Gab and Religious Liberty

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Will Williams
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Gab and Religious Liberty

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:19 pm

Dan wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:43 am
Rollo Tomassi and Andrew Torba and E. Michael Jones are "race blind". That's what I call it. Until they get zeroed out on race, they'll stay plugged in...
Our new NA and WB member Dan said that in a post in the Introduce Yourself section since he's a Gab enthusiast. That's fine and I even signed up with a Gab account and made one comment under something Dan had put up on Gab, but nothing came of it until I got this message from Gab owner Andrew Torba today:
This message was sent to WillWilliamsNAChairman because you elected to receive emails when you created your account.
I liked the following sentence in Mr. Torba's message:
You can control the content you consume. You can control what you eat and what you do with your time. You can control how and where you spend your money. Focus on these things and stop being so concerned and absorbed in things beyond your control, like national
That statement could be from our Cosmotheist Community playbook, but so much of the rest of Torba's message depends on his Gab followers putting their faith in his "savior," Jesus Christ and his imaginary daddy up in the sky, so that's where we part company. Religious liberty means that: freedom to have one's own spirituality or freedom from others' dogma, such as the Semitic religions of Judaism, Islam or Christianity that worship the Jew's god Yahweh/Allah/Jehovah.

Judge for yourselves:

Our Vision for 2023 and The Parallel Economy

I’m bored with national politics.

I’m done wasting my time, energy, and focus on a rigged system led by blackmailed degenerates who supposedly represent us. I’m done caring what the spineless godless cowards and grifters on both the political left and the right have to say because at the end of the day they are all liberals in one form or another whether they realize it or not. I look back at all the time I invested in national politics over the past few years and can’t help but come to the conclusion that there are far better uses of my energy.

It’s time to accept the reality that America is already starting to balkanize and that the wicked American Regime will inevitably fall under the righteous judgement of God. There are no political solutions to spiritual problems and America is undoubtably a spiritually dead nation.

Our love of God is what made the United States united from its founding. We removed God from the equation over the past several decades and now predictably there is nothing left to hold us all together. The only thing Republicans and Democrats in Congress seem to agree on is sending more of our money to Israel and Ukraine. Count me out. Rome is burning and it’s time for us to start organizing, preparing, and building anew instead of pontificating about national politics in the corrupt and fundamentally broken system that is liberal democracy.

Republicans need to recognize the stark reality that winning in 2024 is a pipe dream. With Democratic control secured in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan the fix is in and electoral victory is impossible at the Presidential level. I don’t care if it’s Trump or DeSantis, winning electorally without these states isn’t possible and it might not happen ever again. We didn’t fix what happened in 2020 and they did it again in 2022. Do you really believe they won’t do the same thing again in 2024? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I won’t be fooled again.

Go And Build

We believe that building the Parallel Economy is the most important thing we can be doing instead of being distracted with the donor class dog and pony show that is national politics. We will be building the infrastructure needed for communication, commerce, education, networking, and information. This infrastructure will be built, owned, used by, and controlled by God-fearing Christians.

To be clear you can still post about national politics on Gab. Obviously nothing is changing with our free speech policy. I’m talking about myself personally and professionally here. National politics isn’t going to be a big focus of mine or of the Gab team. I will be focused on building real solutions, raising my children outside of the beast system, and worshipping Jesus Christ. I hope I can encourage you to do the same.

Our Responsibility To Be Good Stewards of the Blessings From God

God has blessed Gab with tremendous influence, reach, and a growing community of the greatest people on the internet. I no longer have any desire to use that influence and reach to prop up politicians who continually fail to cross the Rubicon or accomplish much of anything outside of fundraising on the outrage of good and decent people in this country and sending our money to foreign countries.

Instead I want to use the platform and reach that God has blessed us with to glorify Him by empowering others to speak freely and engage in commerce with businesses and people who share their values.

