Somebody has been in the news

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Re: Somebody from Vienna VA has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:23 am ... nd-vienna/
Police: Man Arrested Posting White Nationalist Posters Around Vienna
Vernon Miles March 25, 2019 at 2:15pm

Vienna police arrested a Herndon resident after they say he was caught placing posters for a white nationalist group around the town, our sister site Reston Now first reported.

Last Saturday afternoon, a caller told police that two men were placing posters on light posts at a shopping center at 180 Maple Avenue, according to Vienna police.

Officers responded and reportedly observed one of the men placing a Patriot Front poster on a Town of Vienna utility box in the area of Nutley Street and Maple Avenue.

Patriot Front is identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified as a “white nationalist hate group.” It was described as a “political activist organization” in Vienna’s weekly crime report; an inquiry from Reston Now confirmed that Patriot Front was the group behind the posts.

Police issued a summons to a 21-year-old man from Longleaf Lane in Herndon for destruction of property, and the man was released on his signature, the report says. The Vienna Police Department does not release the names of criminal suspects in its crime report.

Earlier this year, Patriot Front tweeted that its “activists” put up the posters around Herndon and Reston in January and then in Reston again in February and March. Posters were also recently placed around Vienna and Arlington, according to the group’s social media account.

The posters include slogans like “reclaim America” and “better dead than red.” According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Patriot Front broke off from the alt-right group Vanguard America in the aftermath of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va.
Hey! Comments enabled for this site. Someone at this two-bit 'news' reporting outfit hasn't received the memo that the SPLC smear machine has been discredited. Perhaps it would help if someone enlightened them.
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Re: Somebody from Buffalo has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:32 pm ... ist-flyers
Parkside neighbors come home to racist flyers
Posted: 2:34 PM, Mar 28, 2019 Updated: 5:11 PM, Mar 28, 2019
By: Sean Robson

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — A local hate group has recently been distributing white supremacist leaflets around the Parkside community in Buffalo recently. 7 Eyewitness News has elected not to name the group, who has a P.O. box in Lockport, in efforts to not spread their message.

Buffalo police confirm multiple complaints from residents around Parkside, specifically Tillinghast Place, who have received white supremacist fliers in their mailboxes and found them around their yards.

Captain Jeff Rinaldo said if you receive one of these leaflets, throw them out. Rinaldo says under the law, the flier is equal to a landscaping advertisement on your doorstep, due to freedom of speech.

Buffalo police say despite the racist content advertised, arrests cannot be made until there are evident threats.

The Parkside Community Association is planning an advocacy committee meeting at the Church of the Good Shepherd on April 2, at 7 p.m. It released this statement to 7 Eyewitness News:

"The Parkside Community Association has zero tolerance for racism in our community. We are in the process of planning a community advocacy meeting and will be providing the details of that meeting on our social media platforms. For those looking to attend the meeting who don't have social media access, please feel free to call our office at 838-1240, or email [email protected] and we will be happy to provide you the information."
Is that an order, officer Rinaldo? Also, "zero tolerance for racism?" Isn't that discriminatory, exclusionary, intolerant, and an extremist position to take?
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Re: Somebody from UConn has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:55 pm ... onn-campus

March 28, 2019
A campus rag whines about White nationalist organization flyers appearing at UConn
By your truly

The Who:Identity Evropa, White men and women who are usually of college age and often attend higher education to improve their lives and their country who also happen to be racially conscious (though not Cosmotheistically so, sadly) and willing to promote some of the same values we in the National Alliance do.

The What: According to some Twitter user who took pictures, there were multiple photos of fliers made with Identity Evropa's logo campus. It's nice that these young Whites are active in an age where propagandists, police, government, and a very sick section of society is openly hostile to them practicing their rights to free speech.

The Where: UConn campus, in a few locations. Institutions of higher education in America were originally set up by their White founders to be places where all points of view could be communicated, discussed, debated, examined critically, and hopefully to be treated in an adult manner. Sadly, UConn these days fosters little of this as free speech is on lockdown on most campuses.

The When: In March, sometime early in the month. It's likely this was a one or two day activity, although my preference for activism is for it to happen everyday. Cosmotheists live our worldview 24/7. It is to be admitted that it is very hazardous to place fliers in the same campus setting on a daily basis with such hostility surrounding those who would do so. Even though such activities are protected by the US and state constitutions, these are often ignored by the so-called authorities when the topic is race. Yes, selective enforcement in order to harass pro-Whites is the standard in America these days.

