Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by JohnUbele » Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:49 am

White_Vengeance wrote:
Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:47 pm
JohnUbele wrote:
Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:59 am
The fact that the author claims that the amount of labor stolen from the indolent negroes amounts to, "perhaps in the range of $5 trillion to $24 trillion" makes the figures sound speculative, at best--and fabricated at worst. I would expect that a person who is writing about such historical subjects would have conducted better, more thorough, and more in-depth research before releasing the figures about stolen labor to be in the range of $5 trillion to $24 trillion. A difference of $19 trillion boggles the mind. Also, using the adverb "perhaps" immediately before the figures of $5 trillion and $24 trillion makes me suspicious that the author is not at all certain that what he/she wrote is accurate. The adverb "perhaps" is used in the English lexicon to define "an expression of uncertainty; or, at times, even doubt."

One other thing: jews are NOT White. In your post you used a quote from this character, Joe R. Feagin, who used the noun "White" (as in White people) and then immediately followed the word "White" with the word "jews" in brackets [jews]. The origins of jews are in Asia Minor; that makes jews Asians--with the origins of their race in the near East (as opposed to the Middle East or Far East, for geographical purposes)--absolutely, undeniably non-White. I would classify jews as an Asian mud race. Only Europeans, from any European nation, are White. The terms "European White" and "Aryan" are used interchangeably.

I know the numbers seem unbelievable, but if you really read and dig into, "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 1", you will come to a conclusion, at least partially that this massive sum of wealth was made by the Jews off of the Black Slave Trade.

If you do read the book, be sure to read the footnotes on the bottoms of the book's pages. There's a lot of extra information in these footnotes which help to explain a lot.

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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by JohnUbele » Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:10 pm

"...U. Wisconsin La Crosse - a member of the college republicans chalked "Kanye is right" in reference to Kanye's tweet threatening Jewish people.

This prompted the College Republican leader - Megan Pauley - to resign. Pauley stated she was "disgusted & appalled" by the message..."

Source: ... 7245594624


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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:29 pm

JohnUbele wrote:
Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:10 pm
"...U. Wisconsin La Crosse College... Republican leader - Megan Pauley - to resign. Pauley stated she was "disgusted & appalled" by the message..."

Who cares what that Republican twit thinks?

Isn't Kanye Kardashian the nigger who came on stage and snatched a music award from that pretty young White girl singer a couple of years back? We should all keep a long memory of that incident whenever his name is mentioned. Who cares what that arrogant nigger thinks?

As for reparations for slavery, National Alliance policy is that no Alliance member will ever pay anything to descendants of their former farm equipment. Whites should be supporting their Alliance, not capitulating to nigger demands.
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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:18 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:29 pm
Isn't Kanye Kardashian the nigger who came on stage and snatched a music award from that pretty young White girl singer a couple of years back? We should all keep a long memory of that incident whenever his name is mentioned...[/size]
Actually it was 13 years ago and the image still burns in my memory. The pretty White girl was Taylor Swift who was then a teenager. The award was a Grammy.

At some point Whites will have our own music awards and there will be no Negro musicians competing, much less any Negros or other racial aliens in our audience or in our exclusive living space for that matter. That will be a benefit of our National Alliance's strict race-preserving separation policy. It will happen because it has been conceived, its time has come, and because we have the will and the determination to see it through.


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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by White_Vengeance » Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:48 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:29 pm
JohnUbele wrote:
Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:10 pm
"...U. Wisconsin La Crosse College... Republican leader - Megan Pauley - to resign. Pauley stated she was "disgusted & appalled" by the message..."

Who cares what that Republican twit thinks?

Isn't Kanye Kardashian the nigger who came on stage and snatched a music award from that pretty young White girl singer a couple of years back? We should all keep a long memory of that incident whenever his name is mentioned. Who cares what that arrogant nigger thinks?

As for reparations for slavery, National Alliance policy is that no Alliance member will ever pay anything to descendants of their former farm equipment. Whites should be supporting their Alliance, not capitulating to nigger demands.

Bravo, Mr. Chairman! I wholeheartedly support everything you stated about that bio-hazard, predatory organism pavement ape, Kanye Kardashian (since I was told I could not use the "enwerd" I am resorting to my exhaustive list of pseudonyms, colorful adjectives, and miles-long list of insulting names for barbaric, jungle spooks). All this utter nonsense about the "reformed" feral simian jig-a-boo, Kanye Kardashian, and its one-spook "war" against its masters, the sleazy jews, is pure theatrics.

That buckwheats, step-'n'-fetchit, blue-gummed totsoon knows damn good and well that should it cross over the line with its masters, the diabolical jews, they'll "take down" that jungle bunny faster than a wild-ubangi, spear-chuckin' cannibal reaching for the last piece of KFC extra-crispy in an extra large bucket of good ole' Colonel Sander's secret recipe chicken.

