Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

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Will Williams
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Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:19 pm

A total solar eclipse will take place on Monday, August 21, 2017. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across the surface of the Earth, while a partial solar eclipse will be visible over a region thousands of kilometres wide.

The eclipse will have a magnitude of 1.0306 and will be visible from a narrow corridor through the United States. The longest duration of totality will be 2 minutes 40 seconds at 36°58.5′N 87°39.3′W in the Bainbridge/Sinking Fork area of Christian County, Kentucky just northwest of Hopkinsville, Kentucky.[1] This center is located on a historical farm named Orchard Dale.

A partial solar eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moon's penumbra, including all of North America, northern South America, western Europe, and Africa.

This eclipse is the 50th of the 77 members of Saros series 145, the one that also produced the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999. Members of this series are increasing in duration. The longest eclipse in this series will occur on June 25, 2522 and last for 7 minutes and 12 seconds.

This eclipse will be the first total solar eclipse visible from the United States since 1991 (which was seen only from part of Hawaii),[2] and the first visible from the contiguous United States since 1979.[3] A 1991 article in Discover noted that "The total solar eclipse of July 11, 1991", that passed over Hawaii and significant portions of Mexico, "[was] the best anyone will be able to see from the [US land] until 2017."[4]
The path of totality of the Solar eclipse of February 26, 1979 passed only through the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota. Many visitors traveled to the Pacific Northwest to view the eclipse, since it would be the last chance to view a total solar eclipse in the United States for almost four decades.[5][6]
Climate statistics suggest that the best viewing locations will be over the Pacific Northwest. [7]
Some American scientists and interested amateurs seeking to experience a total eclipse participated in a four-day Atlantic Ocean cruise to view the Solar eclipse of July 10, 1972 as it passed near Nova Scotia. Organizers of the cruise advertised in astronomical journals and in planetarium announcements emphasizing the lack of future U.S. total eclipses until this 2017 event.[8]
The August, 2017 eclipse will be the first with a path of totality crossing the USA's Pacific coast and Atlantic coast since 1918.
The path of this eclipse crosses the upcoming path of the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, with the intersection of the two paths being in southern Illinois in Makanda just south of Carbondale. A small land area, including the cities of Carbondale, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Paducah, Kentucky, will thus experience two total solar eclipses within a span of fewer than seven years.
The Solar eclipse of August 12, 2045 will have a very similar path of totality over the USA, about 250 miles to the southwest, also crossing the USA's Pacific coast and Atlantic coast; however, duration of totality will last over twice as long.[9]
An eclipse of comparable length (up to 3 minutes 8 seconds) occurred over the contiguous United States [10] on March 7, 1970 along the southeast US coast, from Florida to Virginia.

Total solar eclipse of 21 August 2017.jpg
The yellow band from Oregon to South Carolina show where the total solar eclipse may be observed. The red curves show the duration of the total solar eclipse in 10 second intervals.

See graphics here: ... t_21,_2017
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Will Williams
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Will Williams » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:16 pm

Speaking of eclipses, this Blood Moon eclipse that all in North America will be able to see tomorrow morning, April 15th, apparently has deep meaning for Jews:


Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel,

We found the "blood-red moon" work interesting and began looking into possible connections to past and future "Jewish Feasts"… and to our amazement found there are very significant connections and trust that you will find this teaching fascinating too!

"And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Jehovah." Joel 2:30 -31

"The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20

The Jewish Talmud (book of tradition / Interpretation) says; "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel. If its face is as red as blood, (it is a sign that) the sword is coming to the world." Therefore: Lunar Eclipse = bad omen for the Jewish people and Israel; Blood Moon = sword coming; Solar Eclipse = bad omen for the world.

Four, blood moons on Jewish Feast days within two years in Israel is very rare and has only occurred seven times since the time of Yeshua (Jesus). There are now four blood moons scheduled to appear in 2014/2015 and then there will NOT be any for the next 100 years.

Every time a blood moon pattern has appeared on Jewish feast days a big event affects the nation of Israel. The event affecting Israel begins just before the actual years of the blood moons. To understand what will happen in the 2014 - 2015 "blood moons" you must understand the pattern of blood moons in the past.

It was confirmed by NASA that we have had "blood-red moons" on the first day of Passover and the first day of Sukkoth on back-to-back years seven times since 1 A.D. Three of these occurrences were connected to 1492 (the year the Jews were expelled from Spain by Queen Isabella) , 1948 (statehood for Israel and the War of Independence), and 1967 (the Six-Day War) — some of the most significant days in Jewish history. According to NASA - Four 'blood-red' TOTAL lunar eclipses WILL fall again on Passover and Sukkoth in 2014 and 2015… the same back-to-back occurrences at the time of 1492, 1948 and 1967.