The Why: Reaching out to other Whites to engage in discussion and to organize productive activities in the service of a higher cause on behalf of one's people is a noble act. To do so in the face of hostility requires the heart of a warrior.

and The How: placing flyers on posts or in other public spaces was done during some time during the day or night, it really hasn't been determined and it really doesn't matter when. Getting the message out is what matters.

This article was produced without libellous jibes at Whites and it is also free from quotes from Jewish organizations which seek to destroy Whites. You're welcome to read an article produced by the campus rag that reported on Identity Evropa's activities, but beware of the mental poison it spews at you.
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Re: Somebody from Cheyenne has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:53 pm ... 2d133.html
Racist, homophobic flyers passed out, GSA students bullied at McCormick Junior High
By Morgan Hughes Wyoming Tribune Eagle Mar 27, 2019 Updated Mar 28, 2019

CHEYENNE – Flyers reading “it’s great to be straight it’s not OK to be gay,” “black lives only matter because if it weren’t for them who would pick our cotton,” and “Join the KKK,” with “the confederate kid club” in parentheses beneath it were taped to walls and passed out by students during the day Wednesday at McCormick Junior High School.

It’s the most recent event in a chain of bullying of McCormick’s Gay Straight Alliance students, according to a teacher at the school.

Principal Jeff Conine told the Wyoming Tribune Eagle there were only two flyers, and that they were taped to a wall in an area without security cameras. He said teachers found the flyers and took them down before the school day began.

But at least three other, independent reports claim the walls of the school were papered with the flyers, and that students with Confederate flags were passing out the flyers to targeted students in the GSA club at the school.

In a meeting Wednesday afternoon, Conine told Wyoming Equality Executive Director Sara Burlingame he was not aware that students had passed out any flyers, Burlingame said. However, on a call earlier in the day, prior to Conine’s interview with the WTE, Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr had told Conine that students had been handing out flyers, Orr said.

In a follow-up interview with the WTE, Conine said he was still trying to determine whether students had been handing out flyers, and that he had yet to confirm if that were true.

Burlingame said Conine also confirmed a student shouted the word “faggot” at GSA students during their meeting Wednesday, and that the student who yelled the slur was scolded by Conine.

Conine said he could not speak about incidents involving students who are underage, and declined to confirm that report.

He said the day’s events were still under investigation and couldn’t say what the repercussions would be for those responsible until they were found. The most severe punishment he is authorized as principal to deliver is a 10-day out-of-school suspension.

Conine said he believes this was an isolated incident.

“I don’t believe this is a prevailing sentiment that exists in the school,” he said.

McCormick’s GSA club has roughly 40 students, and the club’s co-sponsor, Kaycee Cook, who is a substitute teacher at the school, said nearly all of those students have reported bullying this year.

When she got to school Wednesday, another teacher handed her one of the flyers. Cook then went to the GSA meeting, where students confirmed the incident with the flyers.

“They said the flyers were all over the school,” she said.

Wednesday’s events were only the latest in a series of events, Cook said. The past few weeks have been particularly severe.

Cook said students have been flashing confederate flags and yelling homophobic slurs at GSA students.

“I have kids who don’t attend GSA anymore because they’re bullied for being members,” she said.

Cook said she reported the bullying to district administrators three weeks ago. She was told the incidents did not fall under their purview, and they dismissed the claims. She also said Conine had been informed of the bullying, and that Wednesday’s events were not isolated.

GSA students also have reported bullying from some McCormick teachers who refuse to use students’ preferred pronouns and have called same-sex students holding hands (which is allowed by school policy) “disgusting,” Cook said.

No teachers were named specifically, and Conine could not be reached to answer additional questions by the time of publication.

LCSD1 Superintendent Boyd Brown said Wednesday was the first he had heard of any such events at McCormick. He said such incidents would be handled by the building administrator – in this case, Conine.

Brown said at this time the district office is not involved in responding to Wednesday’s events.

When Burlingame met with Conine at the end of the school day Wednesday to address the flyers, she said she was glad Conine was willing to have a dialogue, and that he agreed LGBTQ and black students should feel safe at McCormick. She said she did have some frustrations with the meeting, however.

“Unfortunately, I think Principal Conine wants to minimize the incident and not see it as a part of a larger trend,” she said. “I don’t think vulnerable students have that same privilege.”

Burlingame said minimizing the incident would only make things worse.

“We know it just doesn’t work to ignore them and hope they go away,” she said.

