Wolf Stoner on Cosmotheism and brother wars

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Will Williams
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Wolf Stoner on Cosmotheism and brother wars

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:50 pm

Even though Wolf has his own section here in WB's Provenance section, and his "Words of Wolf Stoner" topic thread, this article stands alone as his definitive testament to the National Alliance, to Cosmotheism, and to William Pierce who founded them both back in the early to mid 1970s.

This was also put up today on National Alliance's online magazine where it will get wider readership: https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/06/wa ... eutrality/ Everyone is encouraged to spread this essay far and wide.

Сall for neutrality

First of all I need to state the main guiding principle from which must follow all
our deliberations. Racial identity is the supreme factor that defines all other aspects;
ethnic and cultural identity is a secondary factor. It means that narrow national
interests must never dominate our thinking, especially when these interests come into
conflict with wider racial interests. This is the main lesson from both world wars. The
inability of White people to see and understand their common racial interests led to
civilizational disaster the long-term results of which we can witness now.

This basic principle of the priority of racial interests above everything else
requires thorough reevaluation of all aspects in life, all mental patterns and
mainstream dogmas. Therefore, it inevitably leads to many conflicts as with other
people so with your own long-established ideas and opinions. It is a difficult task that
must be accomplished on the individual level by all those who want to go along this path
of Cosmotheist truth. Race is the supreme and most obvious manifestation of the
Nature’s Grand Design or Creator’s design; the codified blueprint of this design. All
other aspects of life, all civilizational patterns, follow from this primary source.

Therefore, the shortest and surest way to this ultimate truth is through adoption of
racial Cosmotheist worldview. It automatically chops off all unnecessary and superficial
trappings and removes mists and clouds of mainstream mentality.

But this worldview is possible only for intellectually courageous people; for those
who don’t fear to see the reality in all its nakedness; those who don’t fear to be alone
among surrounding crowds. Very few would dare to engage on such a path. Our
advantage is that we don’t need to start it by ourselves and absolutely alone. We were
already shown the path and we have an example, we have an established pattern. The
main achievement of Dr. William Luther Pierce was the creation of this mental pattern.

He was the first to clearly and unambiguously define these racial and spiritual truths in
their pure scientific form.

Therefore, our task is greatly simplified. We can build our work on this strong
foundation. The entire blueprint was created and the whole building of the new White
civilization was staked out. Our task consists in following this blueprint, correctly
interpret its precepts and to guard all those staked-out landmarks, not allowing
anyone to move them.

In more practical terms it means always to follow the supreme racial interests and
never to deviate into narrow ethnic interpretation of events. This approach is bound to
put us in conflict with many ethnic nationalists who think according to more primitive,
shortsighted patterns. The path of truth is never an easy one. It must not scare us to
oppose the majority. Neither Bruno nor Copernicus were public favorites. The
more elevated truth you preach the more opposition it meets. The majority of humans
are too shortsighted and too lazy to accept and to understand anything that lies
beyond their mental scope. Therefore, the prevalent public hostility toward our views
must be perceived as a sign of honor; as confirmation of our truth. If we were wrong,
no one would bother to vilify us so virulently and so obsessively. No one vilifies flat-
earth freaks or perverts because their mental deviations don’t threaten the system.

You can engage in any insanity and society would forgive you and look at you with
understanding and compassion. But if you dare to go along the path of truth and to
understand more than mainstream crowd, the system and its mainstream supporters
would never forgive it or make any concessions to you. You instantly become the
main enemy: someone who knows the main secret, who possess supreme power,
because knowledge is power. Those who know the key idea automatically rise above
all others. It is a pure power struggle. Our understanding of the Natural reality and true
moving forces of society puts us in a superior position to all others; first of all to the
System. It is why we are considered the greatest danger by this System. It is why it
tries its utmost to vilify us and to silence us.

But they are not the main enemies, because for us they are nothing more
than natural factors in the overall equation of Life. We don’t hate anyone because we
understand the natural place of all those people and social forces. It is why they are
powerless against us. Their hatred breaks against our cold indifference. We cannot
hate flies or mosquitos or even rats. We study them and find ways to negate their
pernicious influence. But it would be unnatural for any higher being to hate more
primitive life forms. When they call us “haters” they project their own feelings; they
suppose that we feel for them the same that they feel for us. They can’t even imagine
our true attitude toward them. It is too natural. It must be so. We can understand their
motives, but they never can understand ours. The natural evolutionary
hierarchy makes it this way. Whatever their numbers and their overall biomass, they
will always remain who they are and they will never become anything even remotely
resembling us. The subconscious understanding of this fact makes them even more
angry; feeling their powerlessness before this supreme Law of Nature.

