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No Place in Hell

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:32 am
by Michael Olanich
No Place in Hell

by Dr. William L. Pierce

LAW-ENFORCEMENT statisticians estimate that in 1977 some two million American juveniles will run away from home. Many of these are White girls in their early teens, and a horrifyingly large number of them will end up being lured into prostitution by Black pimps.

Pimping is a virtually all-Black profession in America’s decaying eastern cities, but prostitution, unfortunately, is not. White prostitutes bring a much higher price than Black women do, and the pimps consequently concentrate on finding White girls for their “stables.”

Especially in demand are blonde, blue-eyed Nordic girls from the Middle West. Black pimps have organized a regular “pipeline” of Nordic farm girls from Minnesota and other Midwestern states to New York City. A six-block stretch of Manhattan’s Eighth Avenue near Times Square is known as “the Minnesota Strip,” because of the large number of young girls from the Middle West on the street there.

When the girls run away from home they head for the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, which is the urban hub of the upper Middle West. The bus stations in Minneapolis and St. Paul are thick with Black pimps, all decked out in their Superfly finery, just waiting for the girls to get off the buses. The pimps approach the frightened, lonely young girls with big smiles, offering to help them with their luggage.

Then they buy them lunch and begin sweet-talking them. The object is to get them aboard another bus, bound for New York. The girls all too often end up going along with the pimps, and as soon as they arrive in New York City the pimps have them at their mercy and force them into prostitution, usually forcing them into a drug habit at the same time, the better to control them.

Why does a young White girl fall for a Black pimp’s come-on? Officer Warren McGinnis of the New York Police Department’s runaway unit explains: “The kid has been brought up not to have any racial bias, and she is bending over backward to show she is not prejudiced when she’s accosted by this nicely dressed, sweet-talking, perfumed Black man. She’s so conscious that she shouldn’t put him down that she forgets she’s being picked up by a street hustler.”

On the day when justice finally comes to America, there will be no place in hell deep enough to hide for the White preachers and Sunday school teachers and high school principals and newspaper editors and all the other pillars of our degenerate society who have collaborated in pumping the lie of racial equality into those blue-eyed farm girls from Minnesota.

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Source: Issue No. 57, 1977, reproduced from The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard, edited by Kevin Alfred Strom.

Re: No Place in Hell

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:06 am
by RockofAges
If you want to see some awful things then I suggest head down and walk around your local university. I take my children there once in awhile for school orientation or other related school activity and shocked as to how far to the left and perverted the university has become. I recently noticed that they added a center for gender/race/multicultural studies on the main street for all to see. The building is large and clearly spells out what it is used for across the entire glass of the lower structure.

As a sad side note: Even one of my son's friends form high school started his own group.... MALE FEMINIST!!!! :? :? :?

ANYONE FEEL LIKE GETTING Ethnic and Gender Studies Degree (B.A.)

Re: No Place in Hell

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:29 pm
by Will Williams
It's not like we haven't seen this coming for decades.

The Destruction of the Academy
by Dr. William L. Pierce
From National Vanguard Magazine Issue No. 112, January-February 1992:

The debate over the enforcement of Political Correctness at American colleges and universities has been raging in the print media long enough that everyone from the party-loving frathouse jock to the most uncool computer nerd on campus has been made at least dimly aware that he must be careful what he says when talking about anything even remotely racial or sexual in nature.

One must never use the word "girl" in referring to any female over 10 years of age or the word "boy" in referring to a Black male of any age. (And one must not use the word "Black" either, which is considered by the most Politically Correct thinkers to be almost as offensive as "Negro," "darky," or "nigger"; the only acceptable designation now is "African American.")

Homosexuals must never be referred to as "queers," "lesbos," "dykes," "fruits," "faggots," "fairies," or anything else but "gays" (except when the speaker is himself or herself of the sodomite persuasion: "queer" is now in vogue as a self-descriptive term among the pervert avant garde).

If one really wants to be on the safe side, he also should use the term "Politically Correct" (or its abbreviation, "PC") as sparingly as possible -- and certainly never with a smile on his face or a hint of derision in his voice -- lest he indicate that he is one of those benighted souls whom the Red Guardist cadres of Political Correctness have been charged with re-educating. The PC position is that there is now and never has been a program to enforce Political Correctness, and that the term itself was invented by bigots and reactionaries to stigmatize progressive, right-thinking folks.

Does that sound a bit Orwellian? Alas, Orwell himself would be dumbfounded by the present state of affairs on our campuses...


Rest of article, here: ... ademy.html