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Will Williams
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Post by Will Williams » Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:04 am

Who better to explain what we are:
[S]ince Indo-European is best reserved for use as a linguistic term, and such words as Nordic and Celtic are too restrictive as designations of variations within our species, we shall use the only available word in general use that designates our race as a whole, although the Jews have forbidden us to use it. Aryan, furthermore, has the advantage that it is not a geographic term, and while some may think it immodest to describe ourselves as arya, ‘noble,’ that word does indicate a range of moral concepts for which our race seems to have instinctively a peculiar and characteristic respect, which differentiates it from other races as sharply as do its physical traits, and, like them, more or less conspicuously, depending on the particular contrast that is made. It is unfortunate that in the present state of knowledge we cannot trace our species, the Aryans, to the species of Homo erectus or Homo habilis from which it is descended.
Extract from this classic RPO article: ... ment-55117
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Re: Aryan

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:34 pm

More about Aryans from Dr. Thomas Dalton, PhD: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5337

Aryan Hitler

Consider, next, the views of Hitler and Goebbels. Let’s start with the latter. As we know, Goebbels kept a highly detailed diary over nearly the whole of his adult life. It was recovered after the war, and ultimately published (in German). This massive documentation, covering 20 years, 29 volumes, and some 7,000 pages, details his intimate thoughts on every conceivable topic. When we scan the entire document for Herrenrasse, we find just two or three passing references—one of which (August 21, 1938) refers, like Rosenberg, to the Britons; and another (December 26, 1943) which quotes Roosevelt’s stated desire to “liquidate the master race in Germany.” Obviously Goebbels, at least, had no ‘obsession’ with the master-race concept.

In a similar vein, he had little preoccupation with the Aryan ideal. Only very few of Goebbels’ diary entries even mention Aryans, and they are almost nonexistent in his speeches and published writings. Below are three of the most relevant passages in the entire diary, as brief as they are:

The prophesy that the Führer made about [the Jews] for having brought on a new World War is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental about these things. If we didn’t fight the Jews, they would destroy us. It’s a life-and-death struggle between the Aryan race and the Jewish bacillus. No other government and no other regime would have the strength to solve this question in general. (March 27, 1942)

Eden gave a speech in the House of Commons on the Jewish problem and answered planted questions. Rothschild, the “venerable MP,” as the English press calls him, took the floor and delivered a tear-jerker bemoaning the fate of the Polish Jews. At the end of the session, the Commons observed a minute of silence; all members of Parliament rose from their seats as a silent tribute to Jewry. That was quite appropriate for the British House of Commons. Parliament is really a sort of Jewish exchange. The English, anyway, are the Jews among the Aryans. (December 19, 1942)

So we have to realize that, in this conflict between Aryan humanity and the Jewish race, we still have to fight very hard battles because Jewry has managed, consciously or unconsciously, to bring great tribes of the Aryan race into their service. … There is therefore also no hope of returning the Jews to the circle of civilized humanity through an extraordinary punishment. They will remain forever Jews, just as we are forever members of Aryan humanity. … On the basis of their very materialistic attitude, the English act similar to the Jews. They are the Aryans that have most acquired Jewish traits. (May 13, 1943)[12]

Out of literally thousands of daily entries, these few are all but inconsequential. One could surmise that Goebbels, being short, club-footed, brown-hair, and brown-eyed, had little personal commitment to the Aryan ideal.

And then, what about the man himself? Hitler indeed had much to say on the Aryans, but nothing on any ‘master race’.[13] The same with the blue-eyed blond aesthetic, which almost passes without mention. This is notable, given that he himself had striking blue eyes. In an early diary entry, Goebbels recounts one of his first personal meetings with Hitler:

We’re going by car to see Hitler. He’s just eating. He already jumps up and stands in front of us. Shakes my hand. Like an old friend. And these big, blue eyes. Like stars. He’s pleased to see me. I am very happy. … Then he speaks here for another half an hour. With wit, irony, humor, sarcasm, with seriousness, with glow, with passion. This man has everything to be king. (November 6, 1925)

In his important biography, historian John Toland quotes a number of people attesting to the same. Toland writes that, according to Josef Keplinger, “[Hitler’s] own eyes…were blue” (p. 16). A professor, von Müller, is quoted as speaking of Hitler’s “remarkable large light blue eyes” (p. 89). Early enthusiast Kurt Lüdecke comments on his “intense, steel-blue eyes” (p. 123). And close personal friend Helene Hanfstaengl wrote in her memoirs of Hitler’s “very blue eyes” (p. 142).[14] Despite this virtue, Hitler apparently placed little emphasis on eye color.

