Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

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Jim Mathias
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Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:57 pm

Rosenbaum the Jew appears to have decided to rip off William Luther Pierce's copyrighted (now belonging to the National Alliance) book to make money off the great mind of Dr. Pierce. Note how Dr. Pierce is even mentioned openly as a co-author. Jew, brazen is thy name.
Screenshot 2022-08-07 at 20-42-22 World War Q Macdonald Andrew Pierce William Luther Rosenbaum Samuel Michelangelo 9798519699822 Books.png
Screenshot 2022-08-07 at 20-42-22 World War Q Macdonald Andrew Pierce William Luther Rosenbaum Samuel Michelangelo 9798519699822 Books.png (403.4 KiB) Viewed 2471 times
Folks, we all must be vigilant in spotting these kinds of things so that proper legal action can be taken to protect the Alliance's copyright. A damning description below:
Editorial Reviews
From the Author
From the Book:

October 25. Alt-White/Conservative/Evangelicals think the only solution to their problems is violence, the death of an untold number of not-Thems to Black/White Fallacy their way through every perceived problem. Paraphrased from Special Guest Star John Lennon: "When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing The Man's game. The Man will irritate you--pull your beard, flick your face--to make you fight. Because once He's got you violent, He knows how to handle You. The only thing He doesn't know how to handle is Non-Violence and Humor." I add "irony" and "imagination," neither of which are possessed by Conservatives, as evidenced by not only the lack of Conservative stand-up comedians, but by their awful, awful comedy generally. Liberal American Citizens (many were consciously or unconsciously Eristic, if not downright already Discordian, even if only in deed) knew correctly there was a path to destroying The Man not involving the death of innocent American Citizens. But this C-Cancer, these many splendored tumors of Xenophobia/Nationalism/Entitlement//Radicalism/Etc-ism, is deeply rooted, and if We/we don't destroy The Man before He destroys Us/us--if the Cancer isn't chemo'd and back-alley Gamma Knifed™ and -ectomyed from the Body Politic and the Body, generally--Freedoms die, the fecund wine-grapes of America shrivel on the Vine of History.
From the Back Cover real life, in this universe, the "Turner Diaries," a tome of white supremacist drivel, inspired numerous hate crimes and acts of terrorism around the world, including the 1984 assassination of liberal radio host Alan Berg, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and the 1999 London nail bombings. TheAnti-Defamation League identified the "Turner Diaries" as, "probably the most widely-read book among far-right extremists; many [of them] have cited it as the inspiration behind their terrorist organizing and activities."

"World War Q" is the fun-house mirror reflection of that book, the ironic and often absurd record of Duke Turner and his pro-freedom, counter-culture rebellion against the ultranationalist demagogue President of the United States (known colloquially as "The Man") and his overlords, the Illuminati. After arrest and torture by The Man's Qanon conspiracy hugging minions, Duke joins the ranks of the Illuminati's ancient foe--the fun-loving and free-spirited Discordians. They show Duke a vision of the wondrous Age of Aquarius, a world of Freedom, Joy, and Equality, and Duke's singular talent--the brewing of the country's best LSD--will open the door to it all. But the agents of the Illuminati are legion, and with a spy in their midst, time is running out for Duke, his team, and the world.
About the Author
Andrew Macdonald is the pen name of William Luther Pierce is the pen name of Samuel Michelangelo Rosenbaum the Younger. A recluse who never appears in public or online, working with the outside world through professional intermediaries, Rosenbaum is deathly allergic to walnuts, whole or even just the shells. He prefers areas of the country with natural hot-water geysers, liberal firearm laws, and tacos. Rosenbaum holds the science of evolution true, women's rights are human rights, and Hollywood unnecessarily produces terrible movies again and again. He'd like to do something about that. Like write scripts.
Found for sale on Amazon ... 17&sr=8-49
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by RCavallius » Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:00 pm

Wow! Unacceptable. What do we do?

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:20 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:00 pm
Wow! Unacceptable. What do we do?
Find a copy for free or on loan from a library would be my first guess. It should be looked at for instances of outright plagiarism or something else that constitutes copyright infringement on its face. Then if anything substantial is found, find legal help to assist us from there.
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by RCavallius » Sun Aug 07, 2022 11:48 pm

I'll see what I can do.

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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by Grimork » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:25 am

666 footnotes :roll: Isn't this criminal impersonation by using Dr. Pierce's pen name?? ... rsonation/
What exactly does Criminal Impersonation mean?
According to our state law, CO Revised Stature § 18-5-113, a person commits Criminal Impersonation if he knowingly assumes a false or fictitious identity or capacity, and in such identity or capacity he does any other act with intent to unlawfully gain a benefit for himself or another or injure or defraud another. In other words, you pretended to be someone else in order to gain something, whether that something is money, goods, or some other benefit.
I.E. using Pierce's name to gain notoriety to sell books.

