago how through history Jews have targeted the children of rich and powerful goyim for marriage, including several of "our" American presidents:

It was common in Poland, where 92% of Jews lived, starting around 969, for Jews to marry into royalty...
n the USA, it's no coincidence, but diabolical planning that a Jew married President Kennedy's daughter, Caroline. Also, President Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, and now President Trump's, Ivanka...

Elon Musk’s Israel trip:
What was the purpose,
what did he tell Netanyahu?

Al Jazeera
28 Nov 2023
Billionaire tycoon Elon Musk, who has been accused of platforming anti-Semitic content on his social media platform X, on Monday met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to Israel.

Accompanied by Netanyahu, the tech billionaire also visited a kibbutz that was raided by Hamas fighters on October 7, during an assault that left 1,200 people dead and triggered Israel’s deadliest-ever military assault on Gaza. Nearly 15,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel’s bombardment of the coastal enclave.

Musk was said to have backed Israel’s war on Gaza after the trip that came during the truce between Hamas and Israel. Musk also agreed to not provide internet access to Gaza through his satellite company Starlink without Israeli approval...

Musk’s visit to Israel, which came amid a truce between Hamas and Israel, follows backlash against a post on X that many have labelled as anti-Semitic, triggering a wave of advertisement withdrawals from the platform by corporate giants such as Apple and IBM, potentially costing X millions of dollars.

Earlier this month, Musk agreed with a social media post accusing Jewish people of pushing “dialectical hatred” against white people. Musk’s remarks received condemnation in the United States from the White House for being “abhorrent”.

Musk has also been accused of allowing advertisements from major corporations next to neo-Nazi and white nationalist content. X is also facing a probe from the European Union into the spread of disinformation and violent content about Israel’s war on Gaza.

Musk has either criticised or denied findings from organisations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Center for Countering Digital Hate that X has witnessed an increase in hate speech since he became CEO last year.

X has sued Media Matters after accusing the media watchdog of manipulating an algorithm to drive away advertisers. The watchdog has called the lawsuit “frivolous”...

Escorted by Netanyahu and other security personnel, Musk toured the Kfar Aza kibbutz, attacked by Hamas fighters on October 7. He was also shown footage of the Hamas attack and met some of the families of people taken into captivity from Israel.

“It was jarring to see the scene of the massacre,” said Musk later in an X Spaces conversation with Netanyahu, adding Israel has “no choice” but to eliminate Hamas.

In the brief life-streamed conversation on X, Musk and Netanyahu agreed that Hamas needs to be eradicated – a mission that Israel has used as justification for its military offensive that has claimed overwhelmingly civilian lives.

“You first have to get rid of the poisonous regime as you did in Germany, as you did in Japan. Yeah, in World War II,” said Netanyahu. Musk replied, “There’s no choice. There’s no choice.”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog told Musk during a meeting that he had a huge role to play in the global fight against anti-Semitism. “We have to do whatever is necessary to stop the hate,” Musk replied, according to a statement released by Herzog’s office.

Why did Netanyahu escort him weeks after asking him to condemn anti-Semitism? On the X space, Netanyahu said that Musk’s visit to Israel points to his solidarity with Israel. “The fact that you came here, I think, speaks volumes to your commitment to try to secure a better future”, he said.

Netanyahu reminded Musk that the last time they spoke, the two had a conversation about artificial intelligence. He told the tech CEO that “great talents are available” in Israel and pointed to Israeli manufacturing of iPhones and operations of the navigation app, Waze.

Netanyahu previously met Musk in California on September 18 where the Israeli prime minister urged him to strike a balance between protecting free expression and fighting hate speech after weeks of controversy over anti-Semitism on X.

Musk responded by saying he was against anti-Semitism and against anything that “promotes hate and conflict”, repeating his previous statements that X would not promote hate speech....

More, here: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/ ... -netanyahu
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by fluxmaster » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:04 pm

I obviously don't approve of everything that Elon Musk does, but saying that he is only or primarily motivated by material concerns is absurd.

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:54 pm

fluxmaster wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:04 pm
I obviously don't approve of everything that Elon Musk does, but saying that he is only or primarily motivated by material concerns is absurd.
Wolf was referring to Kevin Strom's recent ADV show: https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/12/em ... nomic-man/
...Elon Musk, creative though he may be in certain aspects of his life, is surely in the camp of “economic man.”

