Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

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Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by Grimork » Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:34 am

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 August, 2022 ... -colonies/
by Kevin Alfred Strom

JEWS DON’T THINK LIKE we do. I doubt that they see the world like we do. Their minds are alien, predatory, parasitic, and quite possibly something far beyond — and far more frightening — than parasitic. A case in point:

Just a couple of days ago, a Las Vegas Jew and real estate broker and property manager, Allan Rothstein, found himself in court after he forced a homeless woman to sign a contract agreeing to sexual intercourse with him in order to rent a four-bedroom home to her and her five children and to accept the Section 8 housing voucher which was her only way of paying the rent. According to news reports, Rothstein then required the woman to pay out of her own pocket for repairs to the home that he said were necessary in order to bring it up to Section 8 standards. (I assume that was a lie — have you ever seen Section 8 housing, close up? It’s hard to believe that they enforce too many standards. And the nice-looking modern red stucco home that Rothstein managed looked better than the average home, at least from the outside.)

Allan Rothstein
Rothstein then proceeded to charge her more rent than was stipulated in the contract and the voucher. He also charged her for utilities, something that she was not legally required to pay under the terms she signed. When she refused to pay these extra fees, Rothstein then started sending her bills for “late fees” for the unpaid items that ran into thousands of dollars.

When Rothstein made sexual advances to the woman, demanding the sex acts that were laid out in the contract he pressured her to sign, she refused his demands. And he did put her under pressure. The woman and her five offspring were homeless. They were living week to week in a motel, an expensive and untenable situation that had to end. She thought that getting the Section 8 voucher was the answer to her prayers. But rents are high in Las Vegas — a very Jewish, and very corrupt, and very cold-hearted, city. And it’s hard to find a landlord who isn’t a slumlord who will accept a Section 8 voucher there. And Section 8 vouchers expire: If you don’t find a place to rent in 90 days, your voucher simply ceases to exist and you are back where you started. Rothstein essentially said to her, Sign this, pay that, pay some more, give me any sex act I want whenever I want, then pay this extra too, or, sister, you and your babies are out on the street again.

The home in question
When she refused sex to Rothstein, he started eviction proceedings against her — even though the Regional Housing Authority had been paying their part, the vast majority part, of the agreed-upon rent to Rothstein on time, every month — and even though the woman’s agreed-upon part of the rent payment, $145 per month, had been paid — and even though Rothstein additionally illegally demanded, and was getting from her, almost $400 per month extra that wasn’t in any contract, money he collected just because he said so.

Now I don’t know if this was a White woman or not. Many Section 8 recipients are non-Whites, though these days, as usury and other forms of Jewish financial predation make us poorer and poorer, more and more Whites are on the relief lists.

The important thing in this Rothstein episode, I think, is the vicious and extreme exploitation of the helpless that characterized Rothstein, and characterizes so many Jews in Jew-Gentile interactions. Here we had a vulnerable woman and her children in trouble. In need. Desperate. How does Rothstein view the woman when she comes to him? Does he want to help her? Does he sympathize? Does he try to find a way for both the owner and the potential tenant to have a transaction that benefits them both, as an ethical businessman should do?

No. Rothstein does not think that way. Rothstein sees desperation in the woman in somewhat the same way a hungry hyena sees a weak or sick gazelle. Rothstein sees the desperation as a weakness that he can exploit. Rothstein sees a mother in trouble as a way to get sex on demand. Rothstein sees a family about to be on the street as a way to extort money, and then more money on top of that, and then even more money every single month. Rothstein sees a woman in need and not too wise in the ways of legal contracts and laws and regulations as a sucker who will sign or do or pay almost anything to get a roof over her children’s heads. He then proceeds to put multiple squeezes on her, upping the demands constantly until she can’t take any more.

My questions: How many other times has Rothstein done this or something similar — and gotten away with it? How many times have the tens of thousands of Rothstein’s ilk — who seem to be drawn to professions that attract vulnerable, desperate customers — done the same sort of thing and gotten away with it? And, most important of all, how long before we learn our lesson about the Rothsteins of this world?

* * *

I recently travelled through a naturally beautiful part of upstate New York about 130 miles north of New York City, from Narrowsburg to Fosterdale to Liberty and environs — not far from where the infamous 1969 Woodstock music festival took place. There is something ominous happening in this part of the country.

The air is clean there. There are low mountains and bright blue lakes like jewels in the valleys. There are quiet green forests as far as the eye can see. There are old-fashioned buildings and well-kept traditional homes that remind you of the Old America.