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Will Williams
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:48 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:20 pm
RCavallius wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:00 pm
Wow! Unacceptable. What do we do?
Find a copy for free or on loan from a library would be my first guess. It should be looked at for instances of outright plagiarism or something else that constitutes copyright infringement on its face. Then if anything substantial is found, find legal help to assist us from there.
Find that legal help first. There's plenty more a competent, courageous legal beagle can do for us besides pursuing this Jewish trash.

Like Oscar Wilde pointed out:
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

What can we do? Not much. I'd put up a 1-star review on but, being flagged, that behemoth automatically blocks any review I write. Maybe someone else can? Ridicule the Jew's reference to "Alt-White evangelicals," or whatever. I take it the "Q" is a reference to QAnon. :lol:

What people should know is that what's being ripped off by these Jews, the underground classic The Turner Diaries, is banned on Amazon because it <cough! cough!> "inspired the J6 insurrection" and is "the most dangerous book in America," according to "our" Famous But Incompetent goons.

But, if they can manage to find this online bookstore, if it's not blocked, ... d-edition/, they can purchase it directly from the banned publisher. But no credit cards or PayPal (Jew censors don't allow that). Bitcoin, check, money order, or well concealed cash can still get them this forbidden novel by William Pierce.

More about TD, here: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=3814
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by RCavallius » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:37 pm

Okay, here's an update on this matter about the book from my end:

I couldn't find a copy at my local library, but I was able to get a cheap used one online (not from Amazon). I looked through it carefully and from what I can see, nothing here constitutes copyright infringement. The author has a page at the start of the book about Fair Use policy, and I did some digging on it. From what I can tell, the book is protected legally by that. The law gives a lot of leeway to satire and parody, which category this book falls into. Further, it is only loosely based on the Turner Diaries. I don't have any formal legal training, so I could be wrong, but as far as I can tell, this book isn't copyright infringement.

With regard to Grimork's post about criminal impersonation, I don't think it applies here. Again, I'm not a lawyer, so if someone with more legal knowledge than me wants to look it over, they might determine otherwise. However, I would say they probably shouldn't even waste their time because it looks like this Jew's covered his bases.

I'm really busy right now, but since I've got the book anyway, I might write a review of it at some point and just lay into this idiot Rosenbaum.

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Will Williams
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:35 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:37 pm
Okay, here's an update on this matter about the book from my end:

I couldn't find a copy at my local library, but I was able to get a cheap used one online (not from Amazon). I looked through it carefully and from what I can see, nothing here constitutes copyright infringement. The author has a page at the start of the book about Fair Use policy, and I did some digging on it. From what I can tell, the book is protected legally by that. The law gives a lot of leeway to satire and parody, which category this book falls into. Further, it is only loosely based on the Turner Diaries. I don't have any formal legal training, so I could be wrong, but as far as I can tell, this book isn't copyright infringement.

With regard to Grimork's post about criminal impersonation, I don't think it applies here. Again, I'm not a lawyer, so if someone with more legal knowledge than me wants to look it over, they might determine otherwise. However, I would say they probably shouldn't even waste their time because it looks like this Jew's covered his bases.

I'm really busy right now, but since I've got the book anyway, I might write a review of it at some point and just lay into this idiot Rosenbaum.
I'm surprised you found a copy. You are not a "verified purchaser" from Amazon (they'll know if you did, or not), but you might be able to say you found a used one on another site.

Give it two stars instead of one and it might get through Amazon moderation. Admit that it is "Fair Use" satire of The Turner Diaries underground classic by the real author, using his pen name Andrew Macdonald. which, though banned, is available from its publisher, Cosmotheist Books in Tennessee. If you attack Rosenbaum or use the word Jew, your review is sure to be rejected as "hate," no matter if what you submit is 100% true and factual.
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by RCavallius » Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:55 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:35 pm
I'm surprised you found a copy. You are not a "verified purchaser" from Amazon (they'll know if you did, or not), but you might be able to say you found a used one on another site.

Give it two stars instead of one and it might get through Amazon moderation. Admit that it is "Fair Use" satire of The Turner Diaries underground classic by the real author, using his pen name Andrew Macdonald. which, though banned, is available from its publisher, Cosmotheist Books in Tennessee. If you attack Rosenbaum or use the word Jew, your review is sure to be rejected as "hate," no matter if what you submit is 100% true and factual.
By writing a review, I meant a full-length one to submit to National Vanguard or post here, but I will try and do one on Amazon too, as you suggest. If Amazon will let me write one, I'll definitely get it around the censors. :D

Robert Burns
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Re: Plagiarism and pirating The Turner Diaries

Post by Robert Burns » Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:34 pm

Pen names cannot be copyrighted, so there would have to be a strong case that someone is actually trying to fool people into thinking it was written by another person for financial gain, reputational damage etc. I'm not a lawyer, but frankly I don't think it takes a lawyer to see that there is no case for copyright infringement or impersonation here. If this was taken to court, they'd immediately throw the case out. It clearly says it's a different guy using the same pen name on the back of the book, and that it's a "fun house mirror" of TD.

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