Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Becoming self-sufficient

Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:35 am

I just read the PLE prospectus by some stormfront irishman baby boomer. All bluff and no stuff, all puffing and blowing smoke like with most baby boomers. They just want to enjoy their retirement it seems and allow posterity to handle the mess. I agree segregation is not a viable option only seperation and letting the non-whites wither on the vine as Klassen said. However, given that I am a young man(36 years old) it is difficult to find likeminded people at least here in Canada. If I had the money my baby boomer father stole from me(disinheritance) I would have set up a volkstead on farmland(he took over 800+k $$ in addition to a life of sponging off his parents and taking over 1+million from his parents as well as not raising his own children properly). Too bad baby boomers get all the resources but have no ambitions to pass the torch to posterity as they are too interested in driving classical cars and braggin about their money while they run away from the problems they caused in the cities. Of course there are exceptions to the rule but the rule is the rule. If baby boomers have a lot of cash they should be buying land and setting up farming cooperatives and iviting vetted whites,especially the hated young whites, to sew the seeds for a white posterity.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:20 pm

Well to get this topic back on track, I will do an update on what we are doing at the farm. This weekend we started the fences for the goats and trying to get all the gardens tilled and ready for planting. We are also making plans for what happens if the stuff hits the fan. With 18 acres we have enough room for everyone and with the gardens and livestock we won't starve. I am also looking to get full speed on preserving and putting up what we produce.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:54 am

What about White Posterity? Do you have any young whites of child bearing age on your land? How will the future prosper without WHITE CHILDREN? Time for a lebensborn community.
1) buy land
2) invite young white people(couples etc.) to serve as administrators of the farm/business partners
3) allow them/encourage them to have children+ indoctrinate them subtley
4) expand the farm and add more 'workers'/'farmers' on the land
Many street people would do this for free and not all street people are of poor quality genetics. Just a thought
Baby boomers need to use their money as Ben Klassen advised: plough it back into the white race!


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:14 pm

klagescosmogonic wrote:What about White Posterity? Do you have any young whites of child bearing age on your land? How will the future prosper without WHITE CHILDREN? Time for a lebensborn community.
1) buy land
2) invite young white people(couples etc.) to serve as administrators of the farm/business partners
3) allow them/encourage them to have children+ indoctrinate them subtley
4) expand the farm and add more 'workers'/'farmers' on the land
Many street people would do this for free and not all street people are of poor quality genetics. Just a thought
Baby boomers need to use their money as Ben Klassen advised: plough it back into the white race!

We have lots of White children. My cousin has 6 with 2 grandchildren. My daughter has 3. They are being raised racially aware and self sufficient minded. Just because the group is small to start doesn't mean we are not thinking of the future. New people have to already be White Nationalist before we ask them to join us. I don't want to bring anyone in that has not made a commitment to a White nation and the preservation of our people. I hand out flyers and talk to people all the time. If they show an interest I am more than happy to meet with them on a regular basis to help them learn. If and when they make a commitment to our race full time, then is when they are ready to join the community.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:51 pm

Great. This is what needs to be done. I call it TERRA ALBA[white land] and if you google that title you can find my document and video about it(I would post it here but don't want to rile up the moderators)

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Will Williams
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Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Will Williams » Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:54 pm

klagescosmogonic wrote:Great. This is what needs to be done. I call it TERRA ALBA[white land] and if you google that title you can find my document and video about it(I would post it here but don't want to rile up the moderators)
You seem to have an attitude, Mr. Klagescosmogonic. Here's a plan that might even appeal to you that was put up on the National Alliance's online magazine today, and it doesn't even bash boomers or complain about personal problems like daddy squandering his inheritance: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/04/de ... untryside/

Groups like NORDFRONT and Nordish Resistance Movement are leading the way in Europe