Seven back-to-back, blood-red moons have fallen on the first day of Passover and Sukkoth, with the "eighth time"… coming in 2014 and 2015.

The meaning of the number "Eight"in the Bible is "New Beginnings"… The eighth day was new after God rested. There are 7 days in a week and the 8th day is a new beginning. Christ rose on the 8th day which was a new beginning for the world.

In Hebrew, the days of the week are simply numbered, except for the 7th, which is the Sabbath (Shabbat). With the exception of the Shabbat, the weekdays have no names. They are simply numbered:

yom rishon = "first day" = (Sunday)

yom sheni = "second day" = (Monday)

yom sh'lishi = "third day" = (Tuesday)

yom revi'i = "fourth day" = (Wednesday)

yom chamishi = "fifth day" = (Thursday)

yom shishi = "sixth day" = (Friday)

The week culminates in the seventh day, the Holy Shabbat (shabbat kodesh, abbreviated.... More loony Jewish gibberish, here:

NASA's more scientific take on this total eclipse of the moon: ... 2014Apr15T

Total Lunar Eclipse of April 15

The first eclipse of the year is well placed for observers throughout the Western Hemisphere. The eclipse occurs at the lunar orbit's ascending node in Virgo. The apparent diameter of the Moon is close to its average since the eclipse occurs nearly midway between apogee (April 08 at 14:53 UT) and perigee (April 23 at 00:28 UT). This is the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015 (see Lunar Eclipse Tetrads).

The Moon's orbital trajectory takes it through the southern half of Earth's umbral shadow. Although the eclipse is not central, the total phase still lasts 78 minutes. The Moon's path through Earth's shadows as well as a map illustrating worldwide visibility of the event are shown in Figure 1. The times of the major eclipse phases are listed below.

Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 04:53:37 UT
Partial Eclipse Begins: 05:58:19 UT
Total Eclipse Begins: 07:06:47 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 07:45:40 UT
Total Eclipse Ends: 08:24:35 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 09:33:04 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 10:37:37 UT

At the instant of greatest eclipse[1] (07:45:40 UT) the Moon lies at the zenith for a point in the South Pacific about 3000 km southwest of the Galapagos Islands. The umbral eclipse magnitude[2] peaks at 1.2907 as the Moon's northern limb passes 1.7 arc-minutes south of the shadow's central axis. In contrast, the Moon's southern limb lies 9.0 arc-minutes from the southern edge of the umbra and 40.0 arc-minutes from the shadow centre. Thus, the northern half of the Moon will appear much darker than the southern half because it lies deeper in the umbra. Since the Moon samples a large range of umbral depths during totality, its appearance will change significantly with time. It is not possible to predict the exact brightness distribution in the umbra, so observers are encouraged to estimate the Danjon value at different times during totality (see Danjon Scale of Lunar Eclipse Brightness). Note that it may also be necessary to assign different Danjon values to different portions of the Moon (i.e., north verses south).

During totality, the spring constellations are well placed for viewing so a number of bright stars can be used for magnitude comparisons. Spica (m = +1.05) is the most conspicuous star lying just 2° west of the eclipsed Moon. This juxtaposition reminds the author of the total lunar eclipse of 1968 Apr 13 when Spica appeared only 1.3° southwest of the Moon at mid-totality. The brilliant blue color of Spica made for a striking contrast with the crimson Moon. Just a week past opposition, Mars (m = -1.4) appears two magnitudes brighter than Spica and lies 9.5° northwest of the Moon. Arcturus (m = +0.15) is 32° to the north, Saturn (m = +0.2) is 26° to the east, and Antares (m = +1.07) is 44° to the southeast.

The entire event is visible from both North and South America. Observers in the western Pacific miss the first half of the eclipse because it occurs before moonrise. Likewise most of Europe and Africa experience moonset just as the eclipse begins. None of the eclipse is visible from north/east Europe, eastern Africa, the Middle East or Central Asia.

Table 1 lists predicted umbral immersion and emersion times for 25 well-defined lunar craters. The timing of craters is useful in determining the atmospheric enlargement of Earth's shadow (see Crater Timings During Lunar Eclipses).

The April 15 eclipse is the 56th eclipse of Saros[3] 122. This series began on 1022 August 14 and is composed of 74 lunar eclipses in the following sequence: 22 penumbral, 8 partial, 28 total, 7 partial, and 9 penumbral eclipses (Espenak and Meeus, 2009). The last eclipse of the series is on 2338 October 29.

