You Need a Team

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You Need a Team

Post by Grimork » Sat May 28, 2022 3:50 pm

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 May, 2022
by Kevin Alfred Strom

I RECEIVED A VERY strange communication this week, via email. Before I share it with you, let me tell you the context.

The darkening islands of Great Britain, home to much of the greatest and noblest beauty and genius our race has produced, is these days also home to a self-centered, self-righteous, self-impressed, and habitually lying Mulatto who goes publicly by the name of Niko Omilana. With the help of his employees, employers, or handlers he produced and “starred” in a recent YouTube video that managed to garner 24 million views, titled “I Pranked America’s Most Racist Man.”

Up until last week I’d seen the title of this piece of garbage, but hadn’t bothered to watch it, assuming it was just some non-White or other prematurely dancing and spitting on the grave of the race they think they’ve killed. But then something happened that made me want to look further, so I did watch it.

Outside of lamenting the 34 minutes of my life I can never get back, here are my thoughts:

Niko Mulatto (not his real name, but I suspect the one he gives isn’t his real name either, given his MO) lies to everyone in this film. He lies to all the people he meets in what he calls “America’s Most Racist Town” (Harrison, Arkansas). “Niko” tells everyone he’s working for the BBC to do a special on “why they’re not really racist” in Harrison and “don’t really deserve” that reputation. This offer of international celebrity and virtue-signaling, plus his mixed-race physiognomy, plus the cash he hands out, get him lots of “anti-racist” responses. He lies even to the generous people of Harrison who help him. Some of these folks, believing his falsehoods, even help him find 76-year-old Thomas Robb, a Christian Identity pastor and the retired leader of a modern Ku Klux Klan group living just outside Harrison who is the real target of “Niko”’s money-seeking quest. (I say money-seeking because video producers who garner large audiences for Jew-run YouTube, and meet with favor from the censors and algorithm-creators there who boost videos they especially approve of and de-rank or delete ones they don’t approve of, can make millions upon millions of dollars on the platform. Many such “content creators” have retired as millionaires in their twenties or thirties.) Robb is cast by the liar as the “America’s Most Racist Man” of the video’s title.

When “Niko” finally meets Robb, he puts the lying into overdrive. Not only does he falsely claim to be from the BBC, but he tells Robb that he will be trying to show the world that “the Klan’s not really racist.”

“Niko” also asks the gracious and trusting Robb to “give a shout out” to viewers in the UK, manipulating Robb by spelling the names in strange and foreign-looking ways and then asking him to read them out loud — “names” which sound like “I’m a pussy,” “BLM,” and “suck my d___.”

In a disgusting “oh, I’m so clever” moment, “Niko” tells his viewers that he really is connected to “the BBC” because “BBC” really stands for his “Big Black C___.” Then later, in the interview which trusting and honest Pastor Robb gives to him, he manipulates Robb into saying things like “I’ve received the BBC here before” and “I’ve handled the BBC in the past.” Wow, really funny, lying “Niko.” You graduated from sixth grade when, last summer?

“Niko” ends his unintentionally self-condemnatory video — the joke’s on him in the end — with a smarmy bit where he gifts the poor White man who drove him for free all over the area with no expectation of reward with $5,000 to help pay for his expensive leg surgery, no more than 0.5 per cent. of the million or so “Niko” will likely make from his lies. How touching. How noble of our new masters to be so thoughtful. How wonderful they are.

I’ve met Thomas Robb, and while I do not agree with his religious or political approach, he is as far as I can tell an honest man of integrity and sincerity and kindness. He told the truth as he saw it throughout his interaction with the liar. He was deceived and defrauded and misrepresented and slandered and deserves a couple of million in compensation for the harm caused to him and his family and his church.

Now here’s the email I got just a few days after the too-clever-by-half Mulatto’s video went viral:

From: David Snutz [email protected]
Subject: POLITICO Comment Request – Kevin Strom

Hello, I trust you are well. I am looking to speak to Kevin Strom and wondered if you would be able to point me in the right direction.