Regarding hair, again, there is almost nothing of substance on the blond ideal. In all of Mein Kampf, there is only a single mention; in volume two, Hitler writes against Jewish racial contamination of the noble German race. He elaborates:

Look at the ravages that our people are suffering daily as a result of Jewish bastardization, and consider that this blood poisoning can only be eliminated from the national body after centuries, if ever. Think further of how the process of racial disintegration is debasing and often even destroying the fundamental Aryan values of our German people, such that our national cultural creativeness is regressing and we run the risk, at least in our large cities, of sinking to the present level of southern Italy. This pestilential contamination of the blood, blindly ignored by hundreds of thousands of our people, is being systematically conducted by the Jew today. These black parasites of our nation systematically corrupt our innocent blond girls and thus destroy something irreplaceable in this world. (vol 2, sec 10.6, p. 194)

But this is a mere passing reference to “blond girls,” and it is not repeated. Even in his major speeches attacking the Jews, Hitler never refers to the blond-haired, blue-eyed aesthetic. Evidently for Hitler, as for Goebbels, the physical features were simply not that important.

The ‘Aryan,’ though, makes many appearances in Hitler’s work, as in the above passage. In Mein Kampf, Aryans are a dominant theme in the highly-important chapter 11 of volume one (“Nation and Race”), where Hitler expounds on racial mixing, race and culture, idealism, and especially the contrast with the anti-Aryan, the Jew. The following passages are representative:

Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science, and technical skill that we see today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan. This very fact fully justifies the conclusion that it was the Aryan alone who founded a superior type of humanity; therefore he represents the archetype of what we understand by the term ‘man.’ He is the Prometheus of mankind. …

If we divide mankind into three groups—founders of culture, bearers of culture, and destroyers of culture—the Aryan alone can be considered as representing the first group. It was he who erected the foundation and walls of every great structure in human culture. Only the shape and color of such structures can be attributed to the characteristics of the various peoples. The Aryan furnished the great building stones and plans for the edifices of all human progress; only the execution of these plans can be attributed to the qualities of each individual race. … The real foundations are the enormous scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America; that is, of Aryan peoples. ….

If, from today onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan ceased—if Europe and America collapsed—then Japan’s present progress in science and technology might still last for a short while. But within a few decades, the inspiration would dry up, native Japanese character would flourish, and present civilization would become fossilized and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused seven decades ago by Aryan culture. Therefore, just as present Japanese development is due to Aryan influence, so in the distant past, foreign influence and spirit awakened Japanese culture of that day. …

This short sketch of the development of the culture-bearing nations gives a picture of the development and activity—and the decline—of those who are the true culture-founders on this Earth, the Aryans themselves. (vol 1, sec 11.4, pp. 294–296)

The words are compelling, forceful, and clear. Notable is his reference to the Japanese as being an Aryan people; clearly he draws a larger circle than simply the White, blue-eyed blonds of northern Europe. Hitler adopts the broader, academic notion of the term—Aryans as culture-creating and noble northerners.
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Re: Aryan

Post by RCavallius » Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:27 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:34 pm
More about Aryans from Dr. Thomas Dalton, PhD: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5337
If, from today onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan ceased—if Europe and America collapsed—then Japan’s present progress in science and technology might still last for a short while. But within a few decades, the inspiration would dry up, native Japanese character would flourish, and present civilization would become fossilized and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused seven decades ago by Aryan culture. Therefore, just as present Japanese development is due to Aryan influence, so in the distant past, foreign influence and spirit awakened Japanese culture of that day. …

Notable is his reference to the Japanese as being an Aryan people;
Adolf Hitler did not refer to them as Aryans.

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Will Williams
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Re: Aryan

Post by Will Williams » Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:16 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:27 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:34 pm
More about Aryans from Dr. Thomas Dalton, PhD: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5337
If, from today onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan ceased—if Europe and America collapsed—then Japan’s present progress in science and technology might still last for a short while. But within a few decades, the inspiration would dry up, native Japanese character would flourish, and present civilization would become fossilized and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused seven decades ago by Aryan culture. Therefore, just as present Japanese development is due to Aryan influence, so in the distant past, foreign influence and spirit awakened Japanese culture of that day. …

Notable is his reference to the Japanese as being an Aryan people;
Adolf Hitler did not refer to them as Aryans.
I didn't see where Mr. Hitler ever referred to his Axis Jap allies as Aryans. Did Dalton say he did?