I want to inspire young men and women to get married and make babies. I want to encourage Christians to take dominion of their local communities and rise to positions of power across media, education, entertainment, and business. I want to focus on becoming a better Christian, a better leader, a better husband, and a better father while helping others to do the same. Finally I want to continue building the tools and infrastructure at Gab to make all of this possible at scale for tens of millions of people.

We Worship God, Not “Liberal Democracy”

As John Adams once said: our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. Our government, culture, technology, media, and education system is currently being run by usurers, degenerates, liars, crooks, swindlers, sheisters, and predators who reject and hate Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Until that changes, nothing else will. Change starts at home and in particular with the man in the mirror.

A society run by these wicked people is doomed to failure. A national political system rigged to “elect” these people into power is not a system worth defending. Democracy is not our god and liberalism is a cancer on the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Both of them can and will crumble into ash for all I care. America was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a “Liberal Democracy.”

There are few things I hate more in this world than liberalism. “Liber” means “free” as in the word liberate. The ideology of liberalism “frees” society and the individual from God and in return enslaves them to Satan and sin. Liberalism is unequivocally the single most destructive ideology in history and enabled one of the largest genocides ever with the murder of tens of millions of God’s precious children in the womb. Liberalism destroyed a millennium of Western society, culture, and homogeneity in about a century.

Lest we forget the wise words of [self-described traditionalist Christian] Dr. E. Michael Jones: sexual liberation—which is a byproduct of liberalism—is political control. I pray everyday that God continues His righteous judgement on the failed ideology of liberal democracy and that one day very soon it will be thrown into the dustbin of history where it belongs.

Trust The Plan, God’s Plan

We must accept the reality that we can’t control what the people “in power” are doing. We must accept the hard truth that we can’t even vote them out. All hope is not lost though. We worship the God who has total and complete power over everything. He has blessed us with the ability to influence and build our own families, churches, and local communities.

So that is what must do. We must build and be patient. Being patient doesn’t mean passivity. It means waiting on the Lord by placing our trust in Him while at the same time taking action to defend and preserve our families, faith, and way of life. Rome may be burning, but the fire is not out yet. When it is we will be prepared with our stable families, technology, communities, and the infrastructure needed to rebuild Western nations for the glory of God. Those who put their faith in themselves, in national politics, in politicians, or in anything other than Jesus Christ will be doomed to disappointment and failure.

As I wrote in our best-selling book Christian Nationalism:

We can and must reclaim and maintain our townships, school boards, and counties. Then our state legislatures. Then the entire nation. In order to do so we must exit the beast system completely and build our own parallel Christian society, lying in wait for their system to collapse which is when the Godly infrastructure we have built will fill the vacuum. We must support, start, and grow Christian-owned businesses. We must stop using the technology tools of the enemy and start building and using our own. Christian Nationalism pg. 54

Christian Nationalism isn’t about trying to reclaim or takeover the existing political system. We don’t want to preserve or control the failed and dying political framework that is liberal democracy. We want to reclaim our families, local communities, churches, and most importantly: our own minds. Trying to reclaim the existing political system is like trying to become the captain on the Titanic as it is sinking. America has hit several icebergs. They are taking down the ship whether we like it or not.

Christian Nationalists must build our own ark and sail to better waters. That’s what we are doing here at Gab: building a digital ark and empowering tens of millions of people to build arks for their families, local communities, businesses, and churches.

In many ways we are no different than the first century Christians. It feels like God is hitting the reset button on Christendom and we are being tasked with rebuilding the great Cathedrals which have been all but overtaken by the Synagogue of Satan. We will likely never see the completion of these new Cathedrals in our lifetimes, but by the Grace of God our kin will if we start laying the foundation today.

How To Fight Back

The Globalists can subvert and control the entire American political system, but they can’t stop you from starting a family and being fruitful as God commands. They can’t stop you from being happy despite their control and chaos. They can’t stop you from worshipping Christ. They can’t stop you from getting healthy and eliminating sin and vice from your life.