I am a senior reporter for POLITICO, the global authority on the intersection of politics, policy, and power. I am writing to counter a video that amassed 24 million views titled ‘I Pranked America’s Most Racist Man by popular British prankster and YouTuber, Niko Omilana. The video has caused a huge discussion online and received what we deem to be unfair and biased coverage from other outlets including Yahoo News, LADbible,, and the Independent.

Given Kevin’s impressive work and career, I would love to ask for his comments on the video and the misinformation spread throughout that other outlets have missed. Our aims are to counter the poor response and would appreciate any comments given, these can of course be anonymous too.

I look forward to hearing your response

David S

Really, “Niko”? Sent from Britain — not where Politico is headquartered. Sent from a recently-created “” domain address and not from “” Sent from an obviously fake grade-school-joke name that matches his modus operandi perfectly, a name which transliterates to “David’s nuts.” This is not exactly Shavian wit, though it does make me wonder if “Niko”’s YouTube name is just as much of a lie as everything else that comes out of his filthy brown mouth — after all, “Niko Omilana” is an anagram for “O, OK I’m in anal,” which would certainly be something he would love to say, though my enthusiasm for that theory is blunted by the question of whether or not he’s intelligent enough to do anagrams. Not that it matters. Fake-o Niko gets no response from me.

I sincerely hope that Pastor Robb and his church have a great legal team, and that he and his church get a substantial percentage of the money — say 100 per cent. — that “Niko” and the Jews at YouTube made by defrauding and deceiving an honest and trusting man — and then twenty times that amount besides in punitive damages.

* * *

We who care about our race have little money. We make the most of what we make, and what we are given, but we’ve never had enough for a proper legal team. Here in the National Alliance, we wouldn’t exist at all if it weren’t for the tenacity and fighting spirit of our Chairman, William White Williams, who captained — and paid for personally in many cases — several lawyers, some very good, some less than worthless, and used them to fight off the lawfare that was used in an attempt to destroy our organization. Very, very few people know the full story behind his fight, much of which is told in his recent book, Pocahontas Show Trial. For his herculean labors, Chairman Williams found himself arrested, jailed, slandered, and falsely convicted. He never gave up, and achieved significant victories, and the National Alliance continues to move forward under his leadership. Each one of us who tries to do something positive for his race in public way — as Will Williams has done for decades — is a sitting duck for the lawfare of our enemies, who have captured the entire legal and governmental establishment in this country.

The Alliance is our team. We need far more support than we are getting now in order to have a proper legal department that defends us — and goes on the attack for us, too, when appropriate. If a lesser man than Will Williams had been in charge, we would have no Alliance now. Give us the financial support to forge the tools we need, and we will do much more.

Our team’s media outreach needs to be bigger, too — much bigger. We need to provide leadership to our entire people, especially to the youth.

There are a lot of suspicious things about the recent Tops Supermarket shooting incident in Buffalo, New York. Why was alleged killer Payton Gendron in touch with a retired federal agent just before the attack? If he really was “racially motivated,” why was a White woman the very first person he shot? Why did he pass off pictures of an Internet joke meme as himself in his supposedly serious “manifesto”? Why are large sections of the “manifesto” cut-and-paste from Brendan Tarrant’s “manifesto”? Is there a manifesto-writing department in Quantico or Langley?

Leaving all of that aside, assume that the shooting is what the controlled media say it is; an angry young White man lashing out at innocent Blacks in a hopeless lone wolf response to the loss of his homeland. Just pretend that’s true.

When your people are being exterminated and replaced — and that is exactly what is happening to our people — should you respond by intelligent planning, organizing like-minded patriots, creating a community of trust, a community with a deep infrastructure of media, political leadership, spiritual leadership, a self-sustaining economic base, property and business ownership, a network of sympathizers, single-issue front groups, community outreach, and education and advancement and marriage opportunities for youth? Or should you respond by grabbing the nearest gun and shooting up grandmothers and kids in the local grocery store? Should you dedicate your life to being the best man or woman you can be, and being an example for other White people to follow? Or should you throw your life away in a futile gesture that in the end just helps the enemy and reinforces the false stereotypes he vends about us?

