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Katyn Massacre Staue Removal

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 11:03 am
by PhuBai68
I caught this on OAN earlier so googled it, the removal of a statue of a Polish soldier being bayoneted in Jersey City.
Years back (I have photos stored) our NA north Jersey unit had a ceremony there.

The sad thing about the Katyn forest massacre, other than the slaughter of the Poles by Soviet troops, was that at the Nuremberg trials the Germans were accused of this war crime.

The Nuremberg Trials
At the Nuremberg Tribunal of 1945-1946, the German military were proclaimed guilty of shooting Polish Prisoners of War in the Katyn Forest. So the Soviet version of the Katyn Massacre moved from war-time propaganda into school history books: The Germans shot Polish Prisoners of War in Katyn Forest in 1941.

When US Navy Lieutenant Commander George Earle produced a report concluding that the massacres were committed by the Soviet Union, President Roosevelt ordered Earle's report to be suppressed. When Earle formally requested permission to publish his findings, the President issued a written order forbidding it. Earle was reassigned and spent the rest of the War in the remote island of American Samoa.

Reports Destroyed
Two senior American Prisoners of War, Lieutenant Colonel Donald Stewart and Colonel John van Vliet, taken by the Germans to Katyn for investigation, submitted a report, after their release in 1945, that the Soviets were definitely responsible for the Massacre. George Marshall's Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Major General Clayton Bissell, destroyed the report. During the 1951-1952 Congressional Investigations, General Bissell defended his action before Congress arguing that it was not in the US interest to antagonise the Soviet Union which was America's ally . ... _vict.html

Re: Katyn Massacre Staue Removal

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:43 pm
by White Man 1
Dr. Pierce did a talk on "The Lesson of Katyn" some time ago. Perhaps somebody has a link to it? Being of a younger generation, I hadn't heard of Katyn, and it was an eye opener for me.