The Japanese were influenced by Aryans; they were not "Aryan people," unless by that term they were being described as a noble people, which they were -- but not in the racial sense, as in the "light-skinned people of the north.".

Dr. Dalton had this to say about Aryans for our WB lexicon:
The Aryans have an interesting history, no doubt. Consider the basic etymology involved here. The root of the
word, arya, is Sanskrit. Originally, circa 2000 BC, it meant simply speakers of Sanskrit language; later it
became associated with the lighter-skinned peoples of central Asia. Due to their superior abilities and
intelligence, and capacity for culture-building, the term ‘Aryan’ became synonymous with ‘the best’ or ‘the
As they expanded southward and eastward, they became the dominant ruling people. In this sense, the
Aryans are indeed rulers or masters of others; but it was by dint of their superior skills, intelligence, and
morality. In a way, it was a justly-earned dominance.
Scientists today almost uniformly avoid all talk of Aryans, preferring to reserve that term for linguistic and
perhaps cultural groups of people. And of course, the Nazi association makes the term largely taboo, in any
case. But science, thankfully, has the power to overcome taboos. Recent scientific research has shed new light
on the biological and historical origins of the light-skinned people of the north.

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Re: Aryan

Post by RCavallius » Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:44 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:34 pm
More about Aryans from Dr. Thomas Dalton, PhD:

Notable is his reference to the Japanese as being an Aryan people; clearly he draws a larger circle than simply the White, blue-eyed blonds of northern Europe. Hitler adopts the broader, academic notion of the term—Aryans as culture-creating and noble northerners.

Well, there's this part from the original post.

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Will Williams
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Re: Aryan

Post by Will Williams » Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:42 am

RCavallius wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:44 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:34 pm
More about Aryans from Dr. Thomas Dalton, PhD:

Notable is his reference to the Japanese as being an Aryan people; clearly he draws a larger circle than simply the White, blue-eyed blonds of northern Europe. Hitler adopts the broader, academic notion of the term—Aryans as culture-creating and noble northerners.

Well, there's this part from the original post.

Thank you for providing context to the partial quote you chose -- the part before the semicolon in Dalton's compound sentence. Not to nitpick, but an ellipsis (...) would have been more appropriate for accuracy than the period (.).

Please show further context, if you will, like what AH actually said about the Japanese. From the quote provided, Aryan is not used as a racial term, but as the "broader academic notion" for the noble northern people, the creators of culture who influenced the Japanese and their culture.

In the National Alliance, we are not stricty Nordicists. That is an ideal, but we are pan-Aryan in the racial sense, as was Mr. Hitler. To start with we know a White person when we see one and Japs are not of fully non-Jewish European descent. So Indo-European language and other definitions of the word aside, "Aryan" to us is in the "narrower notion," as our enemies would say, of race.

Put the word "aryan' in the search box at and several articles will appear that can add to a better understanding of the word for White loyalists. This one, for example: ... ryan-dawn/
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Re: Aryan

Post by White_Vengeance » Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:08 am

The subject of "Aryan," and the countless attempts to define the word, "Aryan," have been literally beaten to death throughout, and across, the White Nationalist movement. The mere mention of the word "Aryan" on another site I frequent, Stormfront, brings out frothing-at-the-mouth Stormfront members who are adamant and inflexible in their definition(s) of the word, "Aryan." At times, their circular arguments and logical fallacies border on sheer lunacy.

I am well past the point in my White Nationalist career that I will argue over a word that I believe has a settled meaning and definition. We pro-White activists have many more important issues to address and pro-White undertakings to accomplish, stretching light years into the future.

My position on the definition of, and what constitutes, an "Aryan" is settled forever more by referencing the great booklet: Building a New White World / What is the National Alliance? My reference is to the definition used in our organization's recruitment booklet. Referencing page #1, under the sub-heading "The Law of Inequality," I quote: "The world is hierarchical. Each of us is a member of the 'Aryan' (or European) race..." That line is quoted verbatim--simple, straightforward, unambiguous: "Aryan" is synonymous with "European." Hence, as based upon our organization's recruitment booklet, when discussing the issue of race, the noun "Aryan" is substitutable for the noun "European."