This came to light in a very personal way for me in the last two weeks. The short version is that X, the gigantic online discussion platform formerly known as Twitter, “permanently suspended” me within hours of an ADL attack on me. The powerful but largely discredited Jewish group published an article on November 30 attacking me for a couple of my posts on the platform, posts in which I’d done little more than express my sincerely held religious belief that Cosmotheism is the spiritual path forward for our people and offered a link to the Cosmotheist church Web site. That’s right, X, owned by Mr. EM himself, who’s recently called himself a “free speech absolutist” and who had a public feud with the ADL and with the Jewish power structure generally over their censorious and anti-White activities, has banned yours truly, Kevin Alfred Strom, because of a ridiculously tenuous and unbelievable claim that my support of the Cosmotheist church was somehow “funding hate.”
You have to admit that Mr. Musk's suspending Kevin permanently for his post about Cosmotheism on X, characterizing it as "hate," doesn't exactly make him a spiritual man. He's working with the ADL to silence Cosmotheists!

Kevin is a spiritual man. Big difference between him and Elon Musk. Imagine how things would be for our race if Kevin had hundreds of billions to promote Cosmotheism.

As the world's richest man, Elon Musk is an economic man if ever there was one, perhaps not "only," but not at all a man concerned for the preservation of his race.
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by fluxmaster » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:51 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:54 pm
fluxmaster wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:04 pm
I obviously don't approve of everything that Elon Musk does, but saying that he is only or primarily motivated by material concerns is absurd.
Wolf was referring to Kevin Strom's recent ADV show: https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/12/em ... nomic-man/
...Elon Musk, creative though he may be in certain aspects of his life, is surely in the camp of “economic man.”

This came to light in a very personal way for me in the last two weeks. The short version is that X, the gigantic online discussion platform formerly known as Twitter, “permanently suspended” me within hours of an ADL attack on me. The powerful but largely discredited Jewish group published an article on November 30 attacking me for a couple of my posts on the platform, posts in which I’d done little more than express my sincerely held religious belief that Cosmotheism is the spiritual path forward for our people and offered a link to the Cosmotheist church Web site. That’s right, X, owned by Mr. EM himself, who’s recently called himself a “free speech absolutist” and who had a public feud with the ADL and with the Jewish power structure generally over their censorious and anti-White activities, has banned yours truly, Kevin Alfred Strom, because of a ridiculously tenuous and unbelievable claim that my support of the Cosmotheist church was somehow “funding hate.”
You have to admit that Mr. Musk's suspending Kevin permanently for his post about Cosmotheism on X, characterizing it as "hate," doesn't exactly make him a spiritual man. He's working with the ADL to silence Cosmotheists!

Kevin is a spiritual man. Big difference between him and Elon Musk. Imagine how things would be for our race if Kevin had hundreds of billions to promote Cosmotheism.

As the world's richest man, Elon Musk is an economic man if ever there was one, perhaps not "only," but not at all a man concerned for the preservation of his race.
There are a couple of points I'd like to make here.

Elon Musk has demonstrated a commitment to many things of positive value: free speech, pro-natalism, human advancement. He has, on occasion, dropped hints about who controls us. He never names the Jew, but I'm reasonably certain that he is not ignorant of their nature. A person of his nature in the public spotlight is held up to a lot of scrutiny by Jews, and he has to walk a fine line between what he would like to say and what he can get away with saying. If he were to make a step in the wrong direction, he could be ruined instantly. He appears to me to be doing as much as he can get away with without crossing that line.

Would the morally correct thing to do if he understands the nature of the Jew be to expose them and see the ruin of all his enterprises that he has devoted his life to? That's debatable, but I could not in any way fault him if his rapprochement with the Jews is merely a tactical move, given the stakes involved. I suppose that he could donate all his billions to the National Alliance and then publicly expose the Jew, but that would be a lot to expect of anyone.

Elon Musk doesn't appear to be concerned with the preservation of the White race specifically but with all of humanity, although, even here, we can't be absolutely sure, as voicing any concern for the preservation of the White race would lead to instant ruin. He also supports transhumanism, of which I strongly disapprove. Was his suspension of Kevin Alfred Storm due to his own personal ideology or pressure from the ADL? My thinking is that he would not have suspended Kevin Alfred Storm without some pressure from Jews, although, since he doesn't personally appear to be explicitly pro-White, he probably didn't consider it very important.