There’s no question but that you should resist our dispossession. The real question is: Should you do it the hopeless, anarchic, fed-manipulated, “lone wolf” way — the way our enemies love so much they probably do it themselves more than half the time? Or should you do it the rational way, the smart way, the honest way, the incorruptible way, the only way that has a chance of success, a way that is parallel to the way that other nations have freed themselves, but vastly better informed, purer, and truer than most such efforts? — in short, the National Alliance way. The choice is yours.

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Sun May 29, 2022 7:00 am

The following is a pretty useful book. I had read it a few months back and I found it to be quite educational. I do recommend it to people who are looking to learn more about how the court system works and also in how to do legal research.

Paralegal Career For Dummies, 2nd Edition ... 1119564911

This is useful too:

Paralegal Career For Dummies Cheat Sheet ... et-208955/

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Sun May 29, 2022 7:06 am

An attorney recruitment effort might be something worth considering.

Racist Mailing Used Fla. Bar's Labels

"...The mailing of racist literature to lawyers using labels obtained from the Florida Bar was not avoidable because of the state's open-government laws, the association president said.

Lawyers across the state last week received a 10-page report from the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group based in West Virginia..."

"...For 10 cents per label to cover overhead, the Bar sent the labels to John Ubele of New Port Richey, McGrane said..."

Full story: ... 094303007/

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by Will Williams » Sun May 29, 2022 9:42 am

JohnUbele wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 7:00 am
The following is a pretty useful book. I had read it a few months back and I found it to be quite educational. I do recommend it to people who are looking to learn more about how the court system works and also in how to do legal research.

Paralegal Career For Dummies, 2nd Edition ... 1119564911
The mailing of racist literature to lawyers using labels obtained from the Florida Bar was not avoidable because of the state's open-government laws, the association president said.

Lawyers across the state last week received a 10-page report from the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group based in West Virginia.

"It was clear that it was generated by the Bar -- it had my full legal name and the Bar code on it -- so I opened it," said Raag Hari Singhal, former president of the Broward County Criminal Defense Attorneys Association.

Florida Bar president Miles McGrane said he regretted the mailings had gone out with the association's labels, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"We're a quasi-government agency and required to provide a list of members according to the Florida Sunshine laws," he said. "We find it reprehensible what occurred, but we can't change policy."
The State Bar of Florida and State Bars of every other state find it reprehensible :o that an organization representing the interests of America's White majority would dare use publicly available information to seek legal representation for it's interests in courts.

Though 12 years ago, your activism for the Alliance was commendable, John. Other NA members have used similar available mailing lists of lawyers with the same results. The legal profession and Jew-run, quasi-official government "law centers," like SPLC, do not want our Alliance to have competent legal representation and they do not want us to have adequate funding. SPLC has a $500,000,000 tax-exempt war chest which they use with the stated aim of destroying our organization, using the corrupt courts. This is Fact!

What I recommend for folks who want to learn more about how the court system DOES NOT WORK is ... -williams/

As for how to conduct legal research these days, since I could not retain competent legal representation to defend me in the legal system, my wife and I did our own research online. It's all there now, all the the statutes, everything about defendants' rights, everything about ethics that court officers must abide by, and everything about the arcane procedures that they are required to follow to insure due process and the rule of law. One used to have to retain an attorney for his knowledge of the law, in all of those books behind his desk that weren't available to the layman. No longer. The law is now online for the diligent, determined researcher.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Mon May 30, 2022 1:45 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 9:42 am
JohnUbele wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 7:00 am
The following is a pretty useful book. I had read it a few months back and I found it to be quite educational. I do recommend it to people who are looking to learn more about how the court system works and also in how to do legal research.

Paralegal Career For Dummies, 2nd Edition ... 1119564911
The mailing of racist literature to lawyers using labels obtained from the Florida Bar was not avoidable because of the state's open-government laws, the association president said.

Lawyers across the state last week received a 10-page report from the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group based in West Virginia.