Hierarchy is the supreme principle of Nature; no one can reject it or bypass it.
Some people can understand more, some people less. In itself it isn’t a problem, as
long as people with lesser understanding are ready to follow those with greater
understanding. All problems start to emerge when people with limited understanding
try to command everyone else and even try to silence those who have much greater
understanding. This conflict has been the main reason for all social problems. Its mechanism
is very complicated and can’t be discussed in the framework of this article. I mention it
here in order to show that truth is never in a direct correlation with public support.

Much more frequently it has a reverse correlation. It is why the level of public approval
of our ideas must never bother us because it can never be a true gauge of validity of
anything. People tend to believe any nonsense and to reject the most precious things.

The triumph of Christianity is the best testimony to this fact. Believe in this nonsense is
the most obvious manifestation of inability of independent thinking among the greater
part of people; or, at least, a testimony of cowardly conformism. In any case, such a
crowd can never be perceived as a knowledgeable jury that can competently decide
the validity of your opinions. We must completely free ourselves from the shackles of
public opinion. They think what was ordered to think or what was inserted into their
minds. Only a tiny minority has the ability of independent logical thinking. All others are
simply not made this way. They were never supposed to understand anything beyond
their immediate material needs. It is natural; it is how Nature ordered all things. It is
how this hierarchical principle works among humans.

I never mean to be acceptable for the many. It doesn’t matter whether someone likes
my ideas or not. The only thing that matters is whether they are logical, or not. The
only kind of conformity that we must bother about is conformity to logic and
Natural Law. If we conform to them, anything else doesn’t matter; even if all modern
social laws and ideas contradict our ideas and values. It simply doesn’t matter. As well
as the whole society that built its social structure on false premises.

The events of the last year signify the start of this long-awaited catastrophic
change that was inevitable. The whole European society has gone mad. By this term
“European society” I mean all Europeans; Americans, Russians and others in
between. Everything that they do, say and profess is beyond logic. We must not even
bother to analyze all particular aspects of this illness. Be it Russian victory frenzy or
American gay-pride parades or Swedish “refugees welcome” demonstrations. All of
these are the sure signs of collective insanity. Maybe, there can be arguments about
the diagnosis and severity of the illness, but not about the fact that they are mentally ill. I
would even argue that this illness is incurable. The affected beings can’t be saved; only
new generations could be brought up in more healthy environment and spared this
pitiful fate of their predecessors.

So far we can only observe how this planetary insanity unfolds and what
will follow from it. It is natural, the high price for rejecting the true path and higher
destiny. European insanity is the plague sent by Nature itself; the just punishment for
disobeying the fundamental existential laws; for vilification of the best people of our
race; for indulgent attitude to vices and intolerance toward superiority. The time has
come to atone for all this; to pay the price for degenerate lifestyle.

Most probably we witness the first part of the catastrophic demise of
European civilization as it is. But we must not pity it or try to preserve it. We must not
look backward but always forward. Our task is to think about what is to come, not cry
about what was lost. It is the main difference between us and all kinds of usual
conservative-nationalist crowds. We operate according to logic; they operate
according to their emotional drive. It is why they, in many cases, can’t understand us
and we can’t accept their views.

The higher the observation point the wider perspective you can see. But at the
same time is the lesser number of those who can understand and accept this
perspective. It is predictable and inevitable. My harsh judgements are sure to irritate
someone, even among those who consider themselves as sharing our vision. I don’t
claim to possess ultimate truth. Any idea or theory is relative and has its boundaries
of applicability. And any idea is subjective. It originates in a particular mind that
advances its own interests as it perceives them. Therefore, no human idea or concept
could be proclaimed as universal truth. Yes, everything that I express is highly
subjective and biased. I have no claim on impartiality or universalism. Everything that I
write or say proceeds from my understanding of the White racial interests. It is the
origin of my coordinate system. Because we have nothing else to measure from. All
other coordinate systems are much less reliable and convenient. We must always
measure everything in this racial coordinate system. Only it can provide the most
convenient frame of reference that would allow us to arrange all multiple social
phenomena in their true natural order.

Let’s turn to the more mundane issues. This lengthy introduction was
needed in order to set the framework for what I am going to say.
It is obvious that Putin’s neo-Bolshevik system is by definition anti-White.

Therefore, anyone who tries to portray it as some kind of conservative and traditional
values defender are either profoundly stupid or play dirty games; try to use Kremlin’s
factor for their own local purposes. Trump and Orban are the typical examples of the
second case. All those millions of ordinary Putin’s supporters in the West are simply
blockheads, knowing nothing, neither about history nor about politics. No one in his
right sense would support Putin’s Russia and its insane actions.