You want to fight back? This is how: focus on what you can control. You can control how you raise your children. You can control the content you consume. You can control what you eat and what you do with your time. You can control how and where you spend your money. Focus on these things and stop being so concerned and absorbed in things beyond your control, like national politics.

Gab’s Focus for 2023

Our content theme at Gab in 2023 is going to be focused on producing, promoting, and elevating people and businesses who provide resources and information on: Homesteading, Homeschooling, and Homemaking. We are working towards building a digital Christian nation that operates in parallel to the corrupt American kingdom and its wicked culture. That kingdom is not ours. It will fall. It’s time to start acting like it and building for the glory of God’s Kingdom. We hope you’ll join us.

I know I am not alone in this type of thinking because I’ve made many posts on this topic in recent months and these concepts are resonating with people who are disillusioned, disgusted, and demoralized with the state of things.

I’m here to tell you that a Parallel Christian Society is not only possible, it’s happening right now on Gab and in small communities across the nation. Do not despair. God is judging our nation, but we must remain His faithful and obedient children who keep the faith and trust Him even when times get tough. The time to repent and follow Jesus Christ is right now. Take the leap of faith and go all in.

To Him be the glory and honor and power forever amen.

Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of kin

So, will Mr. Torba object if a Gabber chooses not to accept Jesus Christ as his own personal savior and "believe" in unreal, otherworldly afterlife in Jewish Heaven or Hell? It doesn't sound like he will.

In 2022 we went through the rather complicated process of signing up for his GabPay financial service, the alternative to all of the Jew-controlled online financial services that have denied service to us, and it was declined for some reason. I'm not sure why.
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Re: Gab and Religious Liberty

Post by Richard_G_603 » Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:01 pm

Christian nationalism is just a face of the doctrine of post-millennialism (the belief that Christ will not return until after the entire world has been converted to Christianity and a Christian theocracy is over the face of the earth), and it really finds a lot of traction these days among dis-enfranchised conservative Christians. It's a pendulum swing from the obsession in the later decades of the last and first decade of the current century to the pre-millennialism doctrine (that the world will continue to get worse until Christ comes in wrath to destroy it and save his people), largely based in the understanding that it was apathy and separatism, the fundamental libertarian ideal of "leave me alone and I will leave you alone" that allowed the militant left to gain control of the nation in recent years (from their perspective). That they waited in their own private worlds and let the sinners sin, but in doing so they gave them the freedom to acquire power. For the same reason there is an EXPLOSIVE growth in the conservative Roman Catholic circles and the eastern Orthodox circles, two branches of Christianity that have always been amenable to the idea of defending the faith with force when needed.

In my experience in dealing with them (not an inconsiderable amount of experience either, mind you I used to be a Christian pastor) is that though in many ways they reach a lot of similar conclusions as us, far more than most do actually, about the media, government, and finance all actively and intentionally cooperating to destroy society, and the necessity of creating parallels societies to create a social-familial-economic base to provide support and logistics for defiance against our enemies, they will be harder to reach than almost anyone who is not a jew themselves or a brainwashed militant leftist. They are so completely and totaly dedicated into their world-veiw, conditioned and prepared to consider no alternative position, that they are like talking to stone walls, in many ways it is a prison that is currently locking up what would otherwise be some of the best men and women of our race.
In a way I can respect them for that, though I wish they had that devotion to a true cause and not one that will betray them. and I feel it is that level of dedication Dr. Peirce hoped for from members of the Alliance, that he wished when he spoke the words that the Alliance needs to become like a dedicated religious order. That the Alliance would be filled with not just men and women, but Families dedicated to the faith of white biocentrism, the truths of cosmotheism, and would be willing to not just die for the cause, but the harder work of living every day for it with the utmost dedication and sacrifice of self for the good of the Alliance and the White race.