"It was clear that it was generated by the Bar -- it had my full legal name and the Bar code on it -- so I opened it," said Raag Hari Singhal, former president of the Broward County Criminal Defense Attorneys Association.

Florida Bar president Miles McGrane said he regretted the mailings had gone out with the association's labels, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"We're a quasi-government agency and required to provide a list of members according to the Florida Sunshine laws," he said. "We find it reprehensible what occurred, but we can't change policy."
The State Bar of Florida and State Bars of every other state find it reprehensible :o that an organization representing the interests of America's White majority would dare use publicly available information to seek legal representation for it's interests in courts.

Though 12 years ago, your activism for the Alliance was commendable, John. Other NA members have used similar available mailing lists of lawyers with the same results. The legal profession and Jew-run, quasi-official government "law centers," like SPLC, do not want our Alliance to have competent legal representation and they do not want us to have adequate funding. SPLC has a $500,000,000 tax-exempt war chest which they use with the stated aim of destroying our organization, using the corrupt courts. This is Fact!

What I recommend for folks who want to learn more about how the court system DOES NOT WORK is ... -williams/

As for how to conduct legal research these days, since I could not retain competent legal representation to defend me in the legal system, my wife and I did our own research online. It's all there now, all the the statutes, everything about defendants' rights, everything about ethics that court officers must abide by, and everything about the arcane procedures that they are required to follow to insure due process and the rule of law. One used to have to retain an attorney for his knowledge of the law, in all of those books behind his desk that weren't available to the layman. No longer. The law is now online for the diligent, determined researcher.


I didn't know that the legal battle you had was that extensive. I'm very glad that you were able to win your case.

That paralegal book can be very useful, I highly recommend it to people who are looking to learn more about the court system and to people who think they may find themselves having to deal with the courts at some point in the future. Some people reading the book may want to try working as a paralegal, for those types of people the book can be especially helpful.

The following page shows Amazon reviews for the book: ... merReviews

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Tue May 31, 2022 1:58 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 9:42 am
...The State Bar of Florida and State Bars of every other state find it reprehensible :o that an organization representing the interests of America's White majority would dare use publicly available information to seek legal representation for it's interests in courts.

Though 12 years ago, your activism for the Alliance was commendable, John. Other NA members have used similar available mailing lists of lawyers with the same results. The legal profession and Jew-run, quasi-official government "law centers," like SPLC, do not want our Alliance to have competent legal representation and they do not want us to have adequate funding. SPLC has a $500,000,000 tax-exempt war chest which they use with the stated aim of destroying our organization, using the corrupt courts. This is Fact!...

There are ways to do small mailouts (maybe mailouts of 10, 25, 50 or 100) to criminal defense attorneys by looking for them using online databases with various state bar associations. The following two are for Florida and Tennessee: ... ion=search

I would imagine that most other state bar associations have similiar attorney member databases on their websites. Some of the sites probably have features to search for paralegals who are registered with the various state bar associations. Although, it's much more beneficial to try to recruit attorneys than paralegals for the fact that an attorney is licensed to practice law, but I would think paralegals could be at least somewhat useful or helpful.

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Tue May 31, 2022 2:07 am

JohnUbele wrote:
Tue May 31, 2022 1:58 am
Will Williams wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 9:42 am
...The State Bar of Florida and State Bars of every other state find it reprehensible :o that an organization representing the interests of America's White majority would dare use publicly available information to seek legal representation for it's interests in courts.

Though 12 years ago, your activism for the Alliance was commendable, John. Other NA members have used similar available mailing lists of lawyers with the same results. The legal profession and Jew-run, quasi-official government "law centers," like SPLC, do not want our Alliance to have competent legal representation and they do not want us to have adequate funding. SPLC has a $500,000,000 tax-exempt war chest which they use with the stated aim of destroying our organization, using the corrupt courts. This is Fact!...

