
Fundamental ideas
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Post by Trenton » Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:13 pm

I recently saw a Christian calling another an antisemite for expressing anger at the killing of civilians in Gaza. This will come as no surprise to most of you, I am sure, but it got me thinking. I thought about the “grief,” and “rage,” expressed by descendants of Holocaust survivors who never personally experienced the events they purport occurred. The “guilt” of Germans who never took part in that Holocaust nor even witnessed it. I thought of the very real emotions grown men these days express about their favorite and least favorite sports teams. It was then that I realized it:

To lemmings, what is “real” consists entirely of what they personally care about. The first Christian in this example, the one who made the accusation of antisemitism, is an educated man. He is a medical doctor, a published musician, and someone I’ve had good conversations with in the past. Yet he is still a lemming. He expresses towards me the same incredulous anger that is familiar to all of you. The fury of a lemming who has heard something that completely contradicts his worldview!

To this man, the Palestinians are no more real than, say, My Little Pony. Probably less real, in fact, because I’ve seen him get into a heated online argument with someone who was posting art from that animated cartoon specifically to set him off. Similarly, to Doctor Lemming here, I am willing to bet that those German POWs who died by the hundreds of thousands in the wake of World War 2 are far less real those same Germans, who months before had been “complicit” in the slaughter of millions of imaginary Jews.

What do you think? Have you seen any examples of this phenomenon?

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Will Williams
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Re: Unreality

Post by Will Williams » Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:18 pm

Trenton wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:13 pm
I recently saw a Christian calling another an antisemite for expressing anger at the killing of civilians in Gaza... the one who made the accusation of antisemitism, is an educated man. He is a medical doctor, a published musician, and someone I’ve had good conversations with in the past. Yet he is still a lemming. He expresses towards me the same incredulous anger that is familiar to all of you...

What do you think? Have you seen any examples of this phenomenon?
Of course, Trenton. As a teenager you'll learn with time and experience to recognize and avoid lemmings.

That your Dr. Lemming believes Jesus is real shows he's not worth wasting your breath on an issue like the Holocaust. He is on the wrong side of history -- the Jew's side -- and operates entirely from a false premise: that the Jews' Holocaust fable he has been taught all his life is somehow true simply because he has never investigated the facts that refute it.

Academia and the medical profession are full of overeducated bumpkins who are intellectually dishonest. That's where a book like this comes in that attempts to deprogram such lemmings from lies they have accepted without question:

Debating the Holocaust by Thomas Dalton available here for $30.00: https://cosmotheistchurch.org/product/d ... as-dalton/
A New Look at Both Sides.

For the past few decades there has been raging a kind of subterranean debate, one of monumental importance. It is a debate about the Holocaust – not whether or not it “happened” (this is a meaningless claim), but rather, how it happened, through what means, and to what extent. On the one hand we have the traditional, orthodox view: the six million Jewish casualties, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens and mass graves. On the other hand, there is a small, renegade band of writers and researchers who refuse to accept large parts of this story. These revisionists, as they call themselves, present counter-evidence and ask tough questions. Among the issues they raise are these:

There is no trace of a ‘Hitler order’ to exterminate the Jews; key witnesses have either falsified or greatly exaggerated important aspects of their stories; major death camps – Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, and Treblinka – have all but vanished; we find little evidence of disturbed earth for mass graves; we find few remains of the millions of alleged victims – neither bones nor ash; mass-gassing with Zyklon-B would be nearly impossible without ventilators and ceiling holes; mass-gassing with diesel engine exhaust is practically impossible, given the low level of carbon monoxide; wartime air photos of Auschwitz show none of the alleged mass-burnings or cremations; the ‘6 million’ number has no basis in fact, and actually traces back decades before the war; trends in Jewish world population strongly suggest less than 6 million lost; and the present number of “survivors” – currently over 1 million – implies few wartime deaths.

The revisionists arrive at a different account. Hitler, they say, wanted to expel the Jews, not kill them. The ghettos and concentration camps served primarily for ethnic cleansing and forced labor, not mass murder. The Zyklon gas chambers did in fact exist, but were used for delousing and sanitary purposes. And most important, the Jewish death toll was much lower than commonly assumed – on the order of 500,000.

In this book, for the FIRST TIME EVER, the reader can now judge for himself. Arguments and counter-arguments for both sides are presented, and all relevant facts are laid out in a clear and concise manner. The entire debate is presented in a scholarly and non-polemical fashion. Citations are marked, and facts are checked. READ, and JUDGE FOR YOURSELF.

Unfortunately, if oh-so-smart Dr. Lemming should be strapped to a chair and forced to listen to an oral reading of Dr. Dalton's Debating the Holocaust, he would still call the reader and Dalton anti-Semitic liars. :lol:

Leave those like Dr. Lemming alone to bask in his ignorance and seek those racially conscious Whites who have open minds. You're not likely to find them at church or in your doctor's office.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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