She said she hopes the school makes it clear to LGBTQ and black students that they are safe. She suggested to Conine that an email and physical letters should be sent to parents and students explaining the incident and reaffirming the school’s commitment to the safety of all students.

Conine told the WTE he had taken that suggestion under advisement, but had not yet made a decision on whether to move forward with it.

Burlingame also suggested training be given that addresses bullying and harassment of targeted student groups like LGBTQ students and students of color. She said this is where Conine balked, saying the school already had anti-bullying training programs, namely the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.

Conine declined to comment on that issue.

Wyoming Equality GSA coordinator Ammon Medina said he was most concerned about the targeted students getting the support they need, particularly because marginalized students tend not to feel that support.

Data from the U.S. Department of Education reports that of all bullying or harassment incidents reported during the 2015-16 school year, 23 percent were racially motivated, and 16 percent were based on sexual orientation.

But data suggest the number of reported incidents doesn’t even scratch the surface.

In 2017, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), an organization that advocates for safe schools, conducted a survey of 23,001 students across all 50 states.

That survey found more than 70 percent of LGBTQ students experienced verbal harassment at school based on sexual orientation.

More than 55 percent of those students did not report the incident to school staff, “most commonly because they doubted that effective intervention would occur or feared the situation could become worse if reported.”

More than 60 percent of the students who did report an incident said school staff did nothing or told the student to ignore it.

This is not the first time hateful sentiments have been expressed in the area. There have been white nationalist banners and flags hung in Cheyenne and Laramie in recent months.

In January, Identity Evropa, an organization designated a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, posted three photos on Twitter of members holding banners outside the Wyoming Supreme Court and Cheyenne Depot Plaza.

In August, a Nazi Germany flag was hung in Laramie’s Washington Park.

Orr said she believes Cheyenne is an “extremely tolerant” city, so it is important for the city to come together and stand against hatred. But she also said there weren’t specific measures needed to address the issue, citing “a few bad apples” responsible for the hate speech and white nationalism.

She said she would be opposed to banning any free speech. In regard to the incidents at McCormick, she said it was a benign incident, but not something to be taken lightly, particularly in the shadow of recent hate crimes committed in other parts of the country.

This story has been updated from a previous version with newly reported information.

Morgan Hughes is the Wyoming Tribune Eagle’s education reporter. She can be reached at [email protected] or 307-633-3181. Follow her on Twitter at @morganhwrites.
Note how the headline links the flyers with "bullying" incidents that have allegedly taken place. Deceptive in that it makes the false equivalence of impersonal free speech activity and intimidating behavior done in person.

So there have been other examples of flyering and banner flying in Wyoming, yet it hasn't made the news? It appears there's numerous Whites getting active in that state!

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Re: Somebody from Morgantown WV has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:58 pm ... lman-said/
Hate group’s message unwelcome in Morgantown, councilman said
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Fliers distributed around Monongalia County and across the region promoting the KKK’s hateful ideology hit close to home for Morgantown Councilman Ryan Wallace.

“We all need to condemn this and I certainly do,” he said.

The pamphlets expressed anti-race mixing views, anti-LGBTQ views and encouraged people to join the Ku Klux Klan. Wallace said he’s in a mixed-race marriage and the message is exactly the type of ignorance and intolerance he can’t stand.

The fliers were in sandwich bags weighted with bird seed and tossed onto porches and lawns from a vehicle, police said.

“I think the crude point it’s trying to make is mixed seeds of sorts,” Wallace said.

About 50 bags from around Morgantown have been turned in to police, Andrew Stacy, Morgantown’s public information officer, said. Sheriff Perry Palmer said his department received several complaints from the Dellslow area, concerning the fliers.

In Morgantown, the fliers were mostly distributed in the Greenmont, Hillcrest and Jerome Park neighborhoods, Stacy said. Areas outside of West Virginia, including Pennsylvania and Kentucky had fliers distributed on St. Patrick’s Day. The same group has also done this before going as far west as Colorado last summer.

“It’s clearly an organized effort by the KKK to spread their hate,” Wallace said.

He said that kind of hate doesn’t belong in Morgantown, and that he was proud to have been a proponent of Morgantown’s anti-discrimination law, which prohibits discrimination against a number of criteria including gender and sexual orientation.

The law also grants the city’s human rights commission the power to investigate hate crimes, Wallace said.

“I really want to stand together with all the community members and be overtly against that,” he said. “And let everyone know hate has no place here.”

