February 2020 White activism in the news

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Jim Mathias
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White activism at Charleston IL in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:26 pm

https://jg-tc.com/news/local/eastern-il ... 9c386.html
Eastern Illinois University trying to determine source of racist fliers left on campus

Rob Stroud Feb 21, 2020

CHARLESTON — Eastern Illinois University is still trying to determine the source of white supremacy fliers that were recently left on campus.

Eastern spokesman Josh Reinhart said these fliers were found on Wednesday in and around Greek Court and possibly other areas of campus. He said the Eastern Illinois University Police Department is continuing to investigate the fliers to determine who left them.

"As President of EIU, I intensely condemn these materials of hatred and propaganda. These materials have no place on our campus, and wholly contradict the university's commitments to its core values of diversity, inclusiveness and equality," said Eastern President David Glassman in a statement that was released to students and staff members.

Those with information about the fliers or any other racist materials that are left on campus are asked to call the University Police Department at 217-581-3213.
More criminalization of free speech activities. Well, at least it weeds out the cowardly do-nothings from the men.

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White activism at Fort Worth TX in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:51 pm

https://www.tcu360.com/2020/02/tcu-poli ... ist-group/
TCU police investigating flyers on campus from white supremacist group
By Drew Mitchell -February 8, 2020

TCU police are working with Fort Worth law enforcement officials as they try to determine who posted signs around campus promoting a white supremacist group.

Robert Rangel, TCU’s assistant chief of police, said the sign they found on Feb. 4 was the second this semester and third this academic year.

Rangel attributed the signs to Hundred-Handers, an anonymous white supremacist group. Its members are known for postings that read “Reject White guilt” and “Migration is not the answer” amongst other things.

The signs found on campus read “Open borders for Israel” and “We’re more than a passport. BLOOD & SOIL.”

According to the Center for American Progress, the Southern Poverty Law Center has documented 434 incidents of white supremacist flyering on college campuses.

While people have freedom of speech, Rangel said it is against school policy and city ordinance to post any flyers without university permission.

He also said the flyers can’t deface property or have vulgar language that incites violence.

“We’re not trying to prevent people from expressing their first amendment right,” Rangel said. “They just have to do it in an acceptable way. Throwing posters around on someone else’s property and city property is not the appropriate way to do that.”

When opening an investigation, TCU police look to see if there was a crime committed and if it will cost the school money, Rangel said.

He said the consequences for defacing property depends on how much it costs to fix school property. The lowest offense is a Class C misdemeanor.

Texas and California are the states most affected by white supremacist propaganda, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

Rangel said it is difficult to prevent this from happening because TCU is an open campus and these white supremacy groups usually know the limit before they can get in trouble.

He said the groups are a concern because their websites usually show that they could insight {sic} violence. Rangel said the police can’t catch everyone, but people can do their part to help.

“The police alone can’t stop it,” Rangel said. “The community working together can minimize it and be our eyes and ears. That’s the philosophy of community policing.”

Drew Mitchell
Drew Mitchell is a Journalism major with an African American Studies Minor from Arlington, Texas. He has worked on staff for TCU 360 since his freshman year and is currently the Executive Editor of the Skiff, where they design and print a weekly paper for the TCU community.
A case of simple fliering, yet this poorly spell-checked article kept mentioning inciting violence though no violence was suggested in the content of the fliers. It has become a popular propaganda technique by presstitutes in the Jewish dominated media to conflate pro-White speech with violence and by focusing on police activity in response to fliering activities in their articles and broadcasts to give the speech they do not like a criminal aspect to it. While this piece didn't mention "terrorism," several recent articles have been doing so with respect to distributions of literature and is a trend to watch. It may signal not just outlawing pro-White speech, but federal involvement as well. Free trips for pro-Whites to Guantanamo Bay and other locations kept secret, anyone?
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White activism at Bristol UK in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:23 pm

http://www.thecourieronline.co.uk/backl ... ob-campus/
Backlash against racist posters on UoB campus

Written by Lucy Adams• 23rd February 2020

Backlash against “It’s okay to be white” posters distributed around the University of Bristol and Bristol city centre has culminated in vandalism of the original posters, as well as the appearance of new anti-racism posters in their place.