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Will Williams
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Re: Gab and Religious Liberty

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:33 pm

Richard_G_603 wrote:
Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:01 pm
They are so completely and totally dedicated into their world-view, conditioned and prepared to consider no alternative position, that they are like talking to stone walls, in many ways it is a prison that is currently locking up what would otherwise be some of the best men and women of our race...
Thanks, Richard. For me, that describes someone like Mr. Torba, who uses the free speech hook to attract those who may have been censored on Jew-owned platforms to build some sort of Christian alternative. Even non-Christian White loyalists fall for it for what they feel is the lack of an alternative free speech platform. Perhaps a Gabber can enlighten me about this?

I'm curious. Does "free speech" advocate Torba, who admits he's a troll for Jesus, tolerate any criticism on Gab of his "Jesus Christ is the King of kings" sermons. I suspect, were I able to comment on Gab about this article sent to me today by him, that it would likely be blocked, though I agree with his title because My Work (as NA Chairman) and My Faith (Cosmotheism) Are Not Separate.

In fact I do not believe in separation of Church and State -- not in a future National Alliance State, anyway. Religious liberty in a State should not include organized beliefs that are opposed to the interests of its organized White citizenry. That would be stupid and counterproductive. Think the State of Israel. Torba worships their tribal god so I assume he must also believe they are chosen by their imaginary daddy up in the sky. :roll:

I am of the same mind as our Russian member Wolf Stoner that we cannot compromise with White Christians when it comes to building our new White World. We will not be worshipping the Jew's god. We can see in Mr. Torba's piece below why our Cosmotheism and his Christianity are entirely incompatible.


Your Work and Your Faith Are Not Separate
By Andrew Torba
13 January 2023

Our men’s group at church is doing a study on the book Lies Men Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free by Robert Wolgemuth. We were tasked with picking one of the lies to teach and give a testimony on.

To start, I highly recommend the book. It’s a very easy read and you can jump around to the different lies you might be telling yourself right now to learn a lot. I scanned the list of lies and stumbled on lie number twenty-nine “my faith and my work are unrelated.” It sounded a lot like the lie that I was telling myself for many years when I started my first business. The same lie I believed when I began my journey chasing fame and fortune in Silicon Valley. I knew this was the lie I would teach on.

The chapter starts out with the story of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, who the authors notedly point out is someone we forever think of as a “troll.” I laughed out loud when I read this because I certainly consider myself to be a troll in the context of online discourse. Now of course the context for Zacchaeus is different—troll referring to his height— but the use of the word in this chapter still spoke to me as a confirmation that I had picked the right lie to teach on.

The authors point out that Zacchaeus was a “notorious sinner,” and aren’t we all? This certainly caused people to grumble when Jesus wanted to spend time directly with him. In Luke 19:8 we learn that Zacchaeus was repentant of his sins when he says “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything I restore it fourfold.”

Zacchaeus was demonstrating that he was prepared to follow Christ in every area of his life including with his money and his work. We must be willing to follow his example. Our culture doesn’t care that Jesus is the King of our own precious little hearts in private, but the second we say that Jesus is the King of kings and that all nations belong fully to His authority; suddenly the worldly culture has a big problem with us.

The authors note Matthew 5:14-16, which states “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before there, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

We aren’t called to be Christians on Sunday or only in the privacy of our own homes. We must live for all of Christ, all of our life, in every area of our lives. Including at work. Men often convince themselves of the lie that they need to hide their faith at work in order to advance or prevent someone at work from getting “offended.” This is a big lie. One that I told myself for years.

When I started my first business I was living a double life. I was “Tech Entrepreneur Andrew” during the week and “Christian Andrew” at home and on the weekends. Matthew 6:24 tells us that “No man can serve two masters: for he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Is this not exactly what we are doing when we tell ourselves this lie? By the grace of God after many years I had finally recognized that I was telling myself this lie and it was time to make a choice. I could go all-in on “Worldly Tech Entrepreneur Andrew” or I could become Christian Tech Entrepreneur Andrew and serve Christ and others with my work. The choice was clear. I was going to start living out my faith and glorifying God in every area of my life, including my work.