Wallace found out about the fliers Monday morning when he saw a Facebook post about them from a friend who lives in Highland Park.

No laws were broken, Stacy said. However, MPD is asking anyone who saw the vehicle or people distributing the fliers to call local law enforcement. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also aware of the activity.

Story by William Dean, Dominion Post
Intolerant to intolerance to race treason? This guy is shameless! But so it goes with those who do wrong and think it right. It goes to show how our own people could use an extensive pruning to weed out these degenerate types.
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Re: Somebody from Newton le Willows UK has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 30, 2019 11:02 pm ... e-willows/
Neo-Nazi Leaflets Delivered To Homes In Newton-le-Willows

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 7:07am

By Kenny Lomas - Local Democracy Reporter

Specialist police officers are investigating after racist material allegedly from a neo-Nazi group was delivered to homes in Earlestown and Newton-le-Willows.

It is understood the recruitment leaflet, which claims to be from a US-based white supremacist group, the Creativity Movement, was initially delivered around the Fairbrothers estate in Earlestown last week.

A local resident handed the material to Earlestown councillors Dave Banks and Charlie Preston, who then alerted St Helens Council.

This was then reported to Merseyside Police by council leader Derek Long, who called the material “abhorrent”.

Cllr Long said: “Some councillors have passed a leaflet, which was distributed in some parts of the city region.

“The contents are abhorrent.

“As they contain statements of racial hatred, I immediately referred them to the police.”

The US-based Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit legal advocacy organisation, classes the Creativity Movement as a neo-Nazi hate group.

On Sunday, Labour’s Jeanie Bell tweeted that residents in Market Street in Newton-le-Willows had also received leaflets allegedly from the group.

The Newton-le-Willows councillor urged residents who receive any of the racist material to inform the police.

A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police can confirm officers have been made aware of leaflets delivered to residents in the Earlestown area.

“The matter has been referred to specialist officers, who are examining the leaflet to assess if a criminal offence has taken place.”

Cllr Seve Gomez-Aspron, ward member for Newton-le-Willows, has also condemned the leaflets.

“There is no place in our community in Newton-le-Willows or the wider borough for such disgusting, racist and right-wing views,” Cllr Gomez-Aspron said.

“Free speech comes with the responsibility of not preaching racism or hatred.

“The minute the line is crossed, we have a duty as a society to say this isn’t acceptable and won’t be tolerated here.

“We have a positive, multicultural community in this borough, which makes it a great place to be.

“In the wake of the Manchester Arena attack, and the Christchurch attack, we have a duty to challenge extremism when we see it.

“No form of extremism or racism will be tolerated by our community.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact 101 or @MerPolCC or @CrimestoppersUK on Twitter.
Ahh, another presstitute who hasn't received the memo on the oft-discredited SPLC. Good way to piss away your credibility!
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Re: Somebody from Whitby ON has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:06 pm ... ar-BBVhJWB
Stickers linked to white supremacist movement pop up in Whitby
Parvaneh Pessian - Whitby This Week 4 days ago
a close up of a sign: Yaldaz Sadakova noticed a sticker with the words, ‘It’s okay to be white’ posted in a park near her Whitby home.© Provided by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited Yaldaz Sadakova noticed a sticker with the words, ‘It’s okay to be white’ posted in a park near her Whitby home.
It’s not something Yaldaz Sadakova expected to see in her community, or anywhere in the country for that matter.

But there it was: a sticker with the words, “It’s okay to be white” — a seemingly innocuous message with a sinister purpose, as she later learned — posted in a park near her home.

The Whitby resident, who regularly goes for walks and runs in the park behind Bellwood Public School, said she first noticed the sticker about a week ago in two different locations in the area, including on a Town of Whitby sign. A quick Google search traced it to ties with white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups.

“I thought that was awful. First of all, how could it be that in our midst there might be somebody who is thinking these kinds of thoughts and posting these signs?” Sadakova said.

“The other thing is to put these kinds of racist signs right behind a school . . . some of the students might have already seen them.”

The slogan appears to have originated in 2017 on the online forum 4chan, where users suggested creating posters with the phrase as a way to elicit reactions and use the backlash to sway readers toward pro-white propaganda. Similar posters bearing the slogan have popped up in cities, and particularly college and university campuses, in Canada, the United States and around the world.

Sadakova is originally from Bulgaria and immigrated to Canada six years ago. She said her family is Muslim, but she doesn’t practise herself. She found the signs disturbing, especially in the wake of the recent mass shootings at two mosques in New Zealand.