But then, encroaching on the cleanliness and the beauty and the traditional White way of life, there are the strange and ugly breeding colonies of Jews. All along the roughly 25-mile strip of Highway 52 that I traversed are hundreds upon hundreds of them. Cheap but shining-new row houses many streets deep and parallel to the road. Big old farm houses, the original White owners long gone. Repurposed public buildings, now gritty-looking multi-unit homes the appearance of which suggests someone must be paying off the housing inspectors. Out-of-business Rust Belt factories or warehouses hastily converted into bursting-at-the-seams cubicle apartments. Ramshackle hunting camps with amateurish-looking additions or converted garages, now turned into full-to-the-gills multi-family complexes. Many are behind crooked, cockeyed and haywired 8-foot-tall chain link fences that go on for hundreds of feet along the highway.

Mixed in among the endless apartments are converted churches and schools — we White people failed to have enough babies to keep them running as they were intended — which are apparently synagogues or other “official” Jewish buildings. Who knows what they are, really — we can’t read the Hebrew lettering which now covers them — but Jews are squirming in and out of them constantly, so some function is clearly taking place there.

And all along the streets and highways there are Jews, hundreds of Jews, in some places only Jews: alien-looking Jews; rat-faced Jews; Jews with special robes evidently denoting some special rank or status; Jews with the cold clouded reptilian eyes of a patient crocodile waiting for a victim on the riverbank; and, frighteningly, some Jews that, except for their odd headgear and outfits, could pass for White in any country, even among the clued-in. (The feeling one gets from these latter Jews is Do you dare to speak against us or even about us? We’re telling you, you will never know who you’re speaking to — you will never know if you are speaking to one of us!)

And, even more evident than the Jews on the streets are the Jewesses. Wearing long dresses and usually covering their hair with dull-looking scarves, they are everywhere — on the streets, in stores, behind the chain-link fences, behind the small glass windows of the cramped apartments, sitting on stoops, walking on the grounds of the mysterious new “institutions” that have sprouted everywhere. Walking in groups, even crowds, walking three abreast, walking in single file — and, in gigantic contrast with White women today, it looks like at least three-quarters of them are pushing baby carriages, even in some cases double and triple baby carriages.

These are not the intermarrying Jews we’ve heard about. These are not the low-birthrate Jews we’ve heard about from those who believe that the Jewish Problem will eventually solve itself. These are a reservoir from which the ranks of Jews will be amply replenished.

Sources tell me that these are breeding colonies of various sects of Hasidic Jews who are now spreading their kind beyond Brooklyn to New Jersey and New York. These Hasids are building their own parallel society while they work to take over parts of ours. One thing they don’t seem to do much of is work in the local economy. Locals tell me that most of them don’t work at all, having become expert and organized at extracting benefits and welfare from the surrounding non-Jews. For example, most of the marriages are solemnized only in their community, and on paper all these mothers are “single moms,” who get lots of benefits. For another example, many of their institutions are at least nominally “religious” and they get tax-exempt status. Some Jews, I am told, have the job of streamlining the benefit application process for the rest so they can get EBT, food stamps, rent reimbursement, or whatever is on offer.

They are organized into sects, which some of them call “courts” or “dynasties.” Wikipedia claims that there are only around 130,000 Hasidic Jews in the entire world. After driving this 25-mile strip of what used to be America, I have some very serious doubts about the accuracy of that figure.

Their presence is overwhelming — and they appear to have utterly taken over a number of towns. They must be a powerful, probably even a dominant, force in these counties. And even if their secular Jewish relatives weren’t rich and powerful and influential in Albany, these Hasids would be, quite on their own account, a force to be reckoned with among state lawmakers.

Think about it. What can you do, when the jury pool consists of mostly your group? What can you do, when no mayor or councilman can be elected without your cohesive group’s approval? What can you do, when you decide who is to be appointed or nominated as a judge? What can you do if you can keep some issues and disputes only within your secret Rabbinical courts and only bring the cases that will benefit you to the public courts? And what can you do if you literally write all the laws?

The answer is: You can do almost anything. That is the power of racial cohesiveness — and that is something that White people need to learn again.

And the White people in these areas — even when they aren’t hounded by black-hatted pests to sell out — have figured out the fact that these strange others are ruling now, and are leaving in droves.

In a way, this ominous change could bring some good to the world. It can’t hurt to increase racial separation. It can’t hurt to increase awareness of the alien nature of Jews. It can’t hurt to increase awareness that Jews care only for themselves, that in sum or average living among them is like being surrounded by thousands of Allan Rothsteins.