Colin wrote:... New people have to already be White Nationalist before we ask them to join us. I don't want to bring anyone in that has not made a commitment to a White nation and the preservation of our people. I hand out flyers and talk to people all the time. If they show an interest I am more than happy to meet with them on a regular basis to help them learn. If and when they make a commitment to our race full time, then is when they are ready to join the community.
Bingo! It takes more than buying some land and inviting in young people to help, and asking boomers to give you their money. BTW, for those who are not aware, the National Alliance already has land, free and clear, in southern Appalachia -- White areas of Tennessee and West Virginia that are conducive for community-building.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:51 am

Will, thank you for that link. I had not seen that article yet. That is something that we have been discussing here, because it seems that all the companies are bypassing our area for the larger cities. That is why I feel our plan of helping each other in our local racial community is so timely. All of the mainstream help organizations seem to target minority communities. White working people get overlooked, especially if they are racially aware. By doing what we are working on, it will open opportunities to raise awareness. By watching for families who are struggling quietly as Whites tend to do, and offering a hand it opens doors.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:43 pm

I like what Billy Roper is doing with his "cover our people with love" charity for poor whites. As to the baby boomers there exists a double standard: why do they get (are entitled to) inherit their parents money but not bequeth any to posterity when the latter are poised to suffer the greatest hardship given the invasion since the 60s. Especially if the Boomers have more than they need to sustain themselves personally they(and all Whites regardless of age) are simply not entitled to squander resources when there are poor whites in the streets etc. If the 'great generation' produced wealth and bequethed it to posterity(as they were right in doing so) then so too must the Boomers. To preserve the link in the chain it is necessary to ensure the 14 WORDS

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Will Williams
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Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Will Williams » Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:48 pm

klagescosmogonic wrote:I like what Billy Roper is doing with his "cover our people with love" charity for poor whites.
Then by all means go and cover poor Whites with love with Billy and his Identity Christians. They need all the help they can get, even with Jesus behind them.
As to the baby boomers there exists a double standard: why do they get (are entitled to) inherit their parents money but not bequeth any to posterity when the latter are poised to suffer the greatest hardship given the invasion since the 60s.
My father was a multimillionaire. He left nothing to his three biological sons; left it all to his second wife. That's OK, it was his money, not ours. My mother, on the other hand, left her modest estate to me and her boomer sons, divided equally, and the greatest portion of my share went to paying off debts of my NA Chairman predecessor and toward rebuilding the National Alliance.
Especially if the Boomers have more than they need to sustain themselves personally they(and all Whites regardless of age) are simply not entitled to squander resources when there are poor whites in the streets etc. If the 'great generation' produced wealth and bequethed it to posterity(as they were right in doing so) then so too must the Boomers. To preserve the link in the chain it is necessary to ensure the 14 WORDS
Frankly, you have demonstrated here that you do not understand the mission of the National Alliance or anything about our membership, especially the baby boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964 who support our cause. And we do not know anything about you except that you are truculent and naturally contentious. Go help Billy. He explains his beliefs here: https://www.writerbeat.com/articles/117 ... -Identity-
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:16 am

klagescosmogonic wrote:I like what Billy Roper is doing with his "cover our people with love" charity for poor whites. As to the baby boomers there exists a double standard: why do they get (are entitled to) inherit their parents money but not bequeth any to posterity when the latter are poised to suffer the greatest hardship given the invasion since the 60s. Especially if the Boomers have more than they need to sustain themselves personally they(and all Whites regardless of age) are simply not entitled to squander resources when there are poor whites in the streets etc. If the 'great generation' produced wealth and bequethed it to posterity(as they were right in doing so) then so too must the Boomers. To preserve the link in the chain it is necessary to ensure the 14 WORDS
Just what would you have us boomers do? Donate our money to some charity, where we have no say in how it is used? I have no faith in large charity organizations, especially ones started by preachers of any stripe. What is wrong with getting personally involved with the people you are helping? How much overhead does this pastor take out? You seemed to have missed my whole point about community building. By keeping it local and personal, it provides opportunities for me to get our message out to new people. We take care of our own first and then help Whites in general as we can. A lot of things you say sounds very socialist agenda to me. You still have a great deal of learning to do about our mission.

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