But this situation is not an easy one. Although Putin’s Russia is an obvious evil
entity, the globalist West that opposes it isn’t better. It is even worse in the sense that
it is stronger and more efficient. Russia, whatever its cannibalistic intentions, is unable
to achieve its goals for the simple reason of its profound inefficiency.

The western block, despite its decline, is still a very capable and potent force
that can dictate its will to the whole world. It is an evil hybrid that combines European
intellectual achievements with Jewish malicious globalist plans.

This fact puts us in a very difficult position. There is no easy solution; no magic
bullet to solve this dilemma. As frequently happens in computation of differential
equations, you can’t find a precise solution but can only evaluate the given expression
to define its limits. In politics it works similarly. You can’t find a precise solution for a
very complicated situation. There are too many unknown quantities and parameters.
Therefore, the only way is to define the overall expression and to find its limits.
First we need to exclude variants that are unacceptable in all situations.

What is unacceptable for us is creation of the Jewish globalist state that would
control the whole world. It means that any force that opposes it, for whatever reason,
must be considered a positive factor, whatever its other qualities (it is why Iran and
Arab Islamist groups must be considered positive forces).

Both Soviet/post-Soviet Russia and USA, together with the whole western
establishment, are parts of the overall globalist force that rose to the pinnacle of
power after victory in the Second World War. It is the Axis of Evil that holds the whole
world in subjugation for the last 78 years. It is pointless to try to decide who is better
and who is worse in terms of their pernicious ideologies. As I already said, the West is
worse because it is stronger.

Despite of their victory against Europe in 1945, these anti-White monsters
were not able to enjoy in full the fruits of their victory. The decades immediately
following the end of WW2 were consumed by intense rivalry between these two
globalist predators. They both had similar ideologies but they both wanted to achieve
absolute global supremacy on their own. The whole Cold War was a turf war between
these rival gangs. The western gang had won. The Eastern gang was temporarily put
out of action. But after three decades it was able to partially reconstitute itself and to
resume this old rivalry.

It must be repeated again and again: this rivalry between two competing globalist
anti-White gangs has nothing to do with our racial interests. The victory by either
would only worsen our situation. The perfect outcome would be if in the process of this
struggle both sides are destroyed; or at least weakened to such an extent as to be
unable to exercise decisive influence on world events.

Yes, the neo-Bolshevik Russia must be destroyed, no questions about it. But the
anti-White western system must be destroyed also. No questions about it, either. Both
sides must suffer a decisive defeat. Not a simple local military defeat but the
overwhelming destruction of their military-political systems. Nothing less will do. The
whole post-WW2 system must be destroyed; by whatever means and at whatever cost.

The good news is that our enemies, themselve, are ready to do this job for us.
Being so consumed with their rivalry, they are ever closer sliding towards an all-out
war. We must not fear it. Actually, maybe, it is the only solution that would allow
freeing the world from this globalist monster; the dragon with eastern and western
heads. If it is the case, any price would be acceptable.

Nothing could be worse than continuation of this post-WW2 system. If the White
Race is to survive, the globalist system must be eliminated. There is no way around it.
For those who doubt the validity of this conclusion, please, reread The Turner Diaries.
In the form of this ostensible fiction Doctor William Luther Pierce left us the logical
blueprint; the mental pattern according to which we must see the world and evaluate
any situation. Don’t fear extreme conclusions. If they are true, they must be accepted,
even if it seems too unusual and too scary; because to follow falsehoods is the much worse
option. The hard truth is much more preferable than a sweet lie.

Someone could argue, that in the case that both centers of global power are
destroyed, other centers would emerge that would take the world -- China first of
all. Yes, when both America and Russia cease to exist, China will remain the only
superpower on the globe. But it will have too many troubles on its hands. It will not be
able to effectively take control of the whole planet because there will be other
competing forces: India, Iran, Arabs and many others. In this chaotic situation the
remnants of the White race will be able to reconstitute themselves and carve out some
lands for their own ethnic states. That will be enough for the future White
reemergence to be the only viable self-organizing force on the planet. In the meantime,
the non-White nations would make such a mess that civilization as such would come to a
standstill. Constant wars of extermination, destruction of environment, depletion of
mineral resources, slump in food production would, essentially, destroy civilization as
it is. As the result, human life will naturally come to its default settings.

Yes, it is bound to be an exceptionally bloody process; very few would survive. But
who said that it must be otherwise? It is the way Nature works. It was always so.
Most probably, we stand on a threshold of the new era. And to cross this
threshold requires throwing away all worn-out vestiges of the bygone era.