“It’s just trying to spread that propaganda of, ‘white people are under attack.’ I am technically white myself but I’m not Anglo-Saxon; I am a Canadian immigrant, so it just bothered me deeply to see these kinds of signs there,” she said.

“We talk so much about how Canada is so diverse and everybody is welcome and that these things don’t happen here, but guess what? We’re seeing these kinds of signs and you know, usually, bad things — they start with these little signs here and there.”

This Week contacted the Town of Whitby, which immediately sent bylaw officers to the park to locate and remove the stickers.

“I am very disappointed if signage of this nature has been posted anywhere in our community,” said Mayor Don Mitchell.

“Bylaw enforcement is now investigating these reports. If this type of signage is found, (Durham police) will be immediately notified. Discrimination or hate speech of any kind has no place in our community, and the Town of Whitby will not tolerate it.”

Attempts to reach Durham Regional Police Services for comment were unsuccessful.

Sadakova said she’s happy the stickers are being taken down but most of all, wants residents to be mindful of these types of incidents when they occur.

“Obviously they should remove them but then the Whitby residents are not aware that there is a person like that within this community spreading these kinds of racist messages,” she said.

“I feel like if these kinds of things are happening — if there’s even one person like that — people need to know about it.”
Successful brainwashing can be found if one finds out from the subjects of that mind-manipulation by their own words. In this case, it's any pro-White message being equated with future violence as the next step. We Whites have many specimens of this type among us, as everyone on this forum can attest having met and experienced those around us. They're programmed for their own deaths, and heading straight for it. A few can be saved, but it's my opinion that we ought to spend our efforts finding those who have rejected Jewish programming for death and offer them the Cosmotheist (life-affirming) alternative.
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Re: Somebody from St. Louis has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:11 am ... omment-110
FBI asked to look into hate group’s flyers posted on south side
Home»News»FBI asked to look into hate group’s flyers posted on south side
Posted on Apr 2, 2019

TOWER GROVE—Flyers from a white supremacist organization that appeared across the 15th Ward in mid-March have been forwarded by city’s Public Safety Department to the FBI for investigation.

The office of Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards confirms that the flyers, from an organization called the Patriot Front, were sent to the St. Louis FBI field office to see if they may constitute a threat.

At the same time, the ward’s alderwoman, Megan Green, is charging that the city’s police union, the St. Louis Police Officers Association, may be connected to the flyers because they use the same language the association used against her during her unsuccessful campaign for President of the Board of Aldermen.

During the campaign, the police union’s Facebook account repeatedly attacked Green, calling her a communist. The posts featured the communist hammer-and-sickle emblem, with a red line through it, and the headline “Better Dead Than Red!” The Patriot Front flyers also used the “Better Dead Than Red” slogan, as well as the hammer- and-sickle with a blue arrow through it.

Green, who came in third in the race for Board President, is one of the plaintiffs suing the St. Louis Police Department over its use of chemical agents to break up protests in September 2017 following the acquittal of St. Louis Officer Jason Stockley in the fatal shooting of a suspect.

This leads Green to wonder whether the police union and its business manager and spokesman, Jeff Roorda, might be connected to the flyers.

“I have nothing to definitely link the SLPOA to them,” Green admitted. “But the problematic actions of Roorda and the POA might have emboldened this group. If the POA and Roorda continue to use hateful rhetoric, it sets an example for police officers, a bad example.”

The police union Facebook page, of which Roorda is an administrator, also posted “THE SNOWFLAKES ARE MELTING!!! The anti-police, pro-Green forces are outraged that a police organization dares to exercise free speech.” Another post read “Our posts are working! In true form, the commies are red with anger. Megan Green and her friends deny their communist leanings.”

Roorda did not respond to numerous email and telephone attempts to reach him for comment. Roorda has never been a St. Louis city police officer and lives in Jefferson County. A former Missouri state representative and police officer who was fired in 2001 from the Arnold Police Department in Jefferson County for lying and filing false police reports, Roorda has been a lightning rod for criticism and charges of racism.

When she campaigned in 2017, Mayor Lyda Krewson called for Roorda to be fired by the city police union for racial attacks on Krewson’s election opponent, Tishaura Jones.

“These flyers could be a coincidence. But they could be emboldened by Roorda and the POA,” Green said. “Roorda never seems to suffer any consequences.”

