15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Fundamental ideas
Benjamin Bice

Re: 15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:57 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:14 pm
Benjamin Bice wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 1:34 am

Thats great! Maybe this young man will Join the NA. It took me awhile to join. Like 20 years or something, actually. Maybe he will also learn how to commune with someone who is by far his elder, is already a dues paying member/supporter and who has known about Dr. WLP and Cosmotheism far longer than he has in an APPROPRIATE manner.
We are getting way off topic here. Ben, don't be so quick to criticize RichardG. He is a valued member of our forum. Give Richard time to join; it took you 20 years! He has explained to us why he has been unable to join at this time. Pay attention and don't shoot from the hip at another forum memberr. We just picked up the July BULLETIN from the printer this afternoon and will mail it Monday with the following tribute to Dr. Pierce in it, written by Richard:
When informed that there is a topic in the popular Ideology and Philosophy section on the large Stormfront discussion board, with well over a half million views since it was started in 2007, entitled, "Is William Pierce Dead Forever," forum member RichardG. gave us his answer to that question:

He is not dead forever, he is not even dead today. Yes, the body and consciousness of Dr. Pierce are no longer here in our presence; the functions of these two things have ceased for 20 years now. And we call this death. But there is a second death, a greater death, a truer death that men must face, and that is the last time someone will speak your name, honor your memory, and think about who you were as a person during your short time on this earth. This second death is the fate of most of us, as even our descendants will forget us in time, few are known past their great grandchildren.
But a man, a hero, a paragon like Pierce, who lived as a martyr for his people because of his profound love for them and endured that hardship with unshakeable resolve and iron will, will never know the second death. He has transcended his earthly coil in death to become something greater than he ever could have been in life, a legend, a symbol, an ideal. Though he believed in no afterlife, he has life eternal in this form. He will now live in the hearts of our people eternally as a man who single handedly shaped the entire course of human destiny, no different than Alexander and Caesar, or Plato and Socrates. His words and deeds will be written on the hearts and minds of all our people to come, and by that he will live on eternal in those hearts and minds. So long as a single son of the North and a single daughter of Europa draw breath and understand their place in the Creator's divine will of self realization, Dr. William Pierce will not die.
He has become a part of the racial consciousness of our people, part of our race soul. So long as European men live, so does Pierce. His words and ideas will guide us through this treacherous period in which we now find ourselves, until, once again, our race stands as the unquestioned masters of this planet. Then he will guide us forward as we seed the stars with our life and beauty, spreading far and wide as we guarantee our racial survival. Finally, what he has taught will guide us not just as we master our world, but as we master ourselves and climb the spiral stairs of our genetic manifest destiny from the men we are today, to the Higher-man we will be tomorrow, to the godhood that is our purpose. And in that godhood will be the life, the words and deeds of Dr. William Luther Pierce, eternal and undying. -RichardG.on WhiteBiocentrism.com forum on 23 July, 2022
Ben, I believe you have fallen behind in your pledge commitment to NA. Please try to catch up.
I've sent $60 twice this year for the first two quarters of 2022. $120 for half a year: January - June 2022. I believe that $20 per month is the minimum pledge. I'm not making enough money send more than the minimum. I'm having a really hard time getting out and making money right now with the current summer heat combined with my health/blood pressure problems that I am on medication for (I also have to pay for that). Not to mention I was recently ill and missed nearly two weeks of work. I plan on sending another $60 in September if that is at all possible, which is right for paying dues on a quarterly basis as I have been doing so far this year. That is of course unless you don't want my money and don't need me as a member/supporter of the National Alliance. If that is the case, Mr. Williams, feel free to let me know, and I will then proceed to free up my money and efforts for other endeavors.

Benjamin Bice

Re: 15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:02 pm

Richard_G_603 wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:00 pm
Benjamin Bice wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 1:34 am
Jim Mathias wrote:
Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:00 am
Benjamin, meet Richard. Richard, Benjamin. It's my belief that Richard's with us somewhat in spirit though not yet on our membership or supporter rolls and yet has had some interesting things to bring. Perhaps this will help to provide a bit of depth: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4525
Thats great! Maybe this young man will Join the NA. It took me awhile to join. Like 20 years or something, actually. Maybe he will also learn how to commune with someone who is by far his elder, is already a dues paying member/supporter and who has known about Dr. WLP and Cosmotheism far longer than he has in an APPROPRIATE manner.
Sir no offense was intended and I do apologize if any was given.
Okay. I believe you, young man. No need to apologize. If you're good with National Alliance leadership, then you're good with me as well. I do believe that you will end up being a National Alliance member. You really already are a member in spirit.