It makes no mention about specific nation(s) of origin on the continent of Europe (i.e., Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Scotland, etc.); it makes no mention of geographic location on the continent of Europe (i.e., northern, southern, western, central, eastern, southeastern, British Isles, Iceland, Greenland). It makes no mention of European sub-races: Baltic, Slavic, Mediterranean, Alpine, Celtic, Nordic, etc. It clearly, accurately, and with definiteness states that an "Aryan" is a person (male or female) whose ancestry, heritage, bloodline, and descendancy is 100% European.

If that definition of "Aryan" was good enough for Dr. William Pierce, I accept it without any equivocation.
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Will Williams
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Re: Aryan

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:06 am

White_Vengeance wrote:
Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:08 am
The subject of "Aryan," and its many attempts to define the word, "Aryan," have been literally beaten to death throughout, and across, the White Nationalist movement. The mere mention of the word "Aryan" on another site I frequent, Stormfront, brings out frothing-at-the-mouth Stormfront members who are adamant and inflexible in their definition(s) of the word, "Aryan." At times, their circular arguments and logical fallacies border on sheer lunacy.

I am well past the point in my White Nationalist career that I will argue over a word that I believe has a settled meaning and definition. We pro-White activists have many more important issues to address and pro-White undertakings to accomplish, stretching light years into the future.

My position on the definition of, and what constitutes, an "Aryan" is settled forever more by referencing the great booklet: Building a New White World / What is the National Alliance? My reference is to the definition used in our organization's recruitment booklet. Referencing page #1, under the sub-heading "The Law of Inequality," I quote: "The world is hierarchical. Each of us is a member of the 'Aryan' (or European) race..." That line is quoted verbatim--simple, straightforward, unambiguous: "Aryan" is synonymous with "European." [/iHence, as based upon our organization's recruitment booklet, when discussing the issue of race, the noun "Aryan" is substitutable for the noun "European."

It makes no mention about specific nation(s) of origin on the continent of Europe (i.e., Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Austria, Czech Republic, Scotland, etc.); it makes no mention of geographic location on the continent of Europe (i.e., northern, southern, western, central, eastern, southeastern, British Isles, Iceland, Greenland). It makes no mention of European sub-races: Baltic, Slavic, Mediterranean, Alpine, Celtic, Nordic, etc. It clearly, accurately, and with definiteness states that an "Aryan" is a person (male or female) whose ancestry, heritage, bloodline, and descendancy is 100% European.

If that definition of "Aryan" was good enough for Dr. William Pierce, I accept it without any equivocation.

Vety good, WV. Stormfronters may disagree with that definition. That's OK, let them. We are not Stormfront, though we have found a few people there like youself who see things our way and have joined NA. Aryan is a good word for our WB lexicon, and you have nicely clarified the Alliance's position on it.
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Re: Aryan

Post by RCavallius » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:59 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:42 am
Thank you for providing context to the partial quote you chose -- the part before the semicolon in Dalton's compound sentence. Not to nitpick...

No worries, I don't take it that way at all. I like discussing this kind of stuff, because it's interesting. And neither am I nitpicking on what Dr. Dalton wrote, I just wanted to point out that Adolf Hitler did not refer to them as being Aryans. Dr. Dalton cited Adolf Hitler's own words on the matter; it goes without saying that he knows this topic well. I don't understand why he wrote, "notable is his reference to the Japanese as being an Aryan people..." since Adolf Hitler, in fact, never did refer to them as that, which is clear even from the quotes provided by Dr. Dalton himself. But, yes, Dr. Dalton also referred to a "broader, academic notion of the term," so perhaps there is just some ambiguity in his point and it was lost on me.

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:42 am
Please show further context, if you will, like what AH actually said about the Japanese. From the quote provided, Aryan is not used as a racial term, but as the "broader academic notion" for the noble northern people, the creators of culture who influenced the Japanese and their culture.

Well, Adolf Hitler said a number of different things about the Japanese, but I guess for purposes of the present discussion the most important quote I can give would be one which Dr. Dalton already cited, above:

If, from today onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan ceased—if Europe and America collapsed—then Japan’s present progress in science and technology might still last for a short while. But within a few decades, the inspiration would dry up, native Japanese character would flourish, and present civilization would become fossilized and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused seven decades ago by Aryan culture. Therefore, just as present Japanese development is due to Aryan influence, so in the distant past, foreign influence and spirit awakened Japanese culture of that day.

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:42 am
In the National Alliance, we are not stricty Nordicists. That is an ideal, but we are pan-Aryan in the racial sense, as was Mr. Hitler.

Yes, and I agree with this.

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