The group whose name is on the flyers, the Patriot Front, is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “a white nationalist hate group” and is based in Dallas. The group was created after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., in August 2017, breaking away from another white supremacist organization called Vanguard America. A member of Vanguard America, James Alan Fields, plowed his car into a march by anti-racists in Charlottesville, killing a woman named Heather Heyer.

After that, the Patriot Front was formed because its leader, a 21-year old Texan named Thomas Rousseau, wanted the group to have a more “mainstream” appeal, and to become more “alt-right” than pure neo-Nazi, and avoid marches, Nazi-like uniforms, and swastikas, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

The FBI’s Counterterrorism Policy Guide from 2015 concluded what white nationalist and white supremacist groups have successfully infiltrated many law enforcement agencies nationwide. The Domestic Terrorism Task Force of the FBI, which had helped track potential domestic terrorists in police and other law enforcement groups, has been largely dormant under Trump administration policies.

Edwards said in a recent interview that he will immediately fire any white supremacists found to be members of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No evidence so far has linked any current St. Louis city officers with white supremacist or white nationalist groups.
Lots of smear in this article, very little substance. To wit: " may be connected to the flyers." This isn't journalism, it's a hit piece.

But wait, there's more! By quoting the now widely discredited SPLC, these presstitutes haven't got the memo about Dees, Potok, and the rest of those smearmongers yet where they practice exactly what they preach against....and then some if the women that have allegedly been sexually harassed are credible.
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Re: Somebody from Virginia has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:33 pm ... 333175002/
KKK, White supremacist flyers show up on Virginia Shore
Carol Vaughn, Salisbury Daily Times Published 2:56 p.m. ET April 1, 2019 | Updated 11:26 a.m. ET April 2, 2019

Residents of several towns in Northampton and Accomack counties found flyers promoting a white supremacist group in their driveways over the weekend.

Reports of the flyers started coming in to the Northampton County Sheriff's Office around 6 p.m.on Saturday, March 30, according to Sheriff David Doughty.

Around 140 of the items were collected in Northampton County, Doughty said.

Accomack residents also found the flyers on their property over the weekend, including a number found along Main Street on Chincoteague.

Additionally, there were two reports of a red or maroon extended-cab truck involved, according to Doughty.

He said there were several different versions of the flyer, which photographs posted on Facebook showed were inside plastic bags, along with birdseed.

The bags appeared to be randomly thrown in driveways and lawns throughout both counties, mainly focusing on the towns and main secondary roads, according to a press release from the Northampton County Sheriff's Office.

"This is an effort to promote hate and division in our community," Doughty said, adding, "I would encourage our citizens to remain strong and united against this type of behavior. This is not who we are or who we want to be affiliated with. This type of activity will not be condoned or tolerated by law enforcement."

The flyers include a mailing address, phone number and website for the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Pelham, North Carolina, along with the words "Make America White Again."

Towns where residents reported seeing the flyers include Exmore, Eastville, Machipongo, Belle Haven and Chincoteague.

Positive messages bloom in Onancock business district — countering hate
Small flowerpots bearing messages of love showed up on the doorsteps of many downtown Onancock businesses on Tuesday morning — which some people took to be a counter-message to the KKK flyers.

"Be Kind," said one sign stuck into a flowerpot; other messages included, "One Love," "Spread Peace," and "You are Loved," among others.

The Northampton County Sheriff's Office, the Accomack County Sheriff's Office and several town police departments in both counties are investigating the KKK flyer incidents.

Anyone who has located any of the bags or who has information is asked to call the Northampton County Sheriff's Office at 757-678-0458 or the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131.

Similar flyers were found in December in Princess Anne, Maryland and Seaford, Delaware — also discovered over a weekend.

Similar incidents occurred in other Maryland towns in recent months.

Maryland State Police said the same kind of flyers were found in St. Michaels in Talbot County, Maryland.

In November, various Maryland law enforcement agencies looked into reports of similar flyers discovered in multiple places, including Ellicott City, Sykesville, Eldersburg and Glen Burnie, according to media reports.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Jim Mathias
Posts: 3339
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Re: Somebody from Laurel MT has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:09 pm ... el-posters
White nationalist group plasters Laurel with posters

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Thursday, March 28, 2019
Sadly, this website wants you to subscribe to read (multiculti pablum with the usual references from the SPLC, likely advocates White genocide either subtly or overtly, and may or may not state that the cops are on their trail for having the temerity to exercise their rights to free speech) their story. But we're not missing out on much, are we?

Identity Evropa's new name, American Identity Movement stuck some posters up in a little town in Montana. Those guys are energetic if nothing else.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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