The Jew and the Czechoslovakian

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The Jew and the Czechoslovakian

Post by Richard_G_603 » Sat May 06, 2023 11:27 pm

There was an elderly Jewish man who had moved to New York many years ago, but had kept in touch with a childhood friend in Czechoslovakia. The Jew decided one day to pay for his friend to come to the States and see New York City. So the Czech man came over and had the most wonderful time seeing all the sights and being shown New York by his childhood friend.

One the third day of the visit, the pair went to the Central Park zoo, and they were having a marvelous time gazing at all the animals, until the Czech man leaned too far to get a photo, and fell into the lion enclosure, where he was promptly eaten.

The Jew goes running up to the zookeeper and says "Oy vey, you must help me! One of the lions has eaten my friend! You must get me his body back so I can send it home to his family!" The zookeeper immediately goes and grabs a rifle and heads to the lion enclosure. "There are two lions, a male and a female. I need to know which one ate your friend so I can shoot it and get the body back."

The Jew pauses for a moment, he isn't entirely sure which one it was. "I think it was the male lion." The zookeeper looks sternly at him, "I'm not going to shoot unless you are sure. I'm not going to shot the second one if you are wrong on the first one because I don't want to close the exhibit, and I really don't want to shoot the wrong animal to begin with. So, which was it?"

The Jew starts wringing his hands and sweating under the stress, and finally he says "It was certainly the male lion that are my friend. I am sure of it, with no doubts. Please do hurry sir, I need to get my friend's body back to his family!"

With the confirmation the zookeeper levels the rifle, takes aim, and fires a clean shot, killing the male lion. But when he goes to cut the lion open and extricate the body, he finds the stomach empty! The Czech man had been eaten by the female lion apparently.

And it is from this story that we can all learn a very important life lesson: You can never trust a Jew when he says the Czech is in the male!

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Jew and the Czechoslovakian

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon May 08, 2023 1:46 am

The groan I let out at the end is proof that this was a good joke. >.<
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