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Varietes of White Religious Experience

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:04 pm
by Will Williams
Varietes of White Religious Experience
Andrew Hamilton
January 9, 2011

It seems highly significant that so many who become active in the racialist cause finally feel more or less compelled to search for a spiritual foundation upon which to solidly ground their beliefs and ultimately their entire approach to life.

Cosmotheism, the Church of the Creator, Christian Identity, Norse paganism . . . the list could be extended.

One extension that should be briefly examined, if only because it is so startling and counterintuitive, is the deification of Adolf Hitler. Savitri Devi was of this school—and it was Pierce who reprinted her The Lightning and the Sun in Issue No. 1 (Spring 1966) of George Lincoln Rockwell’s intellectual journal, National Socialist World, of which he was editor.

Pierce authored a cover story on Hitler, “The Measure of Greatness,” in National Vanguard No. 110 (March-April 1989), in which he identified the German leader as “the greatest man of our era—a man who dared more and achieved more, who set his aim higher and climbed higher, who felt more deeply and stirred the souls of those around him more mightily, who was more closely attuned to the Life Force which permeates our cosmos and gives it meaning and purpose, and did more to serve that Life Force, than any other man of our times.”

He observed that “Adolf Hitler started literally from nothing and through the exercise of a superhuman will created the physical basis for the realization of his vision.” This same philosophical idealism—semi-miraculous materialization or creation out of mind and spirit—is captured in the title of Leni Riefenstahl’s famous film The Triumph of the Will.

In “Lincoln Rockwell: A National Socialist Life” (National Socialist World, Winter 1967, subsequently republished as a booklet), Pierce refers to Hitler mystically as “The Leader.”

Rockwell biographer William Schmaltz describes religious ceremonies involving photos of Hitler, the National Socialist flag, candles, and related paraphernalia, and in his Rockwell booklet Pierce mentions a series of intense dreams Rockwell experienced “nearly every night for a period of several weeks” while working as an advertising salesman in Atlanta during the winter of 1957-58. In each of them he was ushered into a small room in which Adolf Hitler was waiting, alone. The moment they met, the dreams ended.

“Always a skeptic where the supernatural was concerned,” Pierce writes, “he was certainly not a man easily influenced by omens. But there can be no doubt that he attached special significance” to the dreams.

“One can most easily interpret these dreams as a case of autosuggestion,” Pierce continues, “but in the light of later developments Rockwell considered them as a symbolic summons, a beckoning onto the path for which he was then still groping.” Rockwell never wrote about the dreams and related them to only a few people.

Hitler deification has been perpetuated to the present by Matt Koehl and the Wisconsin-based New Order. Koehl was formerly a top Rockwell lieutenant. It is quite interesting to examine their material from the religious point of view.

This search for a spiritual foundation, though initially provoked, I suspect, by the intense persecution, discrimination, and hatred to which whites have been subjected for more than a century, is probably necessary if we are to stop making “mistakes based on shortsightedness, mistakes from not being able to give any real weight to anything but the immediate problem, mistakes from not thinking far enough ahead.”

In Pierce’s account, it was the snide, genocidal hatred expressed by brainwashed white kids and a Jewish boy that provoked his own search for first principles.

Finally, I should add that Professor Robert S. Griffin’s intellectual biography, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds (2001), contains several informative chapters elaborating upon the development of Pierce’s spiritual views: Chap. 4, “George Bernard Shaw,” Chap. 5, “Adolf Hitler,” Chap. 13, “Our Cause,” and Chap. 14, “Cosmotheism.”

In the last-mentioned chapter, Pierce describes how the Cosmotheist Community (later the Cosmotheist Community Church) evolved out of Sunday night lectures he gave in Arlington, Virginia in the early 1970s.

Sometimes he talked about race, sometimes about religion. Members of his audience responded differently—some were more interested in race, others in religion. When he talked about religion, “I could see the eyes glaze over in the first group.”

So he split the group up.

He said, “I also talked to the Cosmotheist group about how anything that has ever made an impact and shaped people’s lives has been more than just an idea. It has been an idea with a concrete embodiment. It not only had a doctrine, it had rituals and songs and priestly vestments, things like that.”

Re: Varietes of White Religious Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:14 pm
by Cosmotheist
Cosmotheism in Savitri Devi
Savitri Devi
1,169 words ... itri-devi/


Editor’s Note:

R. G. Fowler published the following extracts from Savitri Devi’s Defiance under the title “The Superman: The Purpose of the Universe, the Meaning of Life.” I am reprinting it here because of the resemblance to William Pierce’s philosophy of Cosmotheism. For more on Cosmotheism, click here.

Defiance, Centennial Edition, p. 61:

“My firm conviction. . . is that the highest purpose of life is to forward the growth of a superior humanity, whose role is to rule a healthy world. No means are too ruthless that can bring us nearer to that goal.”

Defiance, Centennial Edition, p. 234:

“The divinely ordained differences, expression of the impersonal will of the Sun, can only be maintained, nay, increased, according to the highest purpose of Creation which is to evolve perfect types, if each race is maintained pure,” said I. “And that is why, knowingly or unknowingly echoing the wisdom of ages, a great German of today, a close collaborator of the Führer has written: ‘Only in pure blood does God abide’.”

Defiance, Centennial Edition, pp. 303–304:

Slowly the sky darkened; the stars appeared; night came.

I tried to ponder over the staggering distances that separated me from those mysterious suns in space; to detach myself from all that was of this earth. But somehow, I always came back to our planet.

