The Only Real White Redoubt 03/02/24

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White Man 1
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The Only Real White Redoubt 03/02/24

Post by White Man 1 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:02 pm

IT’S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to raise a child in a 100% racially White and culturally White environment these days.

You move to a 95%-White county. And then the Jew-dominated federal government makes sure that your county gets “diversified” by conspiring with greedy capitalists and corrupt local officials to build what is called “low income housing” right on your doorstep. Then, even though your county is literally filled with low-income White families — victims of Rust Belt devastation caused by Wall-Street-Jew-promoted “free trade” policies, and fractional reserve banking and other so-called “fiat money” scams — instead of offering those subsidized apartments to struggling White families and elderly, they literally advertise in “the hood” — the very worst Congoid Hellscapes in cities 100, 200, 300 miles away — to encourage them to move to your town where “public housing opportunities” now abound, and the apartments instead get converted into literal breeding colonies for Congoids and various shades of Brown invaders, Mestizos, Mulattoes, and every possible combination thereof.

You discover that even if you choose a home in the corner of the county farthest from the main cities and towns, that your 95 or 98%-White school system is nevertheless totally under the thumb of the Jew-dominated state and federal education departments, and the national teachers’ unions, and is essentially legally required to teach the worship of Jews, Blacks, Mestizos, and other non-White invaders — essentially legally required to teach your White child that White people are historically “evil oppressors” — essentially legally required to teach that the history of Europeans in America, Europeans in Australasia, Europeans in Africa, and even Europeans in Europe is nothing to be proud of and nothing special — essentially legally required to teach that abortion and contraception are far preferable to the birth of a White child –essentially legally required to teach that racial mixture is the essence of goodness and virtue and that to oppose it is the acme of evil — essentially legally required to teach that sexual perversion and transsexual mutilation is normal and wholesome — and essentially legally required to teach your White child that he or she is the worthless end result of a train of abuse and evil that had better be stopped for the good of humanity and the planet.

You discover that even if you rip down the TV antenna and cut the cable TV cord, and only watch very selective videos with your family on an Android TV with a local server, and install every ad-blocker known to mankind, that the operating system itself injects ads from Jew-run and Jew-owned Google with hideously accurate closeups of Negroids promoting Black history month or homosexual “pride” and other atrocities right in your child’s face — ads that cannot be bypassed or deleted on the otherwise open and customizable platform.

You discover that more than half of even the “mom and pop” local White-owned restaurants — or Doctors’ offices or barber shops, for that matter — in your nearly all-White area have giant flat-screen TVs in every corner, spewing Afro-ball games or Fox News with non-White faces prominent as guests or anchors every 30 to 60 seconds or so, to say nothing of the commercials, and there is no direction you can face your children so that they do not see them.

You find out that even stores and restaurants which omit the blaring, disgusting telescreens feature walls plastered with multiracial sports team logos and the like, and often add some US military veteran worship to the decor, without even a scintilla of consciousness that these fallen men were, largely, tricked into enlisting and then sacrificed by the Jewish power structure, whose wars they were fighting against “enemies” who never did us any harm whatsoever.

You discover that nearly all the churches in your very White county preach doctrines of multiracial and queer “love” and “diversity,” as fundamental parts of Jesus’ teachings, and if they don’t have any posters of Martin Luther King or the transgender pervert flag, they’re sure to be on order so they can be displayed — at the more “conservative” churches, anyway — right next to the prominently-placed Israeli flag.

You discover that the local homeschooling support group just assumes that your love for the Jewish — the very Jewish — Jesus is the center of your belief system, and worship of Jews and Israel and the Jewish Bible is central to all the classes they offer to their members.

You learn that the local library, where you’d hoped to find events intended to foster your little boy’s or little girl’s love of books, features “Black History Month” posters and placards announcing “Gay and Lesbian Book Month” and even the very rugs under your child’s feet show children’s-style pictures of Black boys and White girls holding hands. And that’s saying nothing of the books themselves, where classics of White literature are being phased out and replaced with new books (from Jewish publishing houses, natch) promoting non-Whites and race-mixers and sexual perverts as heroes, Whites as historically evil, and “transsexual” mutilation surgery as a legitimate, even “heroic,” “choice.”