Varg Vikernes was absolutely right when he declared that human population is at the
bottleneck through which only few would pass. The period of peaceful life is at its end.
But how should all these theoretical ideas should be related to the immediate events? It
was always a problem. It is a hard task. One thing is to read The Turner Diaries as fiction
and another thing is to implement its tenets in real life. It is the case with any other
philosophical work. Many people fail in this task. They understand and accept the
abstract propositions and ideas but refuse to implement those ideas in real life.

The most important task is to follow those basic tenets of racial struggle. Any
event must be evaluated through that prism. Anything that serves the interests of
the White race is good and everything that harms it is bad. That is very simple but
it must be stringently adhered to.

Russia, since it was taken by Jews in 1917, was the center of anti-White global
forces; therefore, it must be destroyed. All other considerations are secondary.
After WW2 the new anti-White center emerged in the shape of the USA and Western
Europe. It gained absolute supremacy and put aside the original anti-White center in
the form of the Moscow-controlled Communist International.

No one can dispute the obvious fact that now the Jewish-controlled USA is the main
driving force behind hybrid war against the White race. It means that the USA, too,
must be destroyed. It can’t be reformed or even restructured by revolutionary means.

America must cease to exist. The whole notion of America, all its symbols and founding
ideas, anything that in any way is connected to it and sanctifies it, must be destroyed.
America has failed as a White country. It has become an Anti-White global entity.

Therefore, the only way to negate its pernicious influence is to eliminate it completely.
The remaining Whites must establish new states that would be organized entirely on
the racial biological principles. All useless Christian vestiges must be thrown out;
because there is no other way of freeing White race from the Jewish plague. As long as
Whites believe in a Jew-savior there will be no hope for any real racial salvation.
In more practical sense it necessitates for us to remain neutral in the ongoing war
between two globalist rivals. Both sides are our enemies.

Yes, Ukrainians fight for their ethnic identity but their struggle is used by the
Western Jewish system for advancing its agenda. The Ukrainian society is more and
more incorporated into the overall Jewish-dominated, western mental sphere. Using soft
power, and as a part of the assistance package, the West compels Ukrainian society to
“accept western values,” which means all those abominations that we can see in USA.
Therefore, even understanding and appreciating the Ukraine’s struggle and
acknowledging legitimacy of all its military aims, we cannot take sides in this conflict.
To do so would mean supporting the Biden administration and the European Union that
do their utmost to exterminate White race.

It means that the only available option is to remain neutral; friendly to the Ukrainians
ethnic liberation struggle but hostile to both globalist monsters that are equally alien
and unacceptable for us.

One question must be clarified. There are racially aware people who fight on
the Ukrainian side. Their position is understandable. But I would advise them to spare
themselves for the much more important future struggle. I don’t think that it is a worthy
aim to fight for a slice of land, which in any outcome would belong either to Moscow
Jews or to Kiev’s Jews. Jews are laughing at us when seeing how easily we are triggered
into hostility against each other. We must break this vicious pattern that repeated
itself for more than a century. At least all racially conscious people must stop
participating in any kind of hostilities that benefit our main racial enemy.
The only war that can be justified is a racial war. All other wars are useless and
harmful because don’t lead to achievement of higher racial goals.

I call for all racially aware people to stop supporting either side of the conflict and
stop advancing propagandist lines of either side in this conflict. It is not our war. It is
not a war that advances White racial interests.

The position of the National Alliance leadership on this issue from the very start
was consistent and logical. It didn’t support either side in this war because heavy Jewish
influence is obvious on both sides. And this influence to a great extent defines the war
aims and official ideology of both sides. Both sides “fight Nazis.” Let them do that for the
time being. We must have nothing in common with it.

But, at the same time this war could lead to global changes that would give new
opportunities for us; the opportunities for creation of real White ethnic states.
It means that the only wise and advisable position for all racially aware people
throughout the world is to keenly observe the situation, make right conclusions and to
prepare for the really important events, which are sure to come.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Wolf Stoner on Cosmotheism and brother wars

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:32 am

My take from this excellent essay is that we Whites who can be reached to our Cosmotheist point of view, whether in part or in whole, consciously or instinctively, should view our survival racially and on a marathon-like basis. These are hard times, and they're going to get much harder. Learning to simply survive racially, which means individually as well, and avoid being drawn into conflicts involving those who wish us dead is essential. As said above, not everyone is going to make it but if we will, then at the other end we shall. I believe that those of our race who are more likely to get there will be the Cosmotheist community-builders among us.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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