Gazing at a bright green star that twinkled in the midst of so many others, I said to myself: “Those rays of light have perhaps travelled for years to meet my eye. For years, at the rate of 300,000 kilometres a second! How far away that makes the burning centre from which they emanate; and how small that makes the earth—my earth that bears all I love! A mere speck on the shores of limitless, fathomless space, my earth, with its wars, its religions, its songs! Still, it is only through this little earth that I can love that endless Universe. The marvel of this earth is not Pascal’s sickly ‘thinking’ Christian, who despises the majestic Universe because he believes it less precious than his silly conceited self in the eyes of his all-too-human Yiddish god; no, the highest form of life on this planet is the healthy, handsome, fearless Aryan who follows his racial logic to the bitter end; the perfect National Socialist—the one creature who collectively and consciously, lives up to a cosmic philosophy that exceeds both himself and the earth, infinitely; a philosophy in which man’s ties, man’s happiness, man’s life and death, man’s individual ‘soul’ (if he has such a thing) do not count; in which nothing counts but the creation, maintenance, and triumph of the most dynamic and harmonious type of being: of a race of men indeed ‘like unto the Gods’; of men in tune with the grandeur of starry space.”

I knew that I had exalted that superhuman ideal, that proud, hard, logical, divine Nazi philosophy, in my book, and that my book was lost. I tried to tell myself: “What does it matter, since the doctrine is eternal? Since it is the true philosophy of Life, right through starry space, for aeons and aeons? Since, if that green star of which the radiance takes several light-years to reach us has living worlds revolving around it, the mission of those worlds is the same as that of ours: namely, through love and strife, to realise the Divine in the proud consciousness of superior races, or to perish?” And I remembered my challenge to the silly Democrats in Chapter 5 of my lost book: “You cannot ‘de-Nazify’ Nature!” [This sentence probably appeared in the manuscript of Gold in the Furnace, but it does not appear in the published edition, in Chapter 5 or anywhere else. The closest approximation, which does appear in Chapter 5, is: “. . . they could not de-Nazify the Gods” (Gold in the Furnace, 3rd ed., p. 61).—R. G. Fowler]

Defiance, Centennial Edition, pp. 334–35:

[National Socialism] aimed at stemming the physical and moral decay of modern, technically “advanced” humanity by forcing it—by forcing its racial élite, at least—to live in accordance with the ultimate purpose of Nature, which is not to make individuals “happy,” nor even to make, nations “happy,” but to evolve supermankind—living godhead—out of the existing master races, first of all, out of the pure Aryan. Happiness is a bourgeois conception, definitely. It is not our concern. We want animals to be happy—and inferior men, also, to the extent their happiness does not disturb the New Order. We believe higher mankind has better things to do. The Aryan world, remoulded by us after our final triumph, will no longer think in terms of happiness like the decadent world of today. It will think in terms of duty—like the early Vedic world, the early Christian world, the early Islamic world; like the world at the time of any great new beginning. But it will, in spirit, resemble the early Vedic world far more than either the Christian or the Islamic. For the duty it will live for will not be the duty to love all men as oneself, nor to consider them all as potential brothers in faith; it will be the duty to love the integral beauty of one’s race above oneself and above all things, and to contribute to its fullest expression, at any cost, by any means, because such is the divine purpose of Nature.

Defiance, Centennial Edition, p. 342:

“It is the superior man’s business to feel happy in the service of the highest purpose of Nature which is the return to original perfection—to supermanhood. It is the business of every man to be happy to serve that purpose, directly or indirectly, from his natural place, which is the place his race gives him in the scheme of creation. And if he cannot be? Let him not be. Who cares? Time rolls on, just the same, marked by the great Individuals who have understood the true meaning of history, and striven to remould the earth according to the standards of the eternal Order, against the downward rush of decay, result of life in false­hood—the Men against Time.”

Defiance, Centennial Edition, p. 345–46:

“The ‘duty’ in the name of which the action is done must really be duty—not any fanciful ‘obligation’; not the pursuit of any personal or even human goal; it must have nothing to do with the satisfaction or happiness of individuals, no matter how many those individuals be (numbers do not count). It must be in harmony with the supreme goal of Nature, which is the birth of a god-like humanity. In other words, the only ideal in the service of which the infliction of suffering and death is justified, is the triumph or the defence of the one world-order capable of bringing forth a god-like humanity. That alone can justify anything, for that alone is, in the words of the Bhagavad-Gita, ‘the welfare of the world’.”


PS--See also:
http://aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogs ... chive.html

Re: Varietes of White Religious Experience

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:31 pm
by UnknownSoldier8
Devi was Hindu (an Aryan religion). Hinduism is not quite a hoax like the Semitic Judaism and Christianity, but it does still carry within it certain superstitions, left over from past ages. Being modern, Cosmotheism strips superstition away, but does it provide a genuine spiritual experience? Your thoughts.

Re: Varietes of White Religious Experience

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:29 am
by Jim Mathias
UnknownSoldier8 wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:31 pm
Devi was Hindu (an Aryan religion). Hinduism is not quite a hoax like the Semitic Judaism and Christianity, but it does still carry within it certain superstitions, left over from past ages. Being modern, Cosmotheism strips superstition away, but does it provide a genuine spiritual experience? Your thoughts.
The innate drive towards perfection is an Aryan characteristic in the best of our kind, and we acknowledge and strive towards it as our nature dictates us to do. The giants among us have fleshed this out in their communications with the rest of us as being of a life-philosophy, or religion if you will. Embrace it as we do, it is your spiritual inheritance and destiny.

Re: Varietes of White Religious Experience

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:54 am
by UnknownSoldier8
How can I become initiated when ready?

Re: Varietes of White Religious Experience

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:51 pm
by White Man 1
The first step is to purchase a copy of "Cosmotheism" and read it front to back. This will give you a much clearer understanding of who we are and what we are going to do. Once you do that you can write to Cosmotheist Books, PO box 4 Mountain City TN for more information on becoming a member of the church.