Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn University

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White Man 1
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Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn University

Post by White Man 1 » Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:19 am

Here is the speech that the University was so keen to prevent. It's a pretty basic introduction into White Nationalism. Spencer comes pretty close to describing Cosmotheism during the speech, which was, no doubt, completely lost on the screaming hoard outside the building.

Even more impressive is that the event was mentioned on the morning news. Encouraging signs all around.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn University

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:01 am

Over the years it seems that White men come and they go...leaving hardly a trace behind in terms of their passing through the "White nationalist movement." And the patterns of their type of passing seem the same: attention getting, making speeches, organizing this or that event. Nothing that really lasts, but sure is flashy and exciting while it is happening.
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David Pringle

Re: Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn University

Post by David Pringle » Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:25 am

As Dr. Pierce pointed out more than once we will not take power by way of angry mobs howling at the gates. In the early '00's the NA held a series of rallies around the country culminating in a 500 person rally held in Washington DC. It sapped resources, we had to have a concert so 500 people would actually have a reason to show, and in the end it generated almost zero tangible gains. A few new members, some CD's and merchandise were sold, gallons of beer was consumed. But, in reality we could have taken the money spent on DC motels, gas, rental cars, plane tickets etc. and bought a printing press or a new studio. Instead we essentially had a big party organized by the then "flavor of the month" public Activist who went on to form, then uniform, his own group.

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Re: Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn University

Post by Scott » Sat May 14, 2022 9:18 am

YouTube has banned the video. Does anyone know where I can see it?
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Will Williams
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Re: Richard Spencer's speech at Auburn University

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 14, 2022 10:20 am

Scott wrote:
Sat May 14, 2022 9:18 am
YouTube has banned the video. Does anyone know where I can see it?
Who cares? Richrd Spencer, though an articulate speaker, was an alt-right flash in the pan. Where is he, or the alt-right for that matter, now and what is he or they doing for our cause.

Is that the speech MSM featured widely because Spencer gave a stiff armed salute and a couple of Jews in his audience yelled out "Heil Hitler"? :roll:
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