Posters reading “It’s okay to be white”, which were discovered around the city and the university campus at the end of January, appear to be part of a larger movement, and have received support on social media from white supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups. The slogan was popularised on website 4Chan, and similar posters have been spread widely around US Universities, before making their way to the UK. They were spotted in Dundee in September 2019 and in Perth in December, where they were condemned by MP John Swinney. In response to the posters appearing, Swinney said “We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material.”

Avon and Somerset Police responded to the incident

A spokesperson for the University of Bristol commented “The University of Bristol aspires to be a community where everyone should feel safe, welcomed and respected. We would ask that if anyone sees one of these posters on university premises, they take them down and contact security services.” Avon and Somerset Police responded to the incident, and said “We will be looking into this matter, and recording a hate incident due to the effect it is clearly having on members of the university community.”

The original posters have been modified to state instead: “It’s not okay to be racist”

A spokesperson for the BAME network at the university said that the phrase “presents ethnic minorities as intruding ‘others’, whose equality, and even existence is detrimental to white people.” The original posters have been modified to state instead: “It’s not okay to be racist”.

New posters have been put up by students quoting Dr Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela,with the main message: “It’s okay to be white, non-white, pink, green, orange, purple…Polka dots and stripes are also okay. But being a racist is not okay. What matters is not your skin colour, but whether you have a good heart, beautiful mind, kind soul and fine character. So please kindly respect everyone. Thank you. Love & hugs”.
How nice of BAME to "interpret" the message "it's ok to be White" in whatever perverted manner they want, vandalize it, and put up their own message over it.
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White activism at Angmering UK in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:36 pm

https://www.worthingherald.co.uk/news/c ... ng-1891020
Police investigate 'racial' posters that have popped up in Angmering
By James Butler Tuesday, 25th February 2020, 4:18 pm
Updated Tuesday, 25th February 2020, 4:36 pm

According to one resident, posters saying 'It's okay to be white' had been plastered on Station Road, including Angmering Baptist Church and bins nearby, and a photograph showed it had been stuck on a sign on a roundabout in the village.

Sussex Police confirmed it had been reported to them on Monday (February 24) and officers were investigating the incident.

A spokesman said: "Officers are working with Arun District Council to identify who placed them and the motivation behind them.

"Anyone with information is asked to report online or call 101 quoting serial 915 of 24/02."

The posters are believed to be part of a global phenomenon that began on the online forum 4Chan. According to the Washington Post, they are 'designed to feed social unrest and sway white [people] to far-right ideologies'.

According to the article, the goal was to make the media and left-wing people look like they 'hate white people' by supporting the posters being taken down, making those in the political centre feel news outlets are not credible and opening their minds to far-right rhetoric.
I'd say 4Chan's idea worked yet again. Activism has impact.
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White activism at Houghton MI in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:56 pm

https://www.reddit.com/r/MTU/comments/f ... s_on_us41/
MTU PF sticker.jpg
MTU PF sticker.jpg (72.28 KiB) Viewed 5610 times
Posted byu/TheRealJellytoad
10 days ago {24 February2020}
Neo-Nazi stickers on signs on US41?

level 1
MSc Applied Ecology38 points ·
10 days ago

Yep, the Patriot Front is a far-right neo-Nazi group. If I find myself on that side of campus, I'll tear that sticker down.
level 2
25 points ·
10 days ago

If you do, please be aware that neo Nazis and the like apparently like to hide razor blades behind posters and stickers, so please be careful.
Continue this thread
level 1
17 points ·
10 days ago

Did they put it over the sign certification sticker on purpose? I would think removing this could damage that. Still worth it, of course
level 2
1 point ·
10 days ago

did a quick read in of the website. I can see why they would be classified as 'far right'. the placement of the sticker kinda makes sense if you read their manifesto. whoever put it is practicing their right to free speech in my opinion. (im not politically active but that's just my two cents)
Not exactly a polished "news" website, is it? But that's reddit for you, another social media outfit where people can 'cancel' each other. There are pro-White activists in Michigan spreading their message though.