There are ways to do small mailouts (maybe mailouts of 10, 25, 50 or 100) to criminal defense attorneys by looking for them using online databases with various state bar associations. The following two are for Florida and Tennessee: ... ion=search

I would imagine that most other state bar associations have similiar attorney member databases on their websites. Some of the sites probably have features to search for paralegals who are registered with the various state bar associations. Although, it's much more beneficial to try to recruit attorneys than paralegals for the fact that an attorney is licensed to practice law, but I would think paralegals could be at least somewhat useful or helpful.

I remember I used to print mailing address labels pretty easily using Microsoft Word. There was about 30 labels per page. I haven't printed labels in a number of years, but I remember it was pretty easy to do once a template is setup.

Avery Address Labels with Sure Feed for Laser Printers, 1" x 2-5/8", 1500 Labels (2-Pack 5260) ... Y9Q98VBNEV

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Tue May 31, 2022 2:48 am

JohnUbele wrote:
Tue May 31, 2022 1:58 am
Will Williams wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 9:42 am
...The State Bar of Florida and State Bars of every other state find it reprehensible :o that an organization representing the interests of America's White majority would dare use publicly available information to seek legal representation for it's interests in courts.

Though 12 years ago, your activism for the Alliance was commendable, John. Other NA members have used similar available mailing lists of lawyers with the same results. The legal profession and Jew-run, quasi-official government "law centers," like SPLC, do not want our Alliance to have competent legal representation and they do not want us to have adequate funding. SPLC has a $500,000,000 tax-exempt war chest which they use with the stated aim of destroying our organization, using the corrupt courts. This is Fact!...

There are ways to do small mailouts (maybe mailouts of 10, 25, 50 or 100) to criminal defense attorneys by looking for them using online databases with various state bar associations. The following two are for Florida and Tennessee: ... ion=search

I would imagine that most other state bar associations have similiar attorney member databases on their websites. Some of the sites probably have features to search for paralegals who are registered with the various state bar associations. Although, it's much more beneficial to try to recruit attorneys than paralegals for the fact that an attorney is licensed to practice law, but I would think paralegals could be at least somewhat useful or helpful.

This was the letter we used in the mailout which we actually sent out in December 2003, but it didn't make the news until early January 2004:

Dear Sir or Madam:

As an attorney, you’re often privileged to see what’s really happening in our society, since you experience criminal and civil cases firsthand before they are edited, filtered, and spun by the media. I’m sure you’ve noticed that the version of events fed to the public often bears very little resemblance to reality. Not only are stories misrepresented, but it seems that no matter how many times you turn the dial, we — and our children — are inundated with self-destructive ideas and behaviors, from the promotion of ‘gangsta’ culture to White children to morally repugnant sitcoms. We’re doing something to change that. We at the National Alliance are working to develop new media for our people.

In order for European-Americans to compete with the mainstream media, we need infrastructure and we need talent. Many of our members and supporters have already stepped up to the plate, and the National Alliance is now publishing magazines, books, tapes, and CDs; broadcasting several radio programs every week; organizing local meetings, community events, and cultural festivals; and running highly-rated daily news and commentary Internet sites. We’re making a difference — and we're growing. But there are powerful forces who don’t want European-Americans to have any voice in the media. We need to be able to counter the abusive lawsuits that the enemies of freedom are sure to file against us in an attempt to shut us down. We need legal talent to augment our technical, musical, and writing talent. That’ s why we’re writing to you today.

Can Anglo-Saxon law and rights survive the extinction of the Anglo-Saxon and kindred European peoples? What kind of future are we building for our children as we allow America to become an overwhelmingly non-White society? What kind of America do you want to leave for your children and your grandchildren? A Third World America little different from Mexico or Haiti — a world of corruption, poverty, hopelessness, and eventual extinction? Or is there a better way? We in the National Alliance are working to create an America where our people and our culture are protected instead of attacked, an America where our children and grandchildren won’t be strangers in the land their forefathers built. We hope that you will help us in this, the greatest patriotic endeavor in our people’s history.

The National Alliance has been working for the interests of our people for over 30 years. We have built an alternative to the mainstream media through our weekly radio programs, magazines, videos, CDs and Web sites. We’ve enclosed some sample materials for your review. Enjoy the materials and peruse our sites — then contact us at our e-mail or postal addresses listed above.


