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The State of the Race 02/15/20

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:35 am
by White Man 1
ALL OVER AMERICA, newspapers, magazines, and broadcast networks are saying that American Dissident Voices was right. They’re saying that William Pierce and the National Alliance were right. No, they’re not coming out and mentioning us by name — though they should.

What they are doing is acknowledging the rapidly-declining state of the White race in America. They’re crowing about the new non-White majorities in state after state. They’re delighted to tell us that Whites will be an aging and shrinking minority in America by 2040. These are exactly the things that the Alliance, William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, and National Vanguard have been warning us about for years.

The Jews and other multiracialists scrapped our old immigration laws in 1965 — which favored White people — and replaced them with a series of increasingly disastrous mockeries of law that 1) opened the floodgates to the Third World invasion and 2) repeatedly gave amnesty to millions of criminal invaders from Mexico and Central America, rewarding them and rewarding their equally-criminal employers while punishing and impoverishing White Americans who lost jobs and saw social services deteriorate or evaporate as the Brown tide advanced across our land. And, of course, this invasion would still be an invasion, an act of aggressive war even if it were legalized, which it probably will be soon, the occasional meaningless gurgling noises that sound something like the word “wall” coming from uber-Zionist Trump’s lying mouth notwithstanding.

When our enemies opened those floodgates, we were repeatedly promised by the Jewish media and the bought politicians that there would be no significant demographic change in America. This was in 1965, when America was well over 90 per cent. White! Now that they’ve wrought their genocidal work to the point they believe it’s irreversible, they’re shamelessly admitting that they were liars and that the racialists were right — though they never give credit where credit is due.

In once-proud Texas, the state of the Alamo, and the state that joined the Union as a free and independent White republic, non-Whites have accounted for more than half the population for years and years. The same situation exists in a growing list of states.

But let me tell you something. What they admit to is only part of the story of our dispossession. It’s really far worse than what they admit. Some states, still touted as “White majority,” really aren’t. If you look at the Census Bureau’s own figures, you’ll see that the racial categories include “non-Hispanic Whites,” “Hispanics,” Blacks, Asians, Amerindians, and Pacific Islanders. That’s it. Guess what that means. It means that Jews are counted as White, including the millions upon millions of them crowded into the money- and media-capitals of this country. It means that Muslims, practically all of them non-White Arabs and the other North Africans, central Asians, and Middle Easterners — including the burgeoning millions in Illinois and Michigan — who now make up an even larger and far more fecund minority than do Jews, are also counted as White in the Census Bureau’s statistics.

Furthermore, the Census Bureau accepts self-identification for those who are counted as White, which means that not only the non-White Muslims, but a large number of mixed-race Mestizos, also get counted as White. An article in the China Daily quotes a former Census Bureau director, Martha Riche, as admitting that most ‘Hispanics’ in the US, misidentify themselves as White when asked on forms or by census-takers. And we know that calling Mestizos White is widely practiced by the so-called criminal justice system, from which you’ll see wanted posters and mug shots looking like the membership roster of MS-13, all listed as “White” and counted under the figures for “White crime.”

Another factor which leads me to believe that Whites are really a smaller percentage of the population than the Census Bureau admits is that Blacks are undercounted — a fact which the Blacks themselves are eager to point out, claiming that they should get even more benefits and taxpayer money, since there are so many more of them than can be counted. There are many Blacks with no fixed residence, and so many Blacks are unwilling to be counted because they fear any interaction with the authorities, being wanted or involved in illegal activities which, they fear, may lead to arrest if they provide any information to census-takers.

The same situation exists in an even more acute form for the Mestizo invaders, most of whom are here blatantly illegally and who therefore would doubtlessly be severely undercounted by any practical method, but whose in-your-face presence is increasingly obvious. In many parts of the U.S., even rural areas — where only a decade ago Whites were overwhelmingly the majority — Mestizos now make up a huge percentage of the population and totally dominate the schools and maternity wards. Go there and see for yourself!

So when the Census Bureau states that “Non-Hispanic whites now make up two-thirds of the nation’s total population… but that proportion will dip to one-half by 2050,” I believe that the current two-thirds figure must be reduced significantly and that the time horizon is shorter than they claim. That means that millions more White men, women, and children — especially working and middle class Whites who cannot afford to secure themselves in gated communities — will be living in Third World mixed-up non-communities, and outnumbered everywhere they turn, in just the next few years.

Some years ago Steven H. Murdock, the state demographer of Texas, said that “…The white population is growing very slowly, while other racial and ethnic groups are growing quite rapidly. …In some sense, Texas is a preview of what the nation will become in the long run. Our future in Texas is increasingly tied to our minority populations.” Interestingly, he admitted that “If their education and skills continue to lag, we will be less competitive in the global economy.” I’ve got news for Mr. Murdock: Not only are they going to “continue to lag,” but as incompetent Affirmative Action employees and bizarre Reconquista and Afrocentrist types rise in the educational establishment alongside the already-entrenched multiracialists and Jewish supremacists, the education level of Texas and the rest of post-American America is going to decline to banana republic levels (and the safety of our children is going to plummet to the level of Mexico City or Port-au-Prince, a crime for which no punishment is too severe).

Mr. Murdock stated that immigration — mostly illegal, though he didn’t say so — accounted for half of the recent increase in Texas’s non-White population, while half was due to high non-White birth rates: “Hispanic women, who are having children at a rate of 3 per woman, had a significantly higher fertility rate than blacks, with an average of 2.3, and non-Hispanic whites, with an average of 1.9.”

Murdock also admitted this was not just happening in urban areas — he said that so-called Hispanics account for “much of the population growth in rural counties.”

Census Bureau forecasters call for a continuing loss in the number of White people in the near future. They admit that White birthrates are below replacement level. And, after what I’ve shown you, it should be clear that our losses are really much worse than what they’re admitting.

(The accepted demographic predictions shown in this video are ominous enough — but things are really much worse.)

What does all this mean for our lives and our children’s lives?

Cecilia Muñoz, an openly racial Mestizo leader, something that the Jewish media approve of while simultaneously demonizing any Whites who think racially, warned us fairly bluntly when she said that “the political strength of Latinos takes a while to catch up with our demographic strength, in part because one-third of the Latino population is under the age of 18 and many Hispanics are not citizens.” What this means is that soon the “political strength of Latinos” (and other invaders) will catch up to their demographic strength. We will be living under the political rule of people for whom representative government has always been a joke and corruption and brutality are the order of the day. Eventually, anti-White thugs with vengeance on their minds will totally control the military, courts, and police, and will have their greasy thumbs on the nuclear button. America as we have known her will be dead, dead, dead. She’s already more than halfway there.

The exact outcome is hard to predict, as is the degree to which the Jewish supremacists will still be able to exercise their power in such a scenario, since chaos and inability to enforce the ever-multiplying laws will increasingly become a factor.

But the Jewish supremacists — who set the process of the Browning of America in motion several decades ago — will have achieved some of their goals. Many millions of Whites will have been aborted or never conceived, countless Whites will continue to perish in the 90-day War for Israel that is well on its way to becoming a 90-year war, and millions of White families will be impoverished as their jobs and their birthright are taken from them by globalism, “free trade,” and multiracialism. Huge numbers of White men and women and children will be victimized and marginalized as the country goes Brown and anti-White discrimination openly becomes the norm.

And representative government will be taken away from us — the government will no longer even be partially ours. It will openly become our enemy. Even under Trump, we’re more than halfway there already. One Jewish supremacist candidly admitted that this is one of their goals. Professor Earl Raab of Brandeis University’s Institute for Jewish Advocacy gleefully stated:

“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan [read: pro-White] party will be able to prevail in this country. We [meaning his fellow Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible….”

In plain language, Professor Raab is boasting that he and his fellow Jews have changed the immigration laws — and prevented the government from enforcing what immigration laws we still have — in order to make the American population more heterogeneous, or, to use the more familiar term, more “diverse.” (What they don’t tell you, of course, is that massive racial and ethnic mixing within nations will actually destroy races and reduce human biodiversity, about which the Jewish supremacists care not at all.) When Raab says that a “Nazi-Aryan party” can never prevail, what he means is that a party that represents the interests of White people can never be elected in the new America that he and his fellow Jews have been creating.

Their goal is to make Whites a minority in their own country so that the Whites can never combine against the Jews and regain control of their own destiny.

Professor Raab and his fellow Jewish supremacists aim not only at eliminating the White majority in the country as a whole, but also at polluting and corrupting every White area inside the country, so there will be no one capable of organizing any electoral opposition to multiracialism. If Whites are half or less of the population, even if you convince all the Whites to support a pro-White party, it still cannot be elected into power. Checkmate — or so they think.

The time for Whites to organize is now. Today, not tomorrow. We need to build structures of information dissemination, business and employment, economic power, lobbying and political influence, and self-defense now. Not next week. We need to be strong! We need to be able to implement a society within a society, that can one day be independent and secure living space that will be under a new government, one that is answerable to us alone. Only thus can we survive in this dangerous world.

We need to grow the racially conscious White community. We need to organize that community. We need to get rich, self-sustaining, and influential. Even as a minority, with our abilities as a people this is an attainable goal. We need to grow from the thousands to the hundreds of thousands to the millions — before tyranny and chaos reach unstoppable levels. Please do your part.

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