List of Pro-White death metal bands

Works that stir the soul

List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Aryanwarlordsparta » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:46 am

Abolition (Germany)
Blood & Iron (USA)
Draupnir (Germany)
Fueled By Hate (USA)
Hasskommando (USA)
HateGrinder (Hungary)
Hatework (Germany)
Kampfbund (France)
La Brigada (Chile)
Martial Barrage (Canada)
Mass Destruction (Germany)
Plunder & Pillage (USA)
Reichsradio (Bulgaria)
Triskelon (Sweden)
Vril (Netherlands)
West Wall (USA)

Alexander Noble

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Alexander Noble » Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:59 am

I took the time to listen to some of your suggestions.

Up front I'll admit that Heavy Metal music is hard to pin down. It is virtually unique in the speed with which it spins off sub-genres, which in turn spin off sub-sub-genres and so forth. I gave up on keeping track long ago, so I can't nit-pick with any credibility. I will say that some of the bands you listed don't manifest themselves as the textbook definition of death metal, which as the name implies is not particularly life-affirming, which is something we want to do.

All that aside, there's some great stuff here. A person I once knew was trying to tell me about some of his music, which I didn't appreciate. He told me, "I know you don't like Country music. But I do and let me tell you this is good Country. I'll appropriate that and extend it here. For those of you who don't like Metal it's almost certainly hard for you to tell, but there is some truly great Metal here. Musical virtuosity is virtuosity regardless of the genre, and brilliant lyrics are brilliant lyrics likewise. The samples I found of Blood and Iron were very good and had clever well-written lyrics. I would definitely be interested in purchasing some of their music. Which brings me to my next point.

I've seen several such lists over the years. The defining characteristic always seems to be that the bands listed are like unicorns and leprechauns; people talk about them all the time, but you can never find them. When I finally moved over to accepting myself as a WN, one of the first things I noticed is the difficulty of finding related material, despite that lie about "free speech". I had long been used to being able to find anything on the net, but I've discovered that the same Net that will take you in four mouse clicks to thousands of videos that will make you want to vomit, comes up "Not Found" on things like your listed bands. As I recently mentioned elsewhere, it took me two months to collect the lyrics from the song "Kinsland", and even then I had to piece it together myself from snippets in comments on various websites.

A big help would be information on where to find this music, especially in digital format because like more and more people all the time, I rarely purchase physical media anymore. The emphasis should be on trustworthy sites. The few I can find are often foreign, and international purchases make me a little nervous, or they just plain seem a little too "iffy".

Lady Mitford

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Lady Mitford » Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:23 pm

Many metal bands have musicians who are classically trained, or rather, neo-classically trained. Personally, for me, there is too much noise going on to hear the exotic chord progressions and scales neo-classically-trained guitarists riff, at speeds of 1000 or more notes per minute. Yes, to hear this as something other than noise takes a faster musical brain, trained to listen at these speeds, in a otherwise ear-splitting musical smorgabord of other noise, including Tibetan throat-growling, etc. This makes it hard for the average ear to distinguish from the regular din of talentless noise.

I don't care for it, myself.

Alexander Noble

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Alexander Noble » Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:55 pm

Lots of people don't care for it, which is just fine. There are sub-genres I don't like, others I find intolerable. Black metal, thrash metal, speed metal, death metal,etc. are just so much noise to me as well. I don't think much of the addition of the "death growl" either. I don't see how that constitutes progress. Others I like more so. Some time back I discovered what is known as symphonic metal, which is a fusion style combining classical and more traditional heavy metal music. I know, it sounds insane, but it works very well. It's actually become quite popular world-wide, but strangely it is virtually unknown in North America. Symphonic metal bands are notorious in Europe for raiding Opera Houses for sopranos and mezzo-sopranos, luring them away with greater earning potential. Symphonic metal bands are also notable for the high presence of women in that sub-genre. Women are very rare in metal bands (a notable exception is the bassist for White Zombie), and female-fronted metal bands almost unheard of. Symphonic metal turns that on its head as the vast majority are fronted by women. I've often been curious as to the psychology behind that phenomenon. The bands vary in how much classical is fused into the music. A group called Therion seems to be the definitive symphonic metal band, but in my experience most of the classical element is in the operatic female vocals. Therion started out as a thrash metal band, so beware of early albums. The song that most fully incorporates classical with the metal, in my limited experience, is Cry for the Moon by the Dutch band Epica, though it is somewhat tainted by that accursed death growl in a few places. I don't know if there are any WN bands in this genre, but I wouldn't be surprised. Link below (non-White studio musicians are present in case you can't overlook that).