Tampa Unit Coordinator

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Will Williams
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Re: You Need a Team

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 31, 2022 8:54 am

JohnUbele wrote:
Tue May 31, 2022 2:48 am

This was the letter we used in the mailout which we actually sent out in December 2003, but it didn't make the news until early January 2004:

Dear Sir or Madam:

As an attorney, you’re often privileged to see what’s really happening in our society, since you experience criminal and civil cases firsthand before they are edited, filtered, and spun by the media. I’m sure you’ve noticed that the version of events fed to the public often bears very little resemblance to reality. Not only are stories misrepresented, but it seems that no matter how many times you turn the dial, we — and our children — are inundated with self-destructive ideas and behaviors, from the promotion of ‘gangsta’ culture to White children to morally repugnant sitcoms. We’re doing something to change that. We at the National Alliance are working to develop new media for our people.

In order for European-Americans to compete with the mainstream media, we need infrastructure and we need talent. Many of our members and supporters have already stepped up to the plate, and the National Alliance is now publishing magazines, books, tapes, and CDs; broadcasting several radio programs every week; organizing local meetings, community events, and cultural festivals; and running highly-rated daily news and commentary Internet sites. We’re making a difference — and we're growing. But there are powerful forces who don’t want European-Americans to have any voice in the media. We need to be able to counter the abusive lawsuits that the enemies of freedom are sure to file against us in an attempt to shut us down. We need legal talent to augment our technical, musical, and writing talent. That’ s why we’re writing to you today.

Can Anglo-Saxon law and rights survive the extinction of the Anglo-Saxon and kindred European peoples? What kind of future are we building for our children as we allow America to become an overwhelmingly non-White society? What kind of America do you want to leave for your children and your grandchildren? A Third World America little different from Mexico or Haiti — a world of corruption, poverty, hopelessness, and eventual extinction? Or is there a better way? We in the National Alliance are working to create an America where our people and our culture are protected instead of attacked, an America where our children and grandchildren won’t be strangers in the land their forefathers built. We hope that you will help us in this, the greatest patriotic endeavor in our people’s history.

The National Alliance has been working for the interests of our people for over 30 years. We have built an alternative to the mainstream media through our weekly radio programs, magazines, videos, CDs and Web sites. We’ve enclosed some sample materials for your review. Enjoy the materials and peruse our sites — then contact us at our e-mail or postal addresses listed above.


Tampa Unit Coordinator
An attorney recruitment effort might be something worth considering.
Racist Mailing Used Fla. Bar's Labels

"...The mailing of racist literature to lawyers using labels obtained from the Florida Bar was not avoidable because of the state's open-government laws, the association president said.

Lawyers across the state last week received a 10-page report from the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group based in West Virginia..."

"...For 10 cents per label to cover overhead, the Bar sent the labels to John Ubele of New Port Richey, McGrane said..."

Full story: ... 094303007/

John, We need a team Our team should have attorneys on it, fighting the lawyers from our enemy's team with their Jewish "law centers" and their billions of dollars. But as you learned 18 years ago lawyers are cowards when it comes to opposing our enemy, using the law.

That was a nice letter you wrote back in 2003, but I doubt it got a single attorney to help your Tampa Local Unit. There hasn't been a Tampa Unit in years. It was destroyed from within, not by The Ledger, the Jewish "law centers" or by the Florida State Bar, but from within for lack of leadership from NA's National Office back then.

We need a a team and you should be back on it.