What did that look like for me? It meant that I stopped being afraid to share Bible verses online in front of millions of people. It means I no longer fear sharing my spiritual struggles and battles. I no longer had to put on a “business mask” and hide my true thoughts, opinions, and views on controversial-but-important subjects—including faith.

I considered my work not something that was being done to benefit me, but rather something I was doing to glorify God and serve others. That made all the difference. The attacks on both myself personally and on my business increased, but God was faithful. He protected both the business and my family while providing more than I could have possibly imagined.

Rejecting this lie and living out your faith at work is going to look different for everyone, but one of the best ways we can demonstrate God’s love is simply by doing our very best and committing to excellence in our work for the glory of God no matter what that work may be.

The authors used a quote from Martin Luther that I thought hit this point well. “The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”

Our society is desperately lacking people who care about their work and go the extra mile to strive for excellence. So much so that when you find someone who does their work well you can’t help but notice them. That’s your opportunity to share the Gospel.

Bad things happen when a society stops building and working for the glory of God and only does the bare minimum—if that—to get collect a paycheck. If you look around in your daily life you’ll find horrible service, child-like mistakes and errors, and foolish workers who are incompetent from blue-collar to white-collar jobs and everywhere in between.

I stumble across total incompetence everywhere in our society daily—including from people, businesses, and “professionals” you’d never expect. As a business owner, I have to be on top of every detail to catch other people’s incompetence. It’s frustrating, but if I don’t do it my business will pay the price for someone else’s lack of care and attention to detail.

As 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” This is what we must remember to overcome this lie. People will notice when you do your work well with a commitment to excellence for the glory of God.

The Truth of this chapter is: “our faith and our work cannot be compartmentalized; we should faithfully serve Him and others in everything we do.”

Amen to that.

Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is the King of kings
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Re: Gab and Religious Liberty

Post by RCavallius » Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:02 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:33 pm

I'm curious. Does "free speech" advocate Torba, who admits he's a troll for Jesus, tolerate any criticism on Gab of his "Jesus Christ is the King of kings" sermons. I suspect, were I able to comment on Gab about this article sent to me today by him, that it would likely be blocked, though I agree with his title because My Work (as NA Chairman) and My Faith (Cosmotheism) Are Not Separate.
Yes, he tolerates such criticisms and no your comment would not be blocked.

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Will Williams
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Re: Gab and Religious Liberty

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:38 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:02 am
Will Williams wrote:
Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:33 pm

I'm curious. Does "free speech" advocate Torba, who admits he's a troll for Jesus, tolerate any criticism on Gab of his "Jesus Christ is the King of kings" sermons. I suspect, were I able to comment on Gab about this article sent to me today by him, that it would likely be blocked, though I agree with his title because My Work (as NA Chairman) and My Faith (Cosmotheism) Are Not Separate.
Yes, he tolerates such criticisms and no your comment would not be blocked.
I find that difficult to believe. So, were I to put a comment on his Gab site under his letter above, that said the following, I could continue commenting in the same vein? Really?:
With all due respect, Andrew, your Jesus, the alleged King of the Jews, according to your bible (Matthew 27:11, for example), is not real, nor is your worship of his daddy Yahweh/Jehovah up in the sky grounded in reality. My non-universalist religion, Cosmotheism, on the other other hand, the religion for our White kinsmen, founded by Dr. William Pierce is grounded in reality. He investigated Nature and Nature's eternal laws scientifically as a physicist, a European-American man of his race, repudiating the ancient Semitic creed that originated in the Middle-East, requiring gullibility, blind fairh and superstation of its followers, etc. etc...
I could go on with that sound line of debate countering his Jesus juice, without ranting, providing links to our Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future bible and to our Alliance Websites for his followers, but the admitted troll for Jesus would not be happy with my brand of free speech any more than the Jews at Google, Faceberg or Tweeter have been.
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