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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Kevin Alfred Strom » Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:08 pm

Thanks for this, Will. I'd really like to see the eclipse -- but the weather service is predicting 100 per cent. sky cover here all night. Thanks to the Internet, I am sure that there will be excellent photographs published almost in real time. (That's one nice thing about living in this era, anyway...)

I don't know about the significance of this to Jews; all that is just superstitious desert babbling to me. But the Cosmos is fantastically beautiful and speaks to me, daily.

With my best,


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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:09 pm

The sun will look like a ring of fire above some remote parts
of the world next Tuesday (April 29) during a solar eclipse,
but most people around the world won't get a chance to see it.
Tuesday's solar eclipse is known as an "annular" — rather
than "total" — lunar eclipse. That’s because Tuesday's
eclipse will occur when the moon is close to its farthest
distance from the Earth, making it too small to cover the
Sun completely. The resulting effect looks like a ring of
fire, called an "annulus," appears around the silhouette
of the Moon. But most people won't see the whole eclipse.
The only place in the world where this annular eclipse will
be visible is a small area in Antarctica. However, partial
phases of the eclipse will be visible in other places. Most
of those areas are in the ocean — rarely traveled ocean, in
fact — but the entire continent of Australia will get a good
view. The best view of the eclipse will be from the island
state of Tasmania. From Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, the
eclipse will begin with the Moon taking a tiny nick out of
the Sun's edge at 3:51 p.m. local time (0551 GMT). Maximum
eclipse will be at 5 p.m. (0700 GMT), and the Sun will set
at 5:17 p.m. (0717 GMT). The farther north you go in
Australia, the less the moon will cover the Sun. In Sydney,
the eclipse will begin at 4:14 p.m. and will be at maximum
— 52 percent covered — at 5:15 p.m. The Sun will set in
eclipse two minutes later. ... 39196.html

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Will Williams
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:06 am

August full moon will be brightest of three supermoons

Lunar perigee to coincide with exact time moon is full.


This year’s biggest and brightest supermoon will delight skywatchers a month from now, on Monday, August 10th.

That night’s full moon is the second of three supermoons occurring in 2014. The first one took place on Saturday, July12th [*][/color][/b], and the third will happen on Tuesday, September 9th.

[*][/color][/b] We had a clear sky Saturday night here in Upper East Tennessee and the "Blood Moon" was enormous. Folks around here called the July full moon the "Buck Moon" because it coincides with the time of year when male deer velvety antlers appear and start growing.

Supermoons occur when the moon is at perigee, meaning closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit, at the time of a full moon.

At perigee, the moon is 31,000 miles closer to the Earth than it is at apogee, the furthest point from Earth in its orbit. This is why full moons that occur at perigee appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than those at apogee.

The August supermoon will appear larger and brighter than either the July or September ones because perigee occurs exactly when the moon is most full, a position known astronomically as “opposition.” This is the second year in a row to have three consecutive supermoons, unusual because perigee full moons occur on average every 13 months and 18 days.

High and low tides during both perigee full moons and perigee new moons are more extreme than normal. They do not cause storms or increase the chances of them occurring. Astronomers have found no correlation of supermoons with natural disasters.

The term “supermoon” was first coined during the 1970s. According to James Garvin, chief scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, “It is called a supermoon because this is a very noticeable alignment that, at first glance, would seem to have an effect.” However, “The ‘super’ in supermoon is really just the appearance of being closer.”

Full moons appear larger when they are low in the sky, either rising or setting, even when they are not supermoons. This is purely an optical illusion, largely due to the low moon appearing against a backdrop of buildings and trees. The optical illusion is magnified when the full moon rising in the east at sunset is also a supermoon.

According to Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory, this illusion will likely be remembered by observers more than the actual view of a larger than normal moon. ... upermoons/
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:50 am

Anyone in the mood for a little trip?;_ylt=Ah ... t-901&fp=1

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:28 pm

Will Williams wrote:A total solar eclipse will take place on Monday, August 21, 2017.
Unless you guys and girls are polar bears, you
will probably miss this one: ... 19724.html

Let us hope the Norse Gods of old will give us
a beautiful day in August of '17!
Eclipse_of_'15.jpg (35.26 KiB) Viewed 13958 times
p-bear.jpg (182.32 KiB) Viewed 13958 times

Jimmy Marr

Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Jimmy Marr » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:45 am

My wife is visiting the San Juan Islands. I talked to her on the phone this morning and she said she went out on the deck at about 2:30AM this morning and saw the Northern Lights. I've never seen them before. I wish I could have been there.

Jimmy Marr

Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Jimmy Marr » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:15 am

Here is a photo she sent:


Michael Olanich

Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Michael Olanich » Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:45 am

Jimmy Marr wrote:Here is a photo she sent:

Very awe-inspiring. :shock:

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