Urging people to go to your Telegram page is weak tea, and you know it. Telegram will not cooperate with our Alliance any more than will The Ledger, the State Bars, or the cowardly white attorneys who are scared spitless of being accused of "Nazism" for helping NA.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: You Need a Team

Post by JohnUbele » Tue May 31, 2022 9:09 am

Will Williams wrote:
Tue May 31, 2022 8:54 am
JohnUbele wrote:
Tue May 31, 2022 2:48 am

This was the letter we used in the mailout which we actually sent out in December 2003, but it didn't make the news until early January 2004:

Dear Sir or Madam:

As an attorney, you’re often privileged to see what’s really happening in our society, since you experience criminal and civil cases firsthand before they are edited, filtered, and spun by the media. I’m sure you’ve noticed that the version of events fed to the public often bears very little resemblance to reality. Not only are stories misrepresented, but it seems that no matter how many times you turn the dial, we — and our children — are inundated with self-destructive ideas and behaviors, from the promotion of ‘gangsta’ culture to White children to morally repugnant sitcoms. We’re doing something to change that. We at the National Alliance are working to develop new media for our people.

In order for European-Americans to compete with the mainstream media, we need infrastructure and we need talent. Many of our members and supporters have already stepped up to the plate, and the National Alliance is now publishing magazines, books, tapes, and CDs; broadcasting several radio programs every week; organizing local meetings, community events, and cultural festivals; and running highly-rated daily news and commentary Internet sites. We’re making a difference — and we're growing. But there are powerful forces who don’t want European-Americans to have any voice in the media. We need to be able to counter the abusive lawsuits that the enemies of freedom are sure to file against us in an attempt to shut us down. We need legal talent to augment our technical, musical, and writing talent. That’ s why we’re writing to you today.

Can Anglo-Saxon law and rights survive the extinction of the Anglo-Saxon and kindred European peoples? What kind of future are we building for our children as we allow America to become an overwhelmingly non-White society? What kind of America do you want to leave for your children and your grandchildren? A Third World America little different from Mexico or Haiti — a world of corruption, poverty, hopelessness, and eventual extinction? Or is there a better way? We in the National Alliance are working to create an America where our people and our culture are protected instead of attacked, an America where our children and grandchildren won’t be strangers in the land their forefathers built. We hope that you will help us in this, the greatest patriotic endeavor in our people’s history.

The National Alliance has been working for the interests of our people for over 30 years. We have built an alternative to the mainstream media through our weekly radio programs, magazines, videos, CDs and Web sites. We’ve enclosed some sample materials for your review. Enjoy the materials and peruse our sites — then contact us at our e-mail or postal addresses listed above.


Tampa Unit Coordinator
An attorney recruitment effort might be something worth considering.
Racist Mailing Used Fla. Bar's Labels

"...The mailing of racist literature to lawyers using labels obtained from the Florida Bar was not avoidable because of the state's open-government laws, the association president said.

Lawyers across the state last week received a 10-page report from the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group based in West Virginia..."

"...For 10 cents per label to cover overhead, the Bar sent the labels to John Ubele of New Port Richey, McGrane said..."

Full story: ... 094303007/

John, We need a team Our team should have attorneys on it, fighting the lawyers from our enemy's team with their Jewish "law centers" and their billions of dollars. But as you learned 18 years ago lawyers are cowards when it comes to opposing our enemy, using the law.

That was a nice letter you wrote back in 2003, but I doubt it got a single attorney to help your Tampa Local Unit. There hasn't been a Tampa Unit in years. It was destroyed from within, not by The Ledger, the Jewish "law centers" or by the Florida State Bar, but from within for lack of leadership from NA's National Office back then.

We need a a team and you should be back on it.

Urging people to go to your Telegram page is weak tea, and you know it. Telegram will not cooperate with our Alliance any more than will The Ledger, the State Bars, or the cowardly white attorneys who are scared spitless of being accused of "Nazism" for helping NA.

Thank you very much for your words of encouragement.

I have to say that I didn't write that version of the letter. I wrote the first version which I think was good, but a person far more talented than me at writing had improved what I had wrote and we used his version which is the version I've posted on this thread.

I remember back in early 2004 that our unit coordinator was told by Gliebe that they supposedly received a membership application from a Florida attorney because of the mailout. I don't know if it was true, or not, but that was what he was told and he told me that.

Unfortunately my circumstances are different now and I don't think I can rejoin the organization. But I will try to share things on this message board which I hope people will find useful. I've learned many things since the NA imploded under Gliebe 17 years ago. I think some of these things can be helpful to the NA and other resistance groups.

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