Now to the issue of Economic Man versus Spiritual Man. I'm not sure whether Elon Musk is a Spiritual Man, but I would definitely call him an idealist. If simply being the world's richest man makes him an Economic Man, then I don't think that's a bad thing at all. The enterprise that he is pursuing, the colonization of Mars, cannot be accomplished without enormous wealth. He doesn't live in a mansion or have expensive tastes. On the contrary, he lives quite modestly. Nearly all of his enormous wealth is being funneled into his goal of colonizing Mars. If that makes him an Economic Man, then he is an Economic Man par excellence, and I consider myself privileged to be living at the same time as he is.

There are many people throughout history that we honor even though they have serious flaws. We don't expect our heroes to be perfect. We would not, for example, take kindly to disrespect shown toward Christopher Columbus. Yet Columbus' motive for sailing the Atlantic was to reach Asia so that he could continue on to Jerusalem and liberate the "Holy Land" from the "infidels," not exactly an enterprise that we would approve of. I'll bet they never taught you that in school. Yet we still honor and respect Columbus. Whatever his flaws, Elon Musk is of a considerably higher caliber than Columbus and certainly deserving our admiration and respect.

It can be difficult when our heroes reject us, but they don't stop being our heroes.
I was very sad to see that because those guys are, yeah, you know those guys are heroes of mine, so it's really tough.

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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:49 am

Would the morally correct thing to do if he understands the nature of the Jew be to expose them and see the ruin of all his enterprises that he has devoted his life to? That's debatable, but I could not in any way fault him if his rapprochement with the Jews is merely a tactical move, given the stakes involved. I suppose that he could donate all his billions to the National Alliance and then publicly expose the Jew, but that would be a lot to expect of anyone.
So Musk kicks White patriots in the teeth (by banning KAS among other things) to please the Jews -- and Musk gets this excuse? It's "tactical?"

Musk loves his money and kowtows to Jews so he can keep his billions. I find nothing excusable and certainly nothing admirable about that. He's no hero, but yet another small man. Donation of his billions to the National Alliance would be a good start at repentance for his sins against our race.
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by fluxmaster » Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:56 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:49 am
Would the morally correct thing to do if he understands the nature of the Jew be to expose them and see the ruin of all his enterprises that he has devoted his life to? That's debatable, but I could not in any way fault him if his rapprochement with the Jews is merely a tactical move, given the stakes involved. I suppose that he could donate all his billions to the National Alliance and then publicly expose the Jew, but that would be a lot to expect of anyone.
So Musk kicks White patriots in the teeth (by banning KAS among other things) to please the Jews -- and Musk gets this excuse? It's "tactical?"

Musk loves his money and kowtows to Jews so he can keep his billions. I find nothing excusable and certainly nothing admirable about that. He's no hero, but yet another small man. Donation of his billions to the National Alliance would be a good start at repentance for his sins against our race.
Musk has not done anything to make things worse for us. I see no reason to believe that, had he not bought out Twitter, Kevin Alfred Storm would not have been banned. Twitter was a rats nest before he took it over. He not only cleaned it up quite a bit but also publicly denounced the ADL and permitted a modicum of pro-White content, something that was not permitted before. Those are definite positives. Nothing would be better for us had he not taken over Twitter. Moreover, Twitter was a financial loss for him. If he loved his money so much, he would not have wasted it on Twitter but would have spent it on more productive endeavors. But Musk doesn't care about money but only about the future of humanity. He sacrificed a big chunk of his wealth to improve Twitter as much as he could. If he didn't act as he did, at best he would lose Twitter, and, at worst, he would lose SpaceX, all his life's goals and ambitions would be destroyed, and nothing would change. The media would simply make him out to be a crackpot and a failure, and most people would believe it. Even if he were to transfer all his wealth to the National Aliance, Jews would find some way to invalidate that transfer and have the money go to the ADL instead, as has been done before.

This has to be won from the bottom up, not from the top down. It is totally unreasonable to expect anyone in power to give us explicit support at this point in time. Musk has gone well beyond anyone else in power to expose the Jews and as far as anyone in power could without being totally destroyed. Support will come from the bottom and will grow organically. We cannot expect or rely on anything coming from the top.

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Will Williams
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:22 am

fluxmaster wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:56 am

...[H]ad [Musk] not bought out Twitter, Kevin Alfred Storm would not have been banned. Twitter was a rats nest before he took it over...

