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Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:27 pm
by PhuBai68
Here's a puzzle for anyone really on top of this DNA and chromosomes stuff.

The story (the names have been changed) :
My wife got us Ancestry DNA test kits some years back for Christmas and then into the
ancestry∙com online site with family tree maker and hints of people (obviously also on that site) that you may be related to.
John is my first cousin - his father and my father are brothers.
Jane is my first cousin - her mother and my mother are sisters.
Jane is also my third cousin a - my father and her father are second cousins.
Now I would think I would share more cM DNA with Jane than John being we're related both maternally and paternally.
Ancestry doesn't see it that way.
My wife thinks it's because male DNA is stronger therefore our fathers overpower the maternal side.
I don't see that.
Any thoughts.

John 1st–2nd Cousin
Shared DNA: 1,216 cM across 39 segments

Jane 1st–2nd Cousin
Shared DNA: 958 cM across 38 segments