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Jim Mathias
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White activism at Turin Italy in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:44 am

http://www.ansa.it/english/news/2020/02 ... ffc1d.html
Swastika stickers on home of partisan's daughter
In Turin, 2nd such episode in 3 wks

(ANSA) - Turin, February 18 - NeoNazi stickers appeared Tuesday on the buzzer of the home of a WWII partisan's daughter in Turin, the second such episode there in less than three weeks.
The two small labels bore the words 'Re Hitler' (King Hitler) next to a swastika and a Celtic cross.
On January 30 two stickers bearing the SS salute 'Sieg Heil' and swastikas were attached to the doorbell of the same apartment.
The episode came after similar anti-semitic messages were recently found in Turin, Mondovi', Brescia and Giaveno near Turin.
The woman, a member of the partisans' association ANPI, has reported the incidents to DIGOS security police.
A survey out last month said one in six Italians now deny the Holocaust, up from one in 20 16 years ago, and one in five say Mussolini was a great leader who made some mistakes.
There was an upsurge in anti-Semitic episodes in Italy around Holocaust Memorial day last month.
Things are looking up in Italy.
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White activism at Orange, CA in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:49 am

https://www.ocregister.com/2020/02/29/d ... ropaganda/
Democratic Party of Orange County office vandalized with white nationalist propaganda

By Eric Licas | [email protected] | Orange County Register
PUBLISHED: February 29, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. | UPDATED: March 1, 2020 at 3:42 p.m.

Vandals are suspected of posting stickers promoting a group that supports white nationalism at the Democratic Party’s local headquarters in Orange on Saturday, Feb. 29, just three days before voters were set to scheduled to cast their ballots.

The incident was reported at about 4 p.m. on the 1900 block of West Chapman Avenue, Orange Police Sgt. Phil McMullin said. An investigation has been launched in order to determine the identity and motives of whoever was responsible.

Police did not immediately deem the vandalism a hate crime, McMullin said. However, officials with the Democratic Party of Orange County alleged that it was an act of hate and an effort to keep voters away from the polls.

“It is clear that this vandalism in intended to intimidate and suppress voters,” the chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Orange County, Ada Briceño, said in a news release. “It will not work. We stand united in the strongest possible condemnation of hate.”

About a dozen stickers and post cards were prominently placed at eye level on every door of the party’s headquarters, as well as the offices of the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 582, which is in the same building, said Rachel Potucek, the director of communications for Orange County Democrats.

Stickers bore slogans like “we claim america,” “for the nation against the state,” “2 parties one tyranny” and “America is not for sale.”

The vandalism also referenced the website of a group that Democratic officials declined to name in their release. They said the organization was recognized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and linked to James Fields Jr., the man who drove a car into a crowd of people at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing Heather Heyer in August 2017.
Conflating stickers with violence again, these presstitutes get their cookie cutter article writing training straight from the Jews at the SPLC and ADL!

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Jim Mathias
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White activism at Somerville MA in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:42 pm

https://www.reddit.com/r/Somerville/com ... the_place/
Posted byu/john_brown_adk
9 days ago {29 February 2020}
There are neo nazi stickers all over the place

On utility poles and traffic light pillars. Remove them when you see them. I’m not going to say what they say, but they are round and blue and have the symbol of the Italian fascist party (a bundle of sticks with an axe)


3 points ·
8 days ago

There's a white supremacist hate group called Patriot Front that uses a blue emblem with a white fasces and white stars, and they have put up stickers around Boston before. A fasces can be used for all sorts of things, sure, but in this case it's almost certainly neonazis.
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