Islam: the Other, Other Jewish Religion

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Islam: the Other, Other Jewish Religion

Post by Jeff » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:15 pm

Islam: the Other, Other Jewish Religion

Many White people don't know that Islam came from Jews, too. So that's 3 (yes, 3!) "main" religions that came from God's Pests [1]. If you're getting the feeling that "the world has been Jewed" you're right: it has been! In fact, when you die, your casket/urn will read, in small print: "Made in Israel."

Quote: "Islam is a kind of gentile Judaism, translating the ethnocentric barbarism and bloodlust of the Torah into more universalist terms. Where Judaism has a chosen people entitled to exploit and prey upon outsiders, Islam has a chosen ideology." ... hite-west/


[1] The 3 religions are: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. See the Jewish bible (aka, the Old Testament). Islam and Judaism come from the prophet Abraham: his son Ishmael is called the father of the Arabs, and Abraham’s other son, Isaac, is called the father of the Jews. Do you think that it's just a Cohencidence that all 3 of the "main" religions came from Jews? What are the odds?

(Written for WB only)


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Will Williams
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Re: Islam: the Other, Other Jewish Religion

Post by Will Williams » Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:02 pm

Jeff wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:15 pm

Islam: the Other, Other Jewish Religion

[...] ... hite-west/

[1] The 3 religions are: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. See the Jewish bible (aka, the Old Testament). Islam and Judaism come from the prophet Abraham: his son Ishmael is called the father of the Arabs, and Abraham’s other son, Isaac, is called the father of the Jews. Do you think that it's just a Cohencidence that all 3 of the "main" religions came from Jews? What are the odds?

(Written for WB only)

Thanks for the informative article from TOO, Jeff. But why was it put up in our Activism and Alliance-Building section? We have a Religion and Philosophy section where there already are discussions about Muslims worshipping the Jews' tribal deity, like here: viewtopic.php?p=23799#p23799 You are promoting The Occidental Observer with this post; you are not Alliance-building with it.

If you want to examples of how to do that with your activism, check out how I've been promoting NA over at TOO this year, here: viewtopic.php?p=25707#p25707 or how I've been promoting NA and Cosmotheism at the Counter-Currents site, here: viewtopic.php?p=24435#p24435

There are some Alliance prospects at the TOO and C-C sites for sure. Tell them about us; don't be steering WB members and visitors to them. That's not Alliance-Building.

You managed to get this post in just before you were banned from WB.
Last edited by Will Williams on Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Locking Jeff's latest topic
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