On the subject of reparations for slavery, I am reading another book about the Roman Empire and, during the years when the Roman Empire was at its apex, every single time one nation-state defeated another in a war--from about 300 BC through about 600 CE--excluding the Pax Romana ("Roman Peace"), a period of relative peace and stability across the Roman Empire that lasted for over 200 years, beginning with the reign of Augustus (27 BC - 14 CE), the first emperor of Rome to the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 CE)--the victorious nation or nation-state immediately enslaved the citizens of the nation or nation-state it defeated in war. So my distant ancestors were actually slaves at one time; and, presumably, so were the distant ancestors of everyone in the National Alliance.

The subhuman, cannibalistic, barbaric spooks act as though they were the only "race"--although they're more a subhuman species than an actual "race"--that was ever enslaved. My studies of history prove rather conclusively that throughout history every single race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, group, etc., was enslaved at some time during history.

The only so-called "reparations" the knuckle-draggin' savages deserve is a one-way boat ride back to their "mudda land," sub-Saharan Africa, where they can return to their primitive, backwards, native lifestyle: wearing tiny little grass skirts; chucking spears in an effort to "corral" their dinner; living in primitive mud huts, the likes of which beavers construct better; lacking a language or a method of communication, attempting to speak by oooking and eeeking; boiling and eating their baby pickininnies for a taste treat known as "ghetto lobster"; practicing cannibalism early and often by disemboweling their dead and eating the body organs; receiving their so-called "health care" and "medical treatments" from the tribal witch doctor; and using their "ultra-modern" mode of transportation, swinging on vines, to travel through the thick jungles of sub-Saharan Africa. Just TNB at its very finest!
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by Victor Arminius » Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:00 am

I don't consider the Kardashian family (which Kayne West married into) White because they are of Armenian descent. However, the females are all Negrophiliacs in that they have, or have had, Black boyfriends. It makes you wish abortion was retroactive! There is a trend whereby Whites always have a backup Black person who parrots what they say otherwise it is not valid until a person of color agrees! In a way that was the whole purpose of Silk and Diamond as regards Donald Trump.

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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by JohnUbele » Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:44 am

Kanye West Responds to Being Called Out for Antisemitism: ‘I Don’t Believe in That Term’ ... ve-in-term

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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by Will Williams » Wed Oct 19, 2022 1:50 pm

JohnUbele wrote:
Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:44 am
Kanye West Responds to Being Called Out for Antisemitism: ‘I Don’t Believe in That Term’

OK, so Kanye says he's a Jew so can't be an anti-Semite. Let's move on.

White Biocentrism is a forum for promoting the National Alliance. John, although you were an Alliance member years ago, you've made clear that you will not rejoin, but rather like using WB to promote your own Telegram social media channel. I recall politely asking you to cease doing that but you persist. I'm telling you again: you are welcome to remain a WB member and contribute, but do not do that.

Someone set up a National Alliance Telegram channel and it eventually became a problem for us rather than an asset. Someone else, another non Alliance member, has set up a Gab social media channel called the "New National Youth Alliance." It is unauthorized and that person was asked at least twice to take it down. His response:

[N]ot being a NA member, it is not necessary for me to clear anything with anyone.

That is the problem with social media. We do not control non-members, even well-intentioned ones, or those platforms, even Gab and Telegram, that some think are friendly to pro-White interests and allegedly promote free speech. We can only control those venues that are ours (as I write in my sig file).

I looked at that linked Gab page and saw nothing of merit, but what appeared to be a bunch of junior high school kids, trying to impress one another with their ability to create clever memes.

The National Youth Alliance was disbanned 48 years ago (1974), supplated/replaced by NYA Chairman William Pierce with what still is the only authorized National Alliance organization. Not a single person has joined our Alliance as a result of the fraudulent "New National Youth Alliance" Gab page and none are expected to. The Alliance is an adult organization, not for kids. Serious teen Alliance aspirants have joined on their 18th birthdays.
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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by Victor Arminius » Tue Nov 08, 2022 6:55 pm

I am not sure you could call his wife White because they are of Armenian ancestry. Remember it was Robert Kardashian, who was one of the lawyers of OJ Simpson, that brought that dysfunctional family into the limelight. Would you consider the famous Palestinian model, Gigi Hadid, White?

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Re: Gab Founder and Black Rapper on the Jews

Post by White_Vengeance » Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:25 pm

Victor Arminius wrote:
Tue Nov 08, 2022 6:55 pm
I am not sure you could call his wife White because they are of Armenian ancestry. Remember it was Robert Kardashian, who was one of the lawyers of OJ Simpson, that brought that dysfunctional family into the limelight. Would you consider the famous Palestinian model, Gigi Hadid, White?
I have no idea of the identity of Gigi Hadid. I'm not much for keeping up-to-date on the lives of the "rich-and-famous." Nevertheless, since you stated that Gigi Hadid is a Palestinian, then she is very likely an Arab, and also very likely a Muslim. So, no, Gigi Hadid cannot be White. Only those of 100% European heritage, descendancy, bloodline, and genetic coding can be White.

In researching the surname "Hadid," this is what I uncovered: Hadid: "Muslim: from the Arabic personal name Ḥadīd, from ḥadīd 'iron'."

That is good enough for me; Ms. Hadid is Arab, so Ms. Hadid is not White. In some White Nationalist circles and the world of pro-White activism Ms. Hadid would be identified as a member of a brown mud-race.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.