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Will Williams
Posts: 4522
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: 15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:31 am

Benjamin Bice wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:57 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:14 pm
Ben, I believe you have fallen behind in your pledge commitment to NA. Please try to catch up.
I've sent $60 twice this year for the first two quarters of 2022. $120 for half a year: January - June 2022. I believe that $20 per month is the minimum pledge. I'm not making enough money send more than the minimum. I'm having a really hard time getting out and making money right now with the current summer heat combined with my health/blood pressure problems that I am on medication for (I also have to pay for that). Not to mention I was recently ill and missed nearly two weeks of work. I plan on sending another $60 in September if that is at all possible, which is right for paying dues on a quarterly basis as I have been doing so far this year. That is of course unless you don't want my money and don't need me as a member/supporter of the National Alliance. If that is the case, Mr. Williams, feel free to let me know, and I will then proceed to free up my money and efforts for other endeavors.
I checked with our Business Manager, Lana, and, yes, you are caught up through June, but as a supporter, not a member since you've never officially applied for membership. The July BULLETIN that you're entitled to receive as a supporter in good standing was mailed to you yesterday.

You were invited to join WB back in January of 2014 -- ten months before I became NA Chairman -- so you are practically a charter member when we had no idea what the future held for building a new NA. I appreciate your contribution to WB over the past eight years and hope you will eventually join NA, but please be civil and respectful of other members of our forum. We do not need disunity.

I'm sorry to learn about your health issues and hope your fortunes improve.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Benjamin Bice

Re: 15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Post by Benjamin Bice » Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:24 am

Will Williams wrote:
Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:31 am
Benjamin Bice wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:57 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:14 pm
Ben, I believe you have fallen behind in your pledge commitment to NA. Please try to catch up.
I've sent $60 twice this year for the first two quarters of 2022. $120 for half a year: January - June 2022. I believe that $20 per month is the minimum pledge. I'm not making enough money send more than the minimum. I'm having a really hard time getting out and making money right now with the current summer heat combined with my health/blood pressure problems that I am on medication for (I also have to pay for that). Not to mention I was recently ill and missed nearly two weeks of work. I plan on sending another $60 in September if that is at all possible, which is right for paying dues on a quarterly basis as I have been doing so far this year. That is of course unless you don't want my money and don't need me as a member/supporter of the National Alliance. If that is the case, Mr. Williams, feel free to let me know, and I will then proceed to free up my money and efforts for other endeavors.
I checked with our Business Manager, Lana, and, yes, you are caught up through June, but as a supporter, not a member since you've never officially applied for membership. The July BULLETIN that you're entitled to receive as a supporter in good standing was mailed to you yesterday.

You were invited to join WB back in January of 2014 -- ten months before I became NA Chairman -- so you are practically a charter member when we had no idea what the future held for building a new NA. I appreciate your contribution to WB over the past eight years and hope you will eventually join NA, but please be civil and respectful of other members of our forum. We do not need disunity.

I'm sorry to learn about your health issues and hope your fortunes improve.
I appreciate it, Mr. Williams. I am aware that I am officially only a supporter, but I am always going to try to pay at least. minimum dues amounts as if I were an actual member. The technicality of distinction does not bother me. Hell, it took me long enough to even get to where I could send you any money at all - and that is on me. I am starting to struggle once again, as I am becoming limited in how often I am able to get out and hustle up money, but a lot of that is seasonal, and I should be able to pick up the pace again once summer is past. In the meantime, I am trying my best to pay the bills, which I have more of than ever before and to keep up my obligations to NA and such as well. The money is coming so damn slowly that I'm just hoping that I don't go broke and start losing the things and services that I enjoy and find useful before the summer is over. It makes me really consider coming and working with you guys on your property to get away from this damn rat race. I would be very useful as a general/heavy laborer (don't let my smaller physical size fool you) - and I also have writing/editing/publishing skills. I'm even capable of teaching self-defense courses, as I am a trained Catch As Catch Can Grappler. Maybe one day, I will get up the nerve to make that move. I just have to watch my temper. That can be hard. I kind of went off on a security guard at a Walmart today. But that's neither here nor there, and I digress.

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Will Williams
Posts: 4522
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: 15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Post by Will Williams » Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:02 pm

Thanks, Ben. You are welcome to visit us here in TN as a long time supporter in good standing when you're able.

Keep that temper of yours in check, especially when writing on the "Net. Count to ten, or whatever, before hitting "Send." :)
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Benjamin Bice

Re: 15 Carl Sagan Quotes on Life, the Universe, and the Cosmic Perspective

Post by Benjamin Bice » Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:07 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:02 pm
Thanks, Ben. You are welcome to visit us here in TN as a long time supporter in good standing when you're able.

Keep that temper of yours in check, especially when writing on the "Net. Count to ten, or whatever, before hitting "Send." :)

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