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The Lion and The Four Bulls

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 3:38 pm
by JohnUbele
The Lion and The Four Bulls - Thomas Bewick

"...Four Bulls, who had entered into a very strict friendship, kept always near one another, and fed together. The Lion often saw them, and as often had a mind to make one of them his prey; but though he could easily have subdued any of them singly, yet he was afraid to attack the whole alliance, knowing they would have been too powerful for him, and therefore was obliged to keep himself at a distance.

At last, perceiving that no attempt was to be made upon them as long as their combination lasted, he artfully contrived, by the whispers and hints of his emissaries, to foment jealousies, and raise divisions among them. This stratagem succeeded so well, that the Bulls grew cold and reserved to one another, which soon after ripened into a downright hatred and aversion, and at last ended in a total separation. The Lion had now attained his ends; and though it had been impossible for him to hurt them while they were united, he found no difficulty, now they were parted, to seize and devour every Bull of them, one after another.


Since friendships and alliances are of the greatest importance to our well-being and happiness, we cannot be too often cautioned against suffering them to be broken by tale bearers and whisperers, or by any dark plots and contrivances of our enemies: for when by such wicked means as these, or by our own imprudence, we lose a friend, we shake the very basis of our interest, and remove the pillar that contributed to support it.

Whatever in cases of this kind is applicable to individuals, is equally so to kingdoms and states; and it is as undisputed a maxim as ever was urged upon the attention of mankind, by the best man that ever lived, that a “kingdom divided against itself cannot stand:” the people are invincible when united..."