And, once that awareness among Whites reaches a certain point, millions of us will realize that we need a place for our people again — a place where we write the laws — a place where we appoint the judges — a place where we do what is best for us and where no one is allowed or able to change that, forever.

In other words, millions of Whites will see the absolute necessity and morality of the National Alliance program.


Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by jeanicebarcelo » Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:49 pm

Kevin - this is spot-on. Thank you. I am thrilled to see someone of your caliber addressing the alien mind of the jews. If all of our people would finally come to grips with the fact that Jews literally ARE aliens whose sole purpose is to conquer the Earth, then our understanding of this reality and why things are the way they are would finally fall into place.

Jews do not make any bones about telling us who and what they are either (although many do not yet realize what they are as they have not yet been "activated", as this rabbi explains. Check out his talk below. His name is Rabbi Michael Laitman and he is a well-known kabbalist. He reaches a huge jewish audience with his teachings. In this talk, he comes flat out and says that Jews are not from here, but from another planet and that they have come here to conquer the Earth. He says they are being given the method to conquer the Earth as they go and that the transmission are coming from their home planet. This is totally worth listening to.

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by RCavallius » Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:01 pm

Well, unfortunately it seems like she only came on here to promote her strange theories. This is really frustrating for those of us who are sincerely trying to promote White unity and expand the National Alliance. I want to be welcoming and give people a chance, and I understand that not everybody is going to think in exactly the same fashion, but this is just too much.

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:24 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:01 pm
Well, unfortunately it seems like she only came on here to promote her strange theories. This is really frustrating for those of us who are sincerely trying to promote White unity and expand the National Alliance. I want to be welcoming and give people a chance, and I understand that not everybody is going to think in exactly the same fashion, but this is just too much.
I agree, and have taken appropriate action.

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by John Yurgel » Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:08 pm

Apparently one flew out of the cuckoos nest and landed in our forum.
Can you say " personality disorder"?

The Yids really like these nutjobs, obsessive compulsive behavior is one of the symptoms of BPD.
they latch on to all of the so-called controversial topics and obsess over them and when they weasel into a group such as ours they make us look bad by association.

The Hasbara trolls will prod them along and encourage them to all extremes, social media is full of them.
I ran across her on VK a couple of years ago I remember blocking her but not the specifics, more or likely over flat earth or lizard alien stuff.
I was a little surprised when I saw her name pop up here especially with the word member in the same sentence.

This should surely be taken as a teaching-learning moment and we should be more careful in the future.

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by JohnUbele » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:35 am

The part about Rothstein in the broadcast makes me think of the things that Orthodox Jews were doing in Jersey City by waving handfulls of cash in the faces of Black homeowners there. The Jews were buying properties there for fractions of what they were worth.

The Jews' behaviour there ended up contributing to the Jersey City shooting in December of 2019. I remember shortly after the shooting that one Black elected official there actually explained the details of this. After she did, she was hit by a media onslaught saying that she was anti-semitic, I vaguely remember some Jewish pressure groups also coming out against her.

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by JohnUbele » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:43 am

Jersey City school board member calls Jews ‘brutes’ in wake of anti-Semitic attack

"...Terrell-Paige said in the post that African American homeowners in the Jersey City neighborhood were “threatened, intimidated and harassed” by the Jewish newcomers, whom she said threatened to “bring drug dealers and prostitutes to live next door to you” if homeowners wouldn’t sell their houses.

She went on to bemoan the lack of resources for the African American community while bringing up Solomon Dwek, a Jewish FBI informant who played a key role in the biggest corruption bust in state history in 2009..."

Source: ... ck-1233098

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by JohnUbele » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:46 am

This is video is worth watching a few times:

"...SHOCKING VIDEO: As Jewish bodies were still laying in cold blood after being murdered by terrorists in Jersey City, a rep of @AmericansAA captured spontaneous antisemitic tirades blaming Jews for their own murder & ppl cheering it on!

Antisemitism, a bigger problem than appears..."

Source: ... 0762741760

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Re: Alien Minds, Alien Colonies

Post by White_Vengeance » Thu Aug 25, 2022 5:30 pm

Few things could bring a bigger smile to my face and warm the cockles of my heart than to see massive piles of dead bodies of both subhuman, barbaric niggers and sleazy, diabolical, zionist jews, the result of a prolonged, intense war between two groups of worthless scum and filth. Let the jews and niggers "have at each other." It's a win-win situation for the White race.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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