I can't seem to master the art of embedding YouTube videos. Can someone tell me the secret?

Lady Mitford

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Lady Mitford » Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:43 pm

That was a nice link to exceptional neo-classical metal. This I like, although I'm very picky that way.

You know, this genre is filling stadiums in Eastern Europe now (the average European is more musically sophisticated than the average American is, by far) the way pop American Heavy Metal used to fill stadiums in the 80s. Eastern Europe is where the great arena shows have gone. I once had a friend who was a world class neo-classical guitarist playing the massive Eastern European arena shows. He is virtually unheard of in America. He gets swamped by crowds in Eastern Europe wherever he goes. He likes being able to come home to America and be completely anonymous.

These musicians, incidentally, tend to be very far right in their political views, btw, unlike the Hollywood produced musicians of America.

Martin Graves

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Martin Graves » Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:20 pm

Admittedly, the heaviest music I ever listen to is Skrewdriver. I suppose that's more punk rock than metal, however. Different strokes for different folks! :)
Alexander Noble wrote:

I can't seem to master the art of embedding YouTube videos. Can someone tell me the secret?
Just highlight the link and click the "youtube" button, or type "[youtube]" at the front and "[/youtube]" at the end. Also make sure it's "http" and not "https".

For example, here's your link, now embedded:

Alexander Noble

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Alexander Noble » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:27 pm

Hurray! It works! Soon I'll be a WN media juggernaut!

Alexander Noble

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Alexander Noble » Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:08 pm

Martin: I've always heard Skrewdriver described as Punk, which I never cared for, even a little. The first time I tried to listen to White Power music (or whatever it was called then) it was pretty much all punk, so I left it alone. Of course, I've already said that brilliant lyrics are brilliant lyrics and there were brilliant lyrics lurking behind the ear-grating style. Saga (the female Swedish nationalist, not the lame rock band from Canada) has redone Skrewdriver songs as beautiful ballads that I can't get enough of. I have 3 albums of hers, finally. it took a while to scrounge them up. Amazon, to its credit, put them up after Leftists demanded certain books and music be dropped from the service. Others are still proving elusive.

Lady Mitford: I still think there are categories where the US has the edge over Europe, but I've had to admit that we're lacking in some ways. I had a low opinion of Europe and Europeans for a long time even though I had nothing to base that on. But, as the saying goes: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read but a single page." My trip to Europe was eye-opening. Meeting 22-year-old girls with Master's degrees who spoke 4 languages was enough to convince me that something is very, very wrong with education in the US.

I haven't experienced a big enough sample of European musicians to know their politics for a fact, but I don't doubt your assessment. Some people are moving further to the right as they see the light. Others, I think, are shifting in that direction because of rapidly diminishing options. As I've mentioned, I came kicking and screaming to a great extent. The so-called Far Right has become a parachute that one straps on before jumping out of the burning plane, despite the fear of falling. The shift will continue to pick up speed as white people run out of places to hide.

Lady Mitford

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Lady Mitford » Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:26 am

Alexander Noble wrote:
As I've mentioned, I came kicking and screaming to a great extent. The so-called Far Right has become a parachute that one straps on before jumping out of the burning plane, despite the fear of falling. The shift will continue to pick up speed as white people run out of places to hide.
Awesome visualization. I love it!

Alexander Noble

Re: List of Pro-White death metal bands

Post by Alexander Noble » Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:40 am

Yes, NA is missing out on my way with words.

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