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Jew Subversion through Trash Talk

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:14 pm
by Helmut Stuka
[Split off from a forthcoming post in my introductory thread, to avoid topic drift. Posted in „Hollywood“ because, in the absence of a general forum pertaining to cultural subversion, Hollywood is the symbol of all such evil and Hollywood is a major contributor to this subversion. But the following does not directly discuss Hollywood in itself. Sorry.]

I was what folks call a „good boy“ as a child, and became thoroughly corrupted as a teenager. Among other moral poisons which befell me, an adult Jew in a position of trust and authority persuaded me that I was „uptight“ (yes, he said that) for abstaining from use of the words all the other lovely postmodern youths were using. I suppose he was kindly enough to be concerned about my socialization, or some such.

Well, I took up trash-talk with a vengeance; and I thereafter spent quite some years speaking in a manner which would make negroes blush if they were able to. I stopped that, after I read the anecdote pertaining to the same issue in Chapter 3 of George Lincoln Rockwell’s autobiography, This Time the World. It was like kicking a drug habit—a decades-long drug habit!

I found that when I forced myself to abstain from words commonly regarded as „bad words“, the intellectual level of my internal discourse was substantially raised: Instead of simply calling a disliked person some obscene name, for example, suddenly I was forced to articulate to myself why I disliked that person. I became a highbrow insult artist—a literary designer of insults with substance. And rather than dissipating emotional energy by cursing a blue streak, I could redirect it to better ends.

Upon some reflection, I realized that the words themselves and their literal meanings are irrelevant. Given my respect for the human body and the reproductive process, there are only a few amongst the so-called „Dirty Seven“ which I myself would deem „dirty“ according to their literal definitions. But what matters is that the word be considered „bad,“ on a psychological level; and this latter is not an individual decision, due to the social nature of language. Whatever the people around you from the moment of your birth consider to be „bad words“, those particular combinations of phonemes will almost irreversibly have affixed to them the psychological impact of a „bad word“.

Yes, I have put some considerable thought and introspection into the topic. Perhaps I will write more thereof further some-day; for I believe the Jewish mass promotion of negroid trash talk to be a nontrivial part of the subversion of culture. But the foregoing having been said, I do retain one curseword in my daily vocabulary: Jew. That certainly has for me the psychological impact of a bad word.

Re: Jew Subversion through Trash Talk

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:20 pm
by Helmut Stuka
For the convenience of others, here is the pertinent quote from This Time The World, Chapter 3:
But [Fred] Allen's wife, Portland, gave me the shock of my fourteen or fifteen years when she was the first woman I ever heard say a filthy word – and in our living room, at that. She used the Anglo-Saxon word for body waste to express her distaste for some idea or other – and I will never forget the experience. Never, in all those young years, had I heard a female say such a word and I thought of her immediately as an object of unbelievable disgust. In discussing the matter later, with my father, I learned that she was Jewish. I asked him if Jewishness had anything to do with it and he said they were very "sophisticated people" who meant no harm by it. But he also told me of Henry Ford's accusations against the Jews and how they forced him to apologize, and said there was no getting away from the power of the Jews, "They're too smart."