It's still a rat's nest and Musk is controlled by the ADL and Jewry. I watched your little video to see that he cries easily when challenged by the Negro interviewer about criticism of him by his heroes.

Everyone should have heroes. It's clear that Elon Musk is yours. That's OK.

Even if he were to transfer all his wealth to the National Aliance, Jews would find some way to invalidate that transfer and have the money go to the ADL instead... It is totally unreasonable to expect anyone in power to give us explicit support at this point in time.

That, sir is a defeatist statement. The wrong people are in power over our people.
Musk has gone well beyond anyone else in power to expose the Jews and as far as anyone in power could without being totally destroyed. Support will come from the bottom
Twitter is the bottom. Kevin established that fact by being banned by its owner for daring to say something our people need to hear. Musk travelled to Israel in October to embrace Bibi and get his marching orders to use his platform to fight those like Kevin who expose Jewish perfidy. That is a fact!
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/ ... -netanyahu

...Musk and Netanyahu agreed that Hamas needs to be eradicated – a mission that Israel has used as justification for its military offensive that has claimed overwhelmingly civilian lives.

“You first have to get rid of the poisonous regime as you did in Germany, as you did in Japan. Yeah, in World War II,” said Netanyahu.

Musk replied, “There’s no choice. There’s no choice.”
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:04 am

fluxmaster wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:02 am

While that may be true of Donald Trump, it is absurd to say that about Elon Musk. His entire life is guided by a higher purpose: The survival of humanity. Although he lacks a racial foundation, except for that, his purpose is exactly the same as ours, and he is better in one important respect--he is not just succeeding but succeeding spectacularly.

There are things that Elon Musk does that I disapprove of, such as his support for transhumanism, but, even in these cases, he is clearly not motivated by material gain but by his own personal ideals.
If a man doesn't understand the biological foundation of life and the simple fact that race is the main determining factor of civilization, then, he is not so smart as could seem. Or, he is a hypocrite who prefers to cater to the prevailing opinions and political agenda of the ruling class. In either case such a man is not only useless for our cause but dangerous. A half-friend is worse than an open enemy. The whole pack of Musk's dreams about space exploration is useless without racial foundation. Who would implement all those ideas if the White race is gone? If this simple fact is not understood by Musk, then he is not better than any TV-watching coach-potatto or Jill and Joe six-pack. My personal impression about Musk was always negative. I happened to meet such types in real life. Yes, they are bright and clever but they are concerned more with ostentatious side of life and with their own well-being. They would never sacrifice their social position and prosperity for a higher cause or for the sake of their people. Musk is a happy puppet of Jews. To promote any favorable opinion about him is to hurt our cause. I never discard people outright. Any man can repent and return to a true path. If Musk, due to some miracle, someday would start to help White racial cause, then I would happily take my words back and acknowledge him as a White hero. But probability of this happening is infinitesimal. Let's perceive life realistically and stop inventing saviours from sparkling clowns.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Words of Wolf Stoner

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:37 am

The main problem with all those "saviours" and "heroes" like Reagan, Trump, Musk, Tacker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, Rand Paul and multitude of other "truth-seekers" and "conservatives" is that they try to please everyone. Ultimately, they always bow before the dominant power (which is now in Jewish hands), thereby, creating even worse situation than could be under outright scoundrels like Clintons. These "friends" of White race are more harmful than all Negroes, Mexicans and Chinese put together. These "friends" expose some problems and abuses of the system, which gains to them wide popularity among mainstream Whites. But in the same time they use this popularity not to advance our racial cause but to strengthen the enemy narrative on the most critical questions. What worth all those passionate ramblings of Tacker if he ditched his people on the most important question? He disawoved his racial identity. The same is with all others. Reagan, this icon of mainstream conservative buffoons, was the first president to legalize millions of non-white aliens. In essence, he started the process that culminated now in this ongoing alien flood. It is always the case with such half-friends. These do-gooders turn out to be good for nothing and accessory for further enemy actions. I am sure, now Jews will use Trump, if he is elected, to start a war against Iran. Trump, having substantial popular backing on other issues, will use it, yet again, to advance Jewish cause at White's expense. And once again, Whites will bear the whole burden of universal opprobrium and hatred. But Jews, as usual, will be holy and innocent. More than this; they will be in the first ranks of those who vociferously expose "white supremacism" and "colonialism" that led to the war. To sum up: it is better to rely on your own strength than to entertain futile hopes about all those conservative "do-gooders".

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