You also find out that all the politically and culturally “conservative” groups, both church-affiliated and not, in your nearly all-White area are literally frantic to avoid not only the charge of “racism,” but even the thought of anything that might in any way be construed as slightly favorable to White people. They have even trained themselves to police their own thoughts and are enthusiastic, even desperate, to point out to you how “proud” they are that they have Mestizos, or Blacks, as members — or perhaps they are so bountifully blessed as to have a multiracial couple, married in their church of course, as members bravely fighting to restore the Constitution, common sense, and decency to America under God and Donald Trump, amen.

Worthless. Utterly worthless. Such people cannot win. They don’t know who the enemy is. They don’t even know who they themselves are, for God’s sake. They have accepted most of the enemy’s ideology already, disagreeing only on unessential points. They have accepted the Middle Eastern idea that we should identify ourselves by our religion — instead of by our blood, our biological inheritance that really does determine who and what we are. Even if such people did win, which isn’t going to happen, they wouldn’t do anything lasting and worthwhile with their victory. They’d just set us up for another Jewish takeover, possibly using a slightly different approach, but probably happening in half a decade or less, possibly half an hour.

When you move to your rural White redoubt, you discover that it’s not as good a place to raise your child with proper White values as you thought it would be. It might be better than the Bronx or East LA. But it’s not nearly good enough. And what good there is isn’t ready to defend itself against the non-White onslaught. It isn’t likely to last across the generations.

In short, you discover that your leaving the already lost territory of the big city, or the big city’s suburbs and commuter communities, bought you and your child a little bit of respite from the horrors of the Jews’ rainbow America — but damned little. Running is not a long-term solution, when our enemies — the Jews — have most of the money and most of the power. Your children need and deserve so much more.

They need an all-White environment, at the very least one that is close to that already and is getting Whiter and Whiter as time goes on. They need a school system, or at least a home school cooperative, where they are taught about the uniquely creative intelligence, great history, and even greater destiny of their race — and the necessity to preserve and augment its genetic and cultural basis over time. They need to be imbued with the idea that they have a special mission in this Universe, and a responsibility to maintain their identity and sense of mission throughout all future White generations. They need Hitler and Pierce coloring books. They need to be taught the sanctity and holiness of sex and sexual relations, and their all-important part in fulfilling the holy mission of our race. They need to be surrounded on all sides by the great and inspiring music and art of European history. They need media and literature that show them how they — and only they — can participate in and add to that greatness.

The only real White redoubt is one that is consciously White. That is what the National Alliance is building today. We have a campus in Upper East Tennessee. We have our National Office there. We have our Cosmotheist church, and will soon be building our chapel there. The first building of the William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center has already been built there. Our Cosmotheist Books publishing and book and media distribution arm is thriving there, and growing every day. Surrounding the campus are homes being renovated and refitted for members and staff. Surrounding them are National Alliance members who have purchased land and homes nearby. Some have been married in Cosmotheist ceremonies and are now raising Cosmotheist families. All over America, and overseas too, we have members who are supporting our community.

Unlike the confused conservative, Christian Whites, I described today, the White men and women of the National Alliance are not confused. We know exactly who the malicious aliens are who took over our media and are trying to kill our race. We know that we must be strong and teach our children how to be strong too. We know that a united, organized force is needed to win — so we are organizing and building consensus and support networks. We know that racially-conscious people are stronger — much stronger — than those who are not racially conscious. That is why our supremely racially-conscious enemy has been winning in recent years, and it is also why he preaches racial unconsciousness to us in his media. We know that racially-conscious peoples are the only kind that survive on this Earth — the only kind who can, in the long run, persist and prevail. And we know that we must survive and must prevail. We are unique. We are something new in the Universe. We have a great destiny